ikt - Culturenet

ikt - Culturenet

ikt - Culturenet


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http://www.dzs.hr/Hrv_Eng/publication/2012/02-03-01_01_2012.htm<br />

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20.3.2013<br />


CODEN POPCEA ISSN 1330-0350<br />





Tendencije<br />

- visok stupanj integracije IKT-a u poslovanju; 97% poduzeća<br />

upotrebljava računala; 95% poduzeća ima pristup internetu<br />

- prevladava uporaba širokopojasnog pristupa internetu; 90%<br />

poduzeća upotrebljava neki oblik fiksne širokopojasne veze; porast<br />

uporabe mobilnog pristupa internetu<br />

- korisnost interneta; 61% poduzeća ima internetsku stranicu; 63%<br />

poduzeća upotrebljava usluge e-uprave<br />

- internetska trgovina (e-trgovina) je u padu, 27% poduzeća kupuje<br />

putem interneta; 25%, poduzeća prodaje putem interneta.<br />

Tendencies<br />

- High level of ICT integration in business conduct; 97% of enterprises<br />

used computers; 95% had the internet access<br />

- Usage of broadband internet access prevails; 90% of enterprises<br />

used some type of fixed broadband internet connection; there was an<br />

increase in usage of mobile internet access<br />

- Benefits of the internet: 61% of enterprises owned a web site; 63% of<br />

enterprises used e-government services<br />

- E-commerce shrinks; 27% of enterprises purchased via the internet;<br />

25% of enterprises sold via the internet.<br />

Usage of information and communication technologies is an extremely<br />

important part of contemporary business conduct. The survey showed<br />

that 97% (an increase of 1%) of enterprises used computers in<br />

everyday business and 96% of enterprises had the internet access.<br />

The internet became a necessity for an efficient business conduct, so<br />

61% of enterprises had its own web site. The internet simplifies<br />

performing of some business processes, such as banking and financial<br />

transactions; it also allows for usage of administrative public services<br />

(e-government; 63% used the internet for administrative purposes.


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20.3.2013<br />


Uporaba informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija je iznimno važan<br />

dio suvremenog poslovanja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da 97% poduzeća<br />

(porast od 1%) upotrebljava računala u obavljanju svakodnevnih<br />

zadataka, a 96% poduzeća poduzeća ima pristup internetu. Internet je<br />

postao nužan čimbenik učinkovitog poslovanja i 61% poduzeća<br />

poduzeća ima vlastitu internetsku stranicu. Internet pojednostavljuje<br />

obavljanje pojedinih poslovnih procesa poput bankarskih i financijskih<br />

transakcija te omogućuje uporabu administrativnih usluga javne uprave<br />

(e-uprava); 63% poduzeća služi se internetom u administrativne svrhe.<br />

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Internet i ostale mrežne tehnologije omogućuju povezivanje poslovnih<br />

jedinica unutar poduzeća i integraciju poslovnih procesa koji doprinose<br />

učinkovitijem poslovanju. Način i brzina prijenosa podataka omogućuju<br />

kvalitetnije poslovanje. Od 96% (porast od 1%) poduzeća koja imaju<br />

pristup internetu, 90% (porast od 6%) ih upotrebljava širokopojasni<br />

fiksni pristup (DSL, kabelski internet, zakupljeni vod). Povećana je<br />

uporaba mobilnog pristupa internetu u poduzećima; 44% (porast od<br />

2%) poduzeća upotrebljava mobilni pristup internetu.<br />

The internet and other network technologies allow for connectivity<br />

between sectors within an enterprise and the integration of business<br />

processes that contribute to more efficient business conduct. The type<br />

and speed of data transfer allow for a higher quality of business<br />

conduct. Out of 96% (an increase of 1%) of enterprises with the internet<br />

access, 90% (an increase of 6%) used fixed broadband connection<br />

(DSL, cable, leased line). There was an increased usage of the mobile<br />

internet, 44% (an increase of 2%) of enterprises used the mobile<br />

internet access.<br />

Internet je uveo promjene u načinu poslovanja omogućivši integriranost<br />

poslovnih procesa na višoj razini. Brzina internetske veze postaje jedan<br />

od važnijih čimbenika u poslovanju. Sve veća dostupnost<br />

širokopojasnog interneta potiče i porast brzine prijenosa podataka. Iz<br />

grafikona je uočljivo da se većina poduzeća još ne koristi vrlo brzim<br />

internetskim vezama. Samo se 5% poduzeća koristi internetskim<br />

vezama koje omogućuju prijenos podataka brzinom većom od 10<br />

Mbps-a.<br />

The usage of the internet caused changes in the ways of business<br />

conduct by allowing for the integration of business processes at a<br />

higher level. Internet connection speed is becoming an important factor<br />

in business conduct. Increasing availability of broadband internet<br />

encourages an increase of data transfer speed. The graph shows that<br />

majority of enterprises still did not use the high speed internet<br />

connections, only 5% of enterprises used internet connections that<br />

enable data transfer speed of over 10 Mbps.


