Axis & Allies - damowords

Axis & Allies - damowords

Axis & Allies - damowords


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The Last Grenadier<br />

An old man hobblʹd with his great‐grandsons,<br />

Breathʹd in the dust of the past century,<br />

The distant growl of the Hunʹs howling guns<br />

Awakening his vivid memory;<br />

Tho’ barely sane,<br />

Driven half‐blind with age,<br />

He shufflʹd his frail frame onto that famous stage.<br />

Tween Hougoumont & La Haye‐Saint<br />

His raging nostalgia veerʹd,<br />

Tward that panoramic lion<br />

All his stumbling footsteps veerʹd,<br />

Fifty thousand phantoms upon<br />

Hades ʹrison appearʹd,<br />

Dogs braying fearful from the nearby farms,<br />

All round resounds the mighty clash of arms.<br />

He watchʹd his father hard impalʹd<br />

Upon the scarlet square,<br />

& as he wailʹd the Gaurdsmen failʹd,<br />

His Grand Pa‐Pa led there,<br />

Shielding his cowering grand‐child whilst bayoneted bare.<br />

Waterloo<br />

June 18th<br />

1915<br />

Gallipoli<br />

Kitchenerʹs Churchillian conjecture<br />

Brings battle before Constantinople,<br />

Champagne thrill of Achaean adventure,<br />

The gentle savage, the savage gentle;<br />

“Where are you from”<br />

ʺMelbourne...ʺ ʺWhy are you hereʺ<br />

Senses of soldiers numb led captive to the rear.<br />

The soul of Rupert Brooke releasʹd,<br />

Packs poetry for the trip,<br />

Byronic sortie to the East<br />

& mosquito‐punctured lip,<br />

By volumes his visions increasʹd,<br />

Death climb’d aboard the ship,<br />

For what seemʹd a tayle, epic & Trojan,<br />

Now slowly sluiced with tragical poison.<br />

From sandy cliffs to hills jagged<br />

Sloping from Chunuk Blair,<br />

Up ridge ragged, long trail hagger’d,<br />

Thro hot, wilderness air,<br />

Bluce Slater from Australia spat bullets evʹrywhere.<br />

Turkey<br />

August<br />


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