Axis & Allies - damowords

Axis & Allies - damowords

Axis & Allies - damowords


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Epiphany<br />

As gradients upend alpinismo<br />

& scientologists can sell no more,<br />

My way was barrʹd by starry oceanʹs flow,<br />

So took a breath of faith & swam for shore;<br />

I close my eyes<br />

ʹTil finger‐tips touch beach,<br />

Above such walls did rise, paradise within reach!<br />

I tip‐toed thro those holy halls<br />

Upon a course collision,<br />

Portraits of saints hung from the walls,<br />

ʺForgive my imposition...ʺ<br />

Tho hoary, Joveʹs glory enthralls,<br />

O beatific vision!<br />

My senses bathʹd in light & swathʹd with awe,<br />

That as I write can recollect no more.<br />

I woke up with rose‐wreathed crown<br />

Gliding by angel wing,<br />

She set me down above the town<br />

Upon a mountain king,<br />

Then soarʹd thro sky, shrinking to raven, thrush, fly, then<br />

nothing.<br />

Aranachala<br />

Prophecies<br />

As mist envellopʹd this ancient volcano<br />

I sensed my verse unravelling no more,<br />

These moments of mine ultimate canto<br />

Preserve the moral message that was war;<br />

One line for all,<br />

One tryptych for each sort,<br />

One poem to recall the aeronaut of thought –<br />

Which turnʹd my mind to poetry<br />

As the sun broke on the plain,<br />

As Homer etchʹd his Oddyssey ‐<br />

This rocky kshetran fane<br />

Guards all my focus wonderf’ly,<br />

The last link in that chain,<br />

Twenty seventh of the twenty seven<br />

Unfolding on the blank fields of Heaven<br />

I saw a flock of braver bird<br />

Move yon the western glow,<br />

Bringing the word, wings undeterrʹd,<br />

To where all futures flow,<br />

Til, ʺNihil humani a me alienum puto!ʹ<br />

Tamil Nadu

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