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Uporaba usluga e-uprave omogućuje bolju dostupnost informacijama i<br />

ubrzava rješavanje administrativnih procedura. Gotovo sve usluge su<br />

ostale na razini prošlogodišnjih rezultata. Od nekoliko dostupnih<br />

usluga, 74% (porast od 2%) poduzeća upotrebljava usluge e-uprave za<br />

prikupljanje informacija, 76% upotrebljava usluge za prikupljanje<br />

obrazaca (pad od 2%). Nešto se rjeñe upotrebljavaju usluge poput<br />

povrata ispunjenih obrazaca (71% – porast od 8%) ili rješavanja<br />

administrativnih poslova (60% – porast od 11%). Usluga podnošenja<br />

ponuda za natječaje u elektroničkom obliku zabilježila je manji porast, s<br />

14% na 18%.<br />

The usage of e-government services provides for a better information<br />

accessibility and speeds up a delivery of administrative procedures.<br />

Almost all services remained at the previous-year levels. Out of several<br />

services available, 74% (an increase of 2%) of enterprises used<br />

services to obtain information and 76% to obtain forms (a decrease of<br />

2%). Other services, such as returning filled-in forms (71% – an<br />

increase of 8%) or the treatment of administrative procedures (60% –<br />

an increase of 11%), were somewhat less used. The service of<br />

submitting tender proposals showed an increase in usage, from 14% to<br />

18%.<br />

Integracija poslovnih procesa i komunikacija izmeñu poslovnih<br />

subjekata putem interneta omogućuje učinkovitiju ponudu dobara i<br />

usluga te njihovu kupnju i prodaju na tržištu. Istraživanje je pokazalo da<br />

su internetska kupnja i prodaja u blagom padu. Dobra i usluge putem<br />

interneta kupuje 27% poduzeća (pad od 12%), dok ih 25% (pad od 1%)<br />

nudi na prodaju. Udio e-trgovine u odnosu na konvencionalnu trgovinu<br />

još je uvijek prilično nizak, dok je u većini poduzeća taj udio manji od<br />

10%.<br />

The integration of business processes and communication between<br />

business entities via the internet allow for a more efficient offer of goods<br />

and services and their purchase and sale on the market. The survey<br />

showed that purchases and sales via the internet slightly decreased.<br />

There were 27% (a decrease of 12%) of enterprises that bought<br />

products and services via the internet, while only 25% (a decrease of<br />

1%) of enterprises offered them for sale. The share of e-commerce<br />

compared to conventional commerce was still rather low, in most<br />

enterprises this share was less than 10%.<br />


Svrha statističkog istraživanja<br />

Podaci prikazani u ovom priopćenju jesu procjene dobivene iz<br />


Purpose of the statistical survey<br />

Data shown in this publication are estimates obtained through the IKT-

http://www.dzs.hr/Hrv_Eng/publication/2012/02-03-01_01_2012.htm<br />

20.3.2013<br />


istraživanja IKT-POD. To je godišnje istraživanje o uporabi<br />

informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT) i pruža informacije o<br />

uporabi računala, interneta, elektroničkog poslovanja i ostalih IKT-a u<br />

poduzećima. Podaci su važan izvor za provoñenje politike u području<br />

informacijskog društva u Republici Hrvatskoj i Europskoj uniji.<br />

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POD Survey. This is an annual survey on the usage of information and<br />

communication technologies (ICT) and provides information on the<br />

usage of computers, the internet, electronic commerce and other ICTs<br />

in enterprises. The data are an important source for conducting policies<br />

in the field of information society in the Republic of Croatia andin the<br />

European Union.<br />

Svrha statističkog istraživanja<br />

Pravna osnova<br />

Istraživanje IKT-POD provedeno je u okviru smjernica Eurostata tijekom<br />

2012., a provodi se na temelju Zakona o službenoj statistici (NN, br.<br />

103/03. i 75/09.). Provela ga je agencija Ipsos Puls d. o. o. uime<br />

Državnog zavoda za statistiku Republike Hrvatske. Istraživanja su<br />

provedena u svim državama EU-a, dakle podaci su meñunarodno<br />

usporedivi. Meñunarodni podaci dostupni su na e-adresi<br />

http://epp.eurostat.cec.eu.int, Themes Science and Technology Data.<br />

Koncepti i definicije koji se primjenjuju u istraživanju IKT-POD usklañeni<br />

su s EU-ovom Metodologijom za statistike o Informacijskom društvu,<br />

2008.<br />

Promatrane jedinice<br />

Promatrane jedinice jesu poduzeća registrirana na teritoriju Republike<br />

Hrvatske te obavljaju navedene djelatnosti prema klasifikaciji NACE:<br />

Purpose of the statistical survey<br />

Legal framework<br />

The IKT-POD Survey was conducted, according to Eurostat guidelines,<br />

in 2012 on the legal basis of the Official Statistics Act (NN, Nos. 103/03<br />

and 75/09). It was conducted by the Ipsos Puls d.o.o. agency on behalf<br />

of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics. Harmonised surveys were<br />

