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The Wayward Son<br />

By (Lauri Maijala/doc_cthulhu)<br />

Talabecland 1<br />

daemons that could cause memorable encounters,<br />

GMs are encouraged to use these as a part of the<br />

common folklore.<br />

The Wayward Son discusses about combining the<br />

Fighting Against the Chaos<br />

Settlement Size Wealth<br />

three one-sheets adventures into a bigger campaign. All Source of these daemons are much Notes more powerful than<br />

It KÜSEL is in no way a complete Town campaign and 4 still requires Trade, regular Grain, greenskins Fish or beastmen. Alcohol (17 They sp), have Flour different (10 sp)<br />

some Dreetz work from the GM. Village However, it will 2 set the Grain ways to alter reality to their liking and to cause harm<br />

framework Lohrafurt for you as the Village GM to create 2 your own Grain, to those Luxury who Foods oppose them.<br />

complete BEK campaign. Small Town 3 Fish, Grain<br />

Freital Village 2 Timber Timber (1 sp per 2 TU)<br />

The Viernau purpose of publishing Village the one-sheets 2 as separate Fish<br />

adventures, Garndorf is to give GMs Village more options 2 as to how and Fish, Grain<br />

when Torpin to use them. There Village are no strict “rails” 2 by which Grain<br />

the Radische scenarios should be run. Village Each GM most 2 likely has Grain<br />

a different HERMSDORF view of how to Small make town the adventures 2 suit Grain, Timber Timber (1 sp per 2 TU)<br />

his/her Ossino gaming group best. Village 1 Fish, Grain Fish (2 sp)<br />

Gostahof Village 2 Timber Timber (1 sp per 2 TU)<br />

Themes Rangenhof Village 2 Fish, Grain<br />

Zutzen Village 2 Cloth, Grain<br />

The main themes for Wayward Son are folklore,<br />

RAVENSTEIN Small Town 3 Fish, Grain, Timber<br />

the supernatural and daemons of chaos. It offers the<br />

Klepzig Village 2 Grain<br />

characters a glimpse of chaos without the standard fare<br />

Unterbaum Village 1 Grain<br />

of cultists, skaven, beastmen and mutations. But only<br />

VOLGEN Town 3 Fish, Grain<br />

if GM wishes so.<br />

Esselfurt Village 2 Fish, Grain<br />

Priestlicheim Village 2 Grain<br />

The Daemons of Chaos<br />

Sudenheim Village 2 Grain<br />

These Welleborn one-sheets all include Village a daemonic 2 being that Grain Ideally the party can not directly fight against them in<br />

taunts Missen and terrifies the characters Village and who 2 must Timber traditional sense, but have Timber to get (1 more sp per creative. 2 TU)<br />

be Zurin confronted. They differ Village from bloodletters 2 and Fish, Grain<br />

plaguebearers TALABHEIM in that they City are not specified 4 in any way. Trade, For Grain, instance: trapping Alcohol the daemon (17 in sp), a protective Flour (10 sp)<br />

More importantly, combat and utter destruction is not Luxury circle Foods, they have Timber(S) learned to See draw Location from an Card old library,<br />

their goal.<br />

TALAGAAD Small Town 3 Trade, contests Fish, of Grain, wills Timber with holy symbols, using various<br />

Bachra Village 2 Grain methods of folklore like pure iron, salt, running water<br />

GMs should describe these entities as strange and<br />

Bad Dankerode Village 2 Grain or daemonsbane.<br />

disturbing and not be concerned with aligning them<br />

Grossreiche Village 2 Grain<br />

to a particular chaos god. In fact misleading players<br />

Harferfahre Village 2 Grain, For Fish those who like to keep things simpler the daemons<br />

about the identity of the daemons could lead to<br />

Hernhausen Village 2 Grain could be treated as traditional adversaries (Blood<br />

interesting situations.<br />

Klarfeld Village 2 Grain hound from ToA p. 57 for Black Dog for example). Or<br />

Kutzleben Village 2 Timber maybe the party could track Timber down (1 Hengstfohlen, sp per 2 TU) the<br />

The folklore of the Empire is filled with these kinds of<br />

Sprotau Village 2 Grain, gun Fish that kills, to vanquish their foes.<br />

daemons, spirits and demigods. Finding information<br />

Vateresche Village 2 Grain<br />

about their identity and how to defeat them can<br />

Waldfahrte Village 2 Grain, Timber Timber (1 sp per 2 TU)<br />

come from musty old tomes or from the characters<br />

themselves. If a player thinks of a way to fight the<br />


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