Axis & Allies - damowords

Axis & Allies - damowords

Axis & Allies - damowords


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Canto II<br />

The destruction of the World Trade Centre<br />

Twin Towers<br />

Twas early morn across America,<br />

New day gracing the Atlantic seaboard<br />

Four seperate Death Squads, vers’d in terror,<br />

Prepared to unsheathe Allah’s sacred sword;<br />

“Can we help you”<br />

The stewardesses sought,<br />

How deftly swift blades drew red lines across the throat.<br />

A sinking feeling swept the zone<br />

Nobody knew what to do,<br />

Up struck a low, whimpering moan<br />

As stark reality grew<br />

they fudged & fumbled with sky phone<br />

ʺRemember I love you!<br />

ʺThe plane has been taken by hijackers<br />

Iʹm scared.... kiss the kids... Please donʹt forget us!<br />

An eye for an eye blinds the world<br />

Ghandi<br />

The red head‐banded arabs cry<br />

Above the engine whine<br />

ʺTis time to die!ʺ their dreamy eye<br />

Seemʹd blest withe divine<br />

As thro the windows rose the distant manhattan skyline<br />

Flight 11<br />

September 11th<br />


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