conducted in all EU Member States, and therefore the data are<br />

internationally comparable. The international data are available on the<br />

following web site address: http://epp.eurostat.cec.eu.int, Themes<br />

Science and Technology Data. Concepts and definitions used in the<br />

IKT-POD Survey are in line with the EU Methodology for Statistics on<br />

the Information Society, 2008.<br />

Observation units<br />

The observation units are enterprises registered on the territory of the<br />

Republic of Croatia for performing the following activities according to<br />

the NACE classification:<br />

Područje C – Prerañivačka industrija C Manufacturing<br />

Područje D, E – Opskrba električnom energijom, plinom i vodom D, E Electricity, gas and water supply<br />

Područje F – Grañevinarstvo; F Construction<br />

Područje G – Trgovina na veliko i na malo; popravak motornih G Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and<br />

vozila i motocikla<br />

motorcycles<br />

Područje H – Prijevoz i skladištenje H Transport and storage<br />

Područje I – Djelatnosti pružanja smještaja te pripreme i<br />

I Accommodation and food service activities<br />

usluživanja hrane<br />

Područje J – Informacije i komunikacije J Information and communications activities<br />

Područje L – Poslovanje nekretninama L Real estate activities<br />

Područje M – Stručne, znanstvene i tehničke djelatnosti<br />

M Professional, scientific and technical activities<br />

(odjeljci 69 – 74)<br />

(divisions 69 – 74)<br />

Područje N – Administrativne i pomoćne uslužne djelatnosti N Administrative and support service activities<br />

Poduzeća su klasificirana i prema broju zaposlenih osoba:<br />

mala (10 – 49 zaposlenih osoba)<br />

srednje velika (50 – 249 zaposlenih osoba)<br />

velika (250 ili više zaposlenih osoba).<br />

Veličina uzorka<br />

Veličina uzorka sastoji se od 4 497 poduzeća.<br />

Okvir uzorka<br />

Osnova za okvir uzorka bio je Poslovni registar Republike Hrvatske<br />

(Fina 2011.).<br />

Metoda prikupljanja podataka<br />

Podaci su prikupljeni putem pošte uporabom tiskanih upitnika.<br />

Poduzeća su mogla slati podatke i putem interneta uporabom online<br />

forme upitnika. Tu opciju upotrebljavalo je 76% poduzeća koja su<br />

sudjelovala u istraživanju.<br />

Referentno razdoblje za glavne varijable bio je siječanj 2012.<br />

Referentno razdoblje za pitanja o internetskoj prodaji i internetskoj<br />

kupnji bila je 2011.<br />

Stupanj neodaziva<br />

Iz ukupne populacije poduzeća (10 622), u uzorak je odabrano 4 497<br />

jedinica.<br />

U istraživanju su sudjelovala 3 012 poduzeća, što znači da je stupanj<br />

odaziva bio 67%, a stupanj prihvatljivosti 98,5%. U obzir nije bilo uzeto<br />

46 izvještaja, tako da je neto uzorak koji se upotrebljavao za tabeliranje i<br />

ponderiranje iznosio 2 966 poduzeća. Stupanj neodaziva bio je 33%.<br />

Ponderacija<br />

RIM weighting metoda (iterative proportional fitting – IPF) upotrijebljena<br />

je za projiciranje na ukupnu populaciju. Ekstrapolacijski ponder<br />

izračunan je za svakog sudionika istraživanja. Metoda izračuna<br />

The enterprises were also classified according to the number of<br />

persons employed as small ones (employing 10 – 49 persons),<br />

medium-sized ones (employing 50 – 249 persons) and large ones<br />

(employing 250 or more persons).<br />

Sample size<br />

The sample consisted of 4 497 enterprises.<br />

Sampling frame<br />

The basis for the sampling frame was the Business Register of the<br />

Republic of Croatia (Fina 2011).<br />

Data collection method<br />

The data were collected by mail using printed questionnaires. The<br />

enterprises could also submit the data via the internet by using the<br />

online form of the questionnaire. That possibility was used by 76% of<br />

the enterprises that took part in the survey.<br />

The reference period for the main variables was January 2012. For the<br />

questions concerning the internet sales and the internet orders, the<br />

reference period was 2011.<br />

Non-response rates<br />

Out of the whole population of enterprises (10 622), there were 4 497<br />

units taken into the sample.<br />

There were 3 012 enterprises that took part in the survey, which means<br />

that the response rate was 67% and the eligibility rate was 98.5%. The<br />

net sample used for tabulation and grossing-up consisted of 2 966<br />

enterprises because 46 reports were not taken into account. The nonresponse<br />

rate was 33%.<br />

Weighting<br />

RIM weighting procedure (iterative proportional fitting – IPF) was<br />

used for the grossing-up. The extrapolation weight was calculated for<br />

each participant of the Survey, while the calculation method included a

http://www.dzs.hr/Hrv_Eng/publication/2012/02-03-01_01_2012.htm<br />

20.3.2013<br />


obuhvatila je kategoriju djelatnosti NACE-a, broj zaposlenih, ukupan<br />

promet te ukupan prihod poduzeća.<br />

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NACE category, number of employees, of the total turnover and the<br />

total income of an enterprise.<br />

Izvor informacija za ove varijable bio je Poslovni registar Republike<br />

Hrvatske (Fina 2011.). Izračunani ponderi omogućuju računanje<br />

podataka za cjelokupnu populaciju poduzeća. Krajem 2011. ukupan broj<br />

registriranih poduzeća iznosio je 10 622.<br />

Definicije i objašnjenja<br />

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) sastoji se od jedne ili više<br />

softverskih aplikacija koje integriraju informacije i procese kroz nekoliko<br />

poslovnih funkcija u poduzeću. U pravilu ERP integrira planiranje,<br />

nabavu, prodaju, promidžbu, odnose s klijentima, računovodstvo i<br />

ljudske resurse. Softver može biti izrañen po narudžbi ili isporučen kao<br />

licencni paket. Licencni paket sadrži softverske komplete kupljene od<br />

proizvoñača koji obuhvaćaju cijelo poduzeće, ali su izrañeni na<br />

modularan način čime omogućuju poduzećima da prilagode sustav<br />

svojim specifičnim aktivnostima primjenjujući samo neke od tih modula.<br />

ERP sustav u pravilu ima ove karakteristike:<br />

The source of information on these variables was the Business<br />

Register of the Republic of Croatia (Fina 2011). The calculated weights<br />

enable the calculation of the data for the whole population of the<br />

enterprises; there were 10 622 enterprises at the end of 2011.<br />

Definitions and explanations<br />

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) consists of one or of a set of<br />

software applications that integrate information and processes across<br />

the several business functions of the enterprise. Typically, ERP<br />

integrates planning, procurement, sales, marketing, customer<br />

relationship, finance and human resources. The software can be<br />

delivered either as a customised or a package software. The latter one<br />

is a single-vendor, enterprise wide, software package, but built in a<br />

modular way allowing enterprises to customise the system to their<br />

specific activity implementing only some of those modules. Typically,<br />

the ERP System has the following characteristics:<br />

1. dizajniran je za okruženje klijent-server (tradicionalno ili putem 1. It is designed for a client-server environment (traditional or webbased);<br />

interneta)<br />

2. integrira većinu poslovnih procesa 2. It integrates the majority of business processes;<br />

3. procesira većinu poslovnih transakcija 3. It processes a large majority of business transactions;<br />

4. upotrebljava bazu podataka koja pohranjuje svaki podatak samo 4. It uses a database that stores each piece of data only once;<br />

jedanput<br />

5. omogućuje pristup podacima u stvarnom vremenu. 5 It allows for the access to data in real time.<br />

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) je upravljačka<br />

metodologija koja stavlja klijenta u središte poslovne djelatnosti,<br />

bazirana je na intenzivnoj uporabi informacijskih tehnologija za<br />

prikupljanje, integriranje, obradu i analizu informacija vezanih uz klijente.<br />

Razlikujemo dva modela:<br />

1. operacijski CRM – integriranje u front office poslovne procese koji su<br />

izravno u kontaktu s klijentima<br />

2. analitički CRM – analiza informacija o klijentima koje su dostupne u<br />

poduzeću, uporabom data mininga. Cilj je prikupiti što detaljnije<br />

informacije o klijentima te odgovoriti na njihove potrebe.<br />

E-faktura je faktura u kojoj su svi podaci u digitalnom obliku te može biti<br />

automatski procesirana. Osobina karakteristična za e-fakturu je<br />

automatizacija. E-faktura će biti automatski prenesena na fakturiranje<br />

unutar poduzeća od izdavača fakture ili iz sustava davatelja usluge<br />

izravno u financijske ili slične aplikacije primatelja. Protokol prijenosa<br />

mogu biti XML, EDI ili ostali slični formati.<br />

E-potpis je vrsta elektroničke informacije koja je pridružena ili vezana<br />

uz ugovor ili drugu poruku te upotrebljena kao zakonski ekvivalent za<br />

pisani potpis. Elektronički potpis se često upotrebljava ili u svrhu<br />

stavljanja potpisa u tekst putem jednog ili više elektroničkih načina ili za<br />

kriptografske namjene dodavanjem metoda koje će onemogućiti<br />

krivotvorenje i očuvati integritet dokumenta. Digitalni potpis obično se<br />

izričito odnosi na kriptografski potpis ili na dokumentu ili na nižoj razini<br />

