Axis & Allies - damowords

Axis & Allies - damowords

Axis & Allies - damowords


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First Landing<br />

Night nestled midst the vast financial core<br />

Of the globe’s most massive democracy<br />

Where twenty seven million or more<br />

Live in a state of guarded apathy;<br />

The terror threat<br />

For Mumbaikers distinct<br />

But far too fast to fret their lives in living link’d.<br />

Three old men watched the rubber craft<br />

Slip into their slummy quay<br />

Ten kempt lads leapt ashore & laugh’d<br />

Shaking off the liquid sea<br />

An old man thought this rather daft<br />

& ask’d who could they be<br />

”Mind your business,” spoke a lad in blue<br />

Not in Mharati but in deep Urdu…<br />

They clasp’d each others shoulder‐blades<br />

& there did pray awile<br />

Ten young, outrageous renegades<br />

Into five pairs now file<br />

& flag down five black hackney cabs to fly the final mile.<br />

Mumbai<br />

20.30<br />

A Last Supper<br />

Full unaware he bore Death’s messengers,<br />

Their shifty ambience so strange & cold<br />

Mohammed dropp’d off his young passengers<br />

Outside the bustling Café Leopold;<br />

A famous place<br />

Racing with western dress<br />

Whose smiling, happy face would soon be bloody mess.<br />

At first a hand grenade goes off<br />

In momentary stunning<br />

Unpitying the gunmen scoff<br />

At cowering & running<br />

Aiming their train’d kaleshnikov<br />

At them all down‐gunning –<br />

If you were eating in this place that night<br />

A bullet would have been your only bite!<br />

The gunmen smugly stroll’d outside<br />

Into an empty street<br />

The shutters slide as all folks hide<br />

& fleet are fleeing feet<br />

As two young Muslims move along these murders to repeat.<br />

Colaba<br />


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