Base Prospectus - Malta Financial Services Authority

Base Prospectus - Malta Financial Services Authority

Base Prospectus - Malta Financial Services Authority


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The Notes of each Series will be in bearer form, registered form or, in the case of VPS<br />

Notes, uncertificated book entry form.<br />

Each Tranche of Bearer Notes will initially be represented by a Temporary Bearer Global<br />

Note without Coupons, Receipts or Talons (each as defined in ‘‘Terms and Conditions of the<br />

Notes’’) which will (i) if the global Notes are intended to be issued in NGN form, as specified in the<br />

applicable Final Terms, be delivered on or prior to the original issue date of the Tranche to a<br />

Common Safekeeper for Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg; and (ii) if the global Notes are<br />

not intended to be issued in NGN Form, be delivered on or prior to the original issue date of the<br />

Tranche to a Common Depositary for, Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg. Interests in the<br />

Temporary Bearer Global Note will be exchanged either for interests in a Permanent Bearer Global<br />

Note or, where specified in the applicable Final Terms (subject to such notice period as is<br />

specified in the Final Terms), for definitive Bearer Notes on or after the date (the ‘‘Exchange<br />

Date’’) which is the later of (i) 40 days after the Temporary Bearer Global Note is issued and (ii)<br />

40 days after completion of the distribution of the relevant Tranche, as certified by the relevant<br />

Dealer (in the case of a non-syndicated issue) or the relevant lead manager (in the case of a<br />

syndicated issue). Such exchange will be made only upon delivery of written certification to<br />

Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the case may be, to the effect that the beneficial<br />

owner of such Notes is not a U.S. person or other person who has purchased such Notes for<br />

resale to, or on behalf of, U.S. persons and Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the<br />

case may be, has given a like certification (based on the certification it has received) to the Issuing<br />

and Principal Paying Agent.<br />

If an interest or principal payment date for any Notes occurs whilst such Notes are<br />

represented by a Temporary Bearer Global Note, the related interest or principal payment will be<br />

made only to the extent that certification of non-U.S. beneficial ownership has been received as<br />

described in the last sentence of the immediately preceding paragraph unless such certification has<br />

already been given. The holder of a Temporary Bearer Global Note will not be entitled to collect<br />

any payment of interest or principal due on or after the Exchange Date unless, upon due<br />

certification, exchange of the Temporary Bearer Global Note is improperly withheld or refused.<br />

Payments of principal or interest (if any) on a Permanent Bearer Global Note will be made through<br />

Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg (against presentation or surrender, as the case may be, of<br />

the Permanent Bearer Global Note if the Permanent Bearer Global Note is not intended to be<br />

issued in NGN form) without any further requirement for certification. Pursuant to the Agency<br />

Agreement (as defined under ‘‘Terms and Conditions of the Notes’’ below) the Issuing and<br />

Principal Paying Agent shall arrange that, where a further Tranche of Notes is issued, the Notes of<br />

such Tranche shall be assigned a common code and ISIN by Euroclear and Clearstream,<br />

Luxembourg which are different from the common code and ISIN assigned to Notes of any other<br />

Tranche of the same Series until at least expiry of the Distribution Compliance Period applicable to<br />

the Notes of such Tranche.<br />

The applicable Final Terms will specify that either (i) a Permanent Bearer Global Note will be<br />

exchangeable (free of charge), in whole but not in part, for definitive Bearer Notes with, where<br />

applicable, Receipts, Coupons and Talons attached upon not less than 60 days’ written notice from<br />

Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg (acting on the instructions of any holder of an interest<br />

in such Permanent Bearer Global Note) to the Issuing and Principal Paying Agent as described<br />

therein or (ii) a Permanent Bearer Global Note will be exchangeable (free of charge), in whole but<br />

not in part, for definitive Bearer Notes with, where applicable, Receipts, Coupons and Talons<br />

attached only upon the occurrence of an Exchange Event as described therein. ‘‘Exchange Event’’<br />

means (i) in the case of Unsubordinated Notes, an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing<br />

or, in the case of Dated Subordinated Notes or Undated Subordinated Notes, a payment default<br />

has occurred and is continuing, (ii) the Issuer has been notified that either Euroclear or<br />

Clearstream, Luxembourg has been closed for business for a continuous period of 14 days (other<br />

than by reason of holiday, statutory or otherwise) or has announced an intention permanently to<br />

cease business or has in fact done so and no alternative clearing system satisfactory to the<br />

Trustee is available or, unless otherwise specified in the applicable Final Terms, (iii) the Issuer has<br />

or will become obliged to pay additional amounts as provided for or referred to in Condition 7<br />

which would not be required were the Notes represented by the Permanent Bearer Global Note in<br />

definitive bearer form and a certificate to such effect signed by two Directors of the Issuer has<br />

been given to the Trustee. The Issuer will promptly give notice to Noteholders in accordance with<br />


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