strukture podataka.<br />

Da bi se bilo koji potpis uzeo u obzir, mora imati zakonsku vrijednost,<br />

inače je samo dio komunikacije. Neke internetske stranice i softverski<br />

licencni ugovori (EULA) tvrde da su različite elektroničke radnje<br />

zakonski obvezujući potpisi i instanca elektroničkog potpisa. Npr.<br />

internetska stranica može objaviti da se, kad uopće posjetite stranicu,<br />

morate složiti s odreñenim skupom uvjeta i okolnosti.<br />

Legalni status takvih tvrdnji nije siguran. Elektronički potpis takoñer<br />

može biti digitalan potpis ako upotrebljava kriptografske metode kako bi<br />

osigurao integritet i autentičnost poruka. Zbog uporabe mehanizama za<br />

integritet poruka bilo koja izmjena digitalno potpisanog dokumenta bit će<br />

odmah otkrivena ako se provede test, a upotrijebljen potpis neće biti<br />

prihvaćen kao valjan.<br />

Važno je razumjeti da su kriptografski potpisi mnogo više od samih<br />

tehnika kontrole pogrešaka srodnije checksum algoritmima ili čak visoko<br />

pouzdanim algoritmima za otkrivanje pogrešaka i korekciju algoritma<br />

poput Reed-Solomona. Algoritmi ne mogu osigurati nepromjenjivost<br />

teksta jer cijeli tekst može biti obnovljen po potrebi. Povrh toga protokoli<br />

za integritet teksta ne uključuju korekciju pogrešaka jer bi to moglo<br />

uništiti mogućnost detekcije promjena.<br />

Popularni standardi elektroničkog potpisa uključuju standard OpenPGP<br />

podržan s PGP-om o GnuPG-u i neke S/MIME standarde (dostupne u<br />

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a management<br />

methodology that places a customer in the centre of a business activity.<br />

It is based on an intensive use of information technologies to collect,<br />

integrate, process and analyse information related to customers. One<br />

can distinguish between the following two models:<br />

1. Operational CRM – integration of the front office business<br />

processes that are in contact with the customer.<br />

2. Analytical CRM – analysis of the information available in the<br />

enterprise on its customers by using data mining method. This aims<br />

in gathering in-depth knowledge of the customers and to meet their<br />

needs.<br />

E-invoice is an invoice in which all data are in digital format, so it can<br />

be processed automatically. A distinctive feature of an e-invoice is<br />

automation. E-invoice will be automatically transferred to the intercompany<br />

invoicing from the invoice issuer's or service provider’s<br />

system directly into the recipient's financial or other application. The<br />

transmission protocol might be XML, EDI or other similar format.<br />

E-signature is a kind of electronic information attached to or<br />

associated with a contract or another message used as a legal<br />

equivalent to a written signature. Electronic signature is often used to<br />

mean either a signature imputed to a text via one or several electronic<br />

means or for cryptographic purposes by adding non-repudiation or<br />

message integrity features to a document. Digital signature usually<br />

refers specifically to a cryptographic signature, either on a document or<br />

on a lower-level data structure.<br />

For either of them to be considered a signature, they must have a legal<br />

value, otherwise they are just a piece of communication. Some web<br />

pages and software EULAs claim that various electronic actions are<br />

legally binding signatures and so are instances of electronic signature.<br />

For example, a web page might announce that, by accessing the site at<br />

all, you have agreed to a certain set of terms and conditions.<br />

The legal status of such claims is uncertain. An electronic signature can<br />

also be a digital signature if it uses cryptographic methods to assure<br />

both message integrity and authenticity. Because of the use of<br />

message integrity mechanisms, any changes to a digitally signed<br />

document will be readily detectable if tested for, and the attached<br />

signature cannot be taken as valid.<br />

It is important to understand that cryptographic signatures are much<br />

more than an error checking technique akin to checksum algorithms, or<br />

even high reliability error detection and correction algorithms such as<br />

Reed-Solomon. These can offer no assurance that the text has not<br />

been tampered with, as all can be regenerated as needed by a<br />

tamperer. In addition, no message integrity protocols include error<br />

correction, for to do so would destroy the tampering detection feature.<br />

Popular electronic signature standards include the OpenPGP standard<br />

supported by PGP and GnuPG, and some of the S/MIME standards

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20.3.2013<br />


Microsoft Outlooku). Sve trenutačne sheme kriptografskih digitalnih<br />

potpisa zahtijevaju da primatelj ima način primanja javnoga ključa<br />

pošiljatelja koji osigurava pripadnost javnoga ključa identitetu pošiljatelja<br />

te da se provode mjere za očuvanje integriteta koje osiguravaju da<br />

autorizacija ili vrijednost javnoga ključa ne mogu biti neopaženo<br />

promijenjeni. Digitalno potpisan tekst može takoñer biti kriptiran radi<br />

zaštite pri prijenosu podataka, ali to nije potrebno ako je cjelokupna<br />

procedura digitalnog potpisa pravilno provedena. Osiguranje privatnosti<br />

bit će vodeći zahtjev.<br />

Page 7 of 9<br />

(available in Microsoft Outlook). All current cryptographic digital<br />

signature schemes require recipient to have a way to obtain the<br />

sender's public key with assurances that the public key and sender<br />

identity belong together and message integrity measures which assure<br />

that neither the authorization nor the value of the public key can be<br />

surreptitiously changed. A digitally signed text may also be encrypted<br />

for protection during transmission, but this is not required when the<br />

digital signature has been properly carried out. Confidentiality<br />

requirements will be the guiding consideration.<br />

SSL/TLS Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) i Transport Layer Security<br />

