1841 William Miller Evidence from Scripture & History - A2Z.org

1841 William Miller Evidence from Scripture & History - A2Z.org

1841 William Miller Evidence from Scripture & History - A2Z.org


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ela, pictnres, and cmeaea Bdh had them aeaed in<br />

evory public place, for the multitude to fall before nnd<br />

worship .Both had theii holy 6re, holy water, and both<br />

claimed to perform miracles ; the one by the res rise of<br />

her wooden oracles, and the other by her uMrpriest<br />

hood. liere, then, we see bow the church, in the fourth<br />

and fifth century, wa~<br />

led over the stumbling-block of<br />

Paganism, to eat eacrificed to idale, and to commlt<br />

fornication.<br />

SO, also, hast thou them that bold the doctrine of the<br />

Nicolaitnns, which thing I hatehaten This doctrine was<br />

pro~nul~nted in the fourth century. See the church hi*<br />

tory, and our former observations.<br />

'~RC nt, or else I will come unto thee quickly, and<br />

will fi$ ngainst them with the sword of my mouth."<br />

Again the Lord calls for repentance, and threatem the<br />

jutl~rncnte of his word upon them that obey not O!<br />

may we hke warning, my brethren, and tempt not the<br />

heavy judgrnonte of God upon us, for our idolatry and<br />

followaliip of that which is not the religion of Jesus.<br />

" Ilo that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit<br />

nnith unto the ch~irches. Tohim that overcometh will<br />

I ivc to oat of the hidden manna, and will givc him a<br />

wfito ~tonc, and in tho stone a new name written, which<br />

no Itinn kmwcth Having he that receiveth itn Again,<br />

all tllnt lir~vo onm arc commanded to hear, and thoee<br />

w110 rolt~niri fnitl~fi~l, that do mt fall awny, receive a<br />

~~n)~uino 01' nj~iritud food, ant1 a name and righteouenea,<br />

wlriclr ~rono cnn know but they who receive ~t.<br />

IN, UAlrtl unto tlic angel of tho church in "l'hyatira<br />

writ^!.^ '1'110 aipification of T&tira is, a neweet<br />

rrvor of 11bl)or or nncrificc and condtiorq" aod is a dewr.ril)tiori<br />

of tlio cl~umh, after sire is driven into the wiltlorrrt~nu<br />

11y tho anti-Clrristian beak This chnrch lasted<br />

111rti1 ~il~ot~t tho tolitli century ; and little of her history<br />

ir k~row~i to tlro world ; but some alitbora have pretended<br />

k~ tnrc:o licr irrto tlre north-west part of Asia, and in the<br />

mrtlr-~nnt part of Europe, where they lived until about<br />

h to~rtl~ cc-ntury, unknown unto the rcet of the world,<br />

w tnkinq but little concern with the nationa arouul<br />

Umn. Yet it in maid they ~tainod religion in ib puri<br />


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