Base Prospectus - Malta Financial Services Authority

Base Prospectus - Malta Financial Services Authority

Base Prospectus - Malta Financial Services Authority


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This Note may be an Index Linked Redemption Note, an Instalment Note, a Dual Currency<br />

Note, a Partly Paid Note or a combination of any of the foregoing, depending on the Redemption/<br />

Payment Basis shown in the applicable Final Terms.<br />

This Note is an Unsubordinated Note, a Dated Subordinated Note or an Undated<br />

Subordinated Note, as indicated in the applicable Final Terms.<br />

Definitive Bearer Notes are issued with Coupons attached, unless they are Zero Coupon<br />

Notes in which case references to Coupons and Couponholders in these Terms and Conditions are<br />

not applicable.<br />

Subject as set out below, title to the Bearer Notes, Receipts and Coupons will pass by<br />

delivery and title to the Registered Notes will pass upon registration of transfers in accordance with<br />

the provisions of the Agency Agreement. The Issuer, the Trustee, the Replacement Agent (as<br />

defined in the Agency Agreement), the Registrar, any Transfer Agent and any Paying Agent may<br />

deem and treat the bearer of any Bearer Note, Receipt or Coupon and the registered holder of any<br />

Registered Note as the absolute owner thereof (whether or not overdue and notwithstanding any<br />

notice of ownership or writing thereon or notice of any previous loss or theft thereof) for all<br />

purposes but, in the case of any global Note, without prejudice to the provisions set out in the next<br />

succeeding paragraph, and the expressions ‘‘Noteholder’’ and ‘‘holder of Notes’’ and related<br />

expressions shall be construed accordingly. The holder of a VPS Note will be the person<br />

evidenced as such by a book entry in the records of the VPS. Title to the VPS Notes will pass by<br />

registration in the registers between the direct or indirect accountholders at the VPS in accordance<br />

with the rules and procedures of the VPS. Where a nominee is so evidenced, it shall be treated by<br />

the Issuer as the holder of the relevant VPS Note.<br />

For so long as any of the Notes is represented by a bearer global Note held on behalf of<br />

Euroclear Bank SA/NV (‘‘Euroclear’’) and/or Clearstream Banking, société anonyme<br />

(‘‘Clearstream, Luxembourg’’) or for so long as The Depository Trust Company (‘‘DTC‘‘) or its<br />

nominee is the registered holder of a Registered Global Note or so long as the Note is a VPS<br />

Note, each person (other than Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg) who is for the time being<br />

shown in the records of Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg or DTC or the VPS, as the case<br />

may be, as the holder of a particular nominal amount of such Notes (in which regard any<br />

certificate or other document issued by such clearing system as to the nominal amount of such<br />

Notes standing to the account of any person shall, save in the case of manifest error, be<br />

conclusive and binding for all purposes, including any form of statement or print out of electronic<br />

records provided by the relevant clearing system in accordance with its usual procedures and in<br />

which the holder of a particular nominal amount of such Notes is clearly identified together with the<br />

amount of such holding) shall be treated by the Issuer, the Trustee, the Agent, the Replacement<br />

Agent and any other Paying Agent as the holder of such nominal amount of such Notes for all<br />

purposes other than (in the case only of Notes not being VPS Notes) with respect to the payment<br />

of principal or interest on the Notes, for which purpose, in the case of Notes represented by a<br />

bearer global Note, the bearer of the relevant bearer global Note or, in the case of a Registered<br />

Global Note registered in the name of DTC or its nominee, DTC or its nominee shall be treated by<br />

the Issuer, the Trustee, the Agent and any other Paying Agent as the holder of such Notes in<br />

accordance with and subject to the terms of the relevant global Note and the expressions<br />

‘‘Noteholder’’ and ‘‘holder of Notes’’ and related expressions shall be construed accordingly.<br />

Notes which are represented by a global Note and VPS Notes will be transferable only in<br />

accordance with the rules and procedures for the time being of Euroclear, Clearstream,<br />

Luxembourg and/or DTC and/or the VPS, as the case may be.<br />

References to Euroclear, Clearstream, Luxembourg and/or DTC and/or the VPS shall,<br />

whenever the context so permits, be deemed to include a reference to any additional or alternative<br />

clearing system approved by the Issuer, the Trustee and the Agent.<br />

2. Status of the Unsubordinated Notes<br />

This Condition applies only to Unsubordinated Notes and references to ‘‘Notes’’, ‘‘Receipts’’<br />

and ‘‘Coupons’’ in this Condition shall be construed accordingly.<br />

The Notes and the relative Receipts and Coupons are direct, unconditional, unsubordinated<br />

and unsecured obligations of the Issuer and rank pari passu among themselves and (save for<br />

certain debts required to be preferred by law) equally with all other unsecured obligations (including<br />

deposits) (other than subordinated obligations, if any) of the Issuer, present and future, from time<br />


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