(TLS) jesu kriptografski protokoli koji omogućuju sigurnu komunikaciju<br />

na internetu. SSL omogućuje krajnju autentičnost i komunikacijsku<br />

privatnost putem interneta upotrebom kriptografije. Kod tipične upotrebe<br />

samo je server identificiran (tj. osiguran je njegov identitet), dok klijent<br />

ostaje neidentificiran; obostrana identifikacija zahtijeva provedbu Public<br />

Key infrastrukture klijentu. Protokoli dopuštaju klijent/server aplikacijama<br />

da komuniciraju na način dizajniran da onemogući prisluškivanje,<br />

mijenjanje i krivotvorenje poruka.<br />

Open Source Softver Free dostupan je unutar open source licence.<br />

Licenca Open Source je licenca s autorskim pravom za računalne<br />

programe koje stavljaju izvorni kod na raspolaganje pod uvjetima koji<br />

omogućuju modificiranje i redistribuciju bez plaćanja originalnom autoru.<br />

Takva licenca može imati dodatna ograničenja kao što su zahtjev da se<br />

sačuva ime autora i izjava o autorskom pravu unutar koda.<br />

S definicijom Open Sourcea povezana je i definicija besplatnog softvera<br />

(Free Software) od Free Software Foundationa koja pokušava obuhvatiti<br />

zahtjeve da licencirani programi budu kvalificirani kao besplatan softver.<br />

Licence koje u praksi zadovoljavaju definiciju Open Sourcea u pravilu<br />

uvijek zadovoljavaju definiciju besplatnog softvera. Od 2005. sve licence<br />

koje zadovoljavaju definiciju besplatnog softvera zadovoljavaju i<br />

definiciju Open Sourcea.<br />

Digitalni proizvodi/usluge jesu svi proizvodi/usluge koji se mogu<br />

naručiti i isporučiti neposredno na računalo putem interneta, npr. glazba,<br />

video, igre, računalni programi, online novine, usluge savjetovanja itd.<br />

xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) je širokopojasna tehnologija<br />

dizajnirana da poveća frekvencijsko područje za prijenos podataka<br />

dostupan preko standardnih bakrenih telefonskih žica. Uključuje ADSL,<br />

SDSL, HDSL, RADSL, VDSL, DSL-Lite i sl. DSL-linija omogućuje<br />

prijenos podataka i glasa. Dio linije vezan uz prijenos podataka uvijek je<br />

spojen.<br />

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) je digitalna mreža koja<br />

omogućuje istovremeni prijenos podataka, slike i glasa (128 Kb/s).<br />

Modem je ureñaj koji modulira izlazni digitalni signal iz računala ili<br />

ostalih digitalnih ureñaja u analogni signal za konvencionalne bakrene<br />

telefonske linije te demodulira ulazni analogni signal i pretvara ga u<br />

digitalni signal za digitalni ureñaj.<br />

Bežični pristup jest uporaba bežične tehnologije kao što su<br />

radiofrekvencije, infracrvene zrake, mikrovalovi te ostale vrste<br />

elektromagnetskih ili akustičnih valova za zadnju internu poveznicu<br />

izmeñu ureñaja korisnika (računala, pisači itd.) i osnovne mreže (LAN)<br />

unutar radnih prostorija poduzeća. Većinom uključuje tehnologije Wi-fi i<br />

Bluetooth.<br />

E-trgovina su transakcije koje se provode preko mreža računala<br />

baziranih na internetskom protokolu te preko ostalih računalih mreža.<br />

Zaprimanje narudžbi dobara i usluga ostvaruje se putem navedenih<br />

mreža, ali samo plaćanje i konačna isporuka dobara i usluga mogu biti<br />

provedeni online ili offline. Narudžbe zaprimljene telefonom, telefaksom<br />

ili ručno pisanim elektroničkim porukama ne smatraju se e-trgovinom.<br />

E-pošta je elektronički prijenos poruka, uključuje tekst i priloge od<br />

jednog računala do drugog, lociranog u samoj organizaciji ili izvan nje.<br />

To uključuje elektroničku poštu putem interneta ili ostalih računalnih<br />

mreža.<br />

Lokalna računalna mreža (LAN) jest interna računalna mreža koja je<br />

skup od najmanje dva povezana računala upotrebom<br />

telekomunikacijskog sistema sa svrhom komuniciranja i dijeljenja<br />

resursa unutar poduzeća. U pravilu povezuje osobna računala, radne<br />

stanice, pisače, servere i ostale ureñaje. Obično se koristi za razmjenu<br />

internih datoteka izmeñu povezanih korisnika; interna poslovna<br />

SSL/TLS Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer<br />

Security (TLS) are cryptographic protocols which provide secure<br />

communications on the internet. SSL provides endpoint authentication<br />

and communications privacy over the internet using cryptography. In<br />

typical use, only the server is authenticated (i.e. its identity is ensured)<br />

while the client remains unauthenticated; mutual authentication<br />

requires Public Key Infrastructure deployment to clients. The protocols<br />

allow client/server applications to communicate in a way designed to<br />

prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery.<br />

Free/Open Source software refers to a computer software under an<br />

open source license. An open-source license is a copyright license for<br />

computer software that makes the source code available under terms<br />

that allow for modification and redistribution without having to pay the<br />

original author. Such licenses may have additional restrictions such as<br />

a requirement to preserve the name of the authors and the copyright<br />

statement within the code.<br />

Related to the Open Source Definition is the Free Software Definition<br />

by the Free Software Foundation, which attempts to capture what is<br />

required for a program license to qualify as free/libre software. In<br />

practice, licenses that meet the Open Source Definition almost always<br />

also meet the Free Software Definition. All licenses reported to meet<br />

the Free Software Definition as of 2005 also meet the Open Source<br />

Definition.<br />

Digital products/services Products/services that can be ordered and<br />

delivered directly to a computer over the internet, e.g. music, videos,<br />

games, computer software, online newspapers, consulting services,<br />

etc.<br />

xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) Broadband technology designed to<br />

increase bandwidth for data transfer available over standard copper<br />

telephone wires; includes ADSL, SDSL, HDSL, RADSL, VDSL, DSL-<br />

Lite, etc. A DSL line can carry both data and voice signals and the data<br />

part of the line is continuously connected.<br />

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is a digital network that<br />

enables transmission of voice, picture and data at the same time (128<br />

Kb/s).<br />

Modem is a device that modulates outgoing digital signals from a<br />

computer or other digital device to analogue signals for a conventional<br />

copper telephone line and demodulates the incoming analogue signal<br />

and converts it to a digital signal for the digital device.<br />

Wireless access is the use of wireless technologies such as radiofrequency,<br />

infrared, microwave, or other types of electromagnetic or<br />

acoustic waves, for the last internal link between users devices (such<br />

as computers, printers, etc.) and a LAN backbone line(s) within the<br />

enterprise’s working premises. It includes mainly Wi-fi and Bluetooth<br />

technologies.<br />

E-commerce consists of transactions conducted over the internet<br />

protocol-based networks and over other computer-mediated networks.<br />

Goods and services are ordered via those networks, but the payment<br />

and the ultimate delivery of the good or service may be conducted<br />

online or off-line. Orders received via telephone, facsimile, or manually<br />

typed e-mails are not counted as electronic commerce.<br />

E-mail is an electronic transmission of messages, including text and<br />

attachments, from one computer to another, located either within or<br />

outside the organisation. This includes electronic mail by internet or<br />

other computer networks.<br />

Local Area Network (LAN) is an internal computer network consisting<br />

of a group of at least two computers connected together, using a<br />

telecommunication system for the purpose of communicating and<br />

sharing resources within an enterprise. It typically connects personal<br />

computers, workstations, printers, servers, and other devices. It is used<br />

usually for internal file exchange between connected users; intra

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komunikacija (interna e-pošta, interno internetsko sučelje itd.); dijeljeni<br />

pristup ureñajima (pisači itd.) i ostalim aplikacijama (baze podataka) te<br />

za zajedničke poslovne procese. Mreža je najčešće namijenjena jednoj<br />

zgradi ili usko lociranoj skupini zgrada, omogućuje korisnicima razmjenu<br />

podataka, dijeljenje pisača, upravljanje zajedničkim računalom itd.<br />

Page 8 of 9<br />

business communications (internal e-mail, internal web interface, etc.);<br />

shared access to devices (printers, etc.) and other applications<br />

(databases) or for joint business processes. Network is usually<br />

confined to a single building or closely located group of buildings<br />

allowing users to exchange data, share a printer, master a common<br />

computer, etc.<br />

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) upotrebljava se za elektroničku<br />

razmjenu podataka, dokumenata i transakcija unutar poduzeća te<br />

izmeñu poduzeća. Razmjena podataka odvija se automatski izmeñu<br />

računalnih sustava izmeñu partnera. Upotrebljavaju se standardni i<br />

kriptirani oblik.<br />

Internet se odnosi na mrežu baziranu na internetskim protokolima:<br />

www, ekstranet putem interneta, EDI putem interneta, internet-ready<br />

mobilni telefoni.<br />

Intranet je interna komunikacijska mreža unutar poduzeća koja se<br />

koristi internetskim protokolom omogućujući komunikaciju unutar<br />

organizacije.<br />

Ekstranet je zatvorena mreža koja koristi internetske protokole kako bi<br />

sigurno dijelila informacije poduzeća s dobavljačima, isporučiteljima,<br />

klijentima ili ostalim poslovnim partnerima. Može poprimiti oblik sigurne<br />

ekstenzije intraneta koji vanjskim korisnicima omogućuje pristup<br />

odreñenim dijelovima intraneta. Može biti i privatni dio internetske<br />

stranice poduzeća kojem je omogućen pristup sadržaju poslovnim<br />

partnerima nakon što se autoriziraju na login-stranici.<br />

Internetska stranica jest mjesto na World Wide Webu identificirano<br />

internetskom adresom. Skupina internetskih datoteka o odreñenom<br />

subjektu uključuje početnu datoteku koja se naziva home page.<br />

Informacije su kodirane posebnim jezicima (HyperText Mark-up<br />

Language (HTML), XML, Java) koji su čitljivi preko internetskih<br />

pretraživača kao što su Mozilla Firefox, Opera ili Microsoft's Internet<br />

Explorer.<br />

RFID (radiofrekvencijska identifikacija) je tehnologija koja<br />

upotrebljava radiofrekvenciju kako bi se razmjenjivale informacije<br />

izmeñu prijenosnih ureñaja/memorija i računala. RFID sustav sastoji se<br />

od labele koja sadrži podatke, antene koja komunicira s labelama te<br />

kontrolerom koji upravlja i nadzire komunikaciju izmeñu antene i<br />

računala. Labele se nalaze na ambalaži ili na proizvodu i mobilna su<br />

baza podataka.<br />

Objavljivanje<br />

Rezultati istraživanja objavljeni su u službenom priopćenju pod nazivom<br />

Informacijsko Društvo – uporaba IKT-a i e-trgovina u poduzećima.<br />

Detaljniji podaci bit će objavljeni na internetskim stranicama Državnog<br />

zavoda za statistiku na e-adresi http://www.dzs.hr.<br />

Ukupni podaci objavljeni su za poduzeća s 10 ili više zaposlenih osoba.<br />

Eurostat objavljuje podatke država EU-a za poduzeća s 10 ili više<br />

zaposlenih osoba. Time je omogućena meñusobna usporedivost<br />

podataka izmeñu Republike Hrvatske i ostalih država Europske unije.<br />

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is used for the electronic<br />

interchange of data, documents and orders inside the enterprise and<br />

between the enterprises. Data interchange flows automatically between<br />

the computer systems, between partners, and uses standard and<br />

encrypted form.<br />

The internet relates to the internet protocol-based networks: www,<br />

extranet via the internet, EDI via the internet, internet-ready mobile<br />

phones.<br />

Intranet is an internal company communications network using internet<br />

protocol allowing communications within an organisation.<br />

Extranet is a closed network that uses internet protocols to securely<br />

share enterprise's information with suppliers, vendors, customers or<br />

other businesses partners. It can take the form of a secure extension of<br />

an Intranet that allows external users to access some parts of the<br />

enterprise's Intranet. It can also be a private part of the enterprise's<br />

website, where business partners can navigate after being<br />

authenticated in a login page.<br />

Website is a location on the World Wide Web identified by a Web<br />

address. Collection of Web files on a particular subject that includes a<br />

beginning file called a home page. Information is encoded with specific<br />

languages (Hypertext mark-up language (HTML), XML, Java) readable<br />

with a Web browser, like Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or Microsoft's Internet<br />

Explorer.<br />

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a technology that uses radio<br />

frequency to exchange information between portable devices and<br />

computer. RFID system includes data labels, antennas which<br />

communicate with data labels and a controller device that manages the<br />

communication between antenna and computer. Data labels are stored<br />

on product or packaging and serve as a mobile database.<br />

Publishing<br />

The results of the survey are published in an official first release<br />

entitled Information Society – ICT Usage and E-Commerce in<br />

Enterprises. More detailed data will be published on the web portal of<br />

the Croatian Bureau of Statistics: http://www.dzs.hr<br />

Totals of the data were published for enterprises employing 10 or more<br />

persons. The Eurostat publishes data of the EU countries for<br />

enterprises employing 10 or more persons, which enables<br />

comparability of the data between the Republic of Croatia and other EU<br />

countries.<br />

Kratice<br />

Abbreviaions<br />

EU<br />

Eurostat<br />

Fina<br />

itd.<br />

i sl.<br />

Kb/s<br />

Mbps<br />

NACE<br />

NN<br />

npr.<br />

tj.<br />

Europska unija<br />

Statistički ured Europske unije<br />

Financijska agencija<br />

i tako dalje<br />

i slično<br />

kilobajt u sekundi<br />

megabit u sekundi<br />

Statistička klasifikacija ekonomskih djelatnosti u Europskoj<br />

uniji<br />

Narodne novine<br />

na primjer<br />

to jest<br />

e.g<br />

etc.<br />

EULA<br />

Eurostat<br />

Fina<br />

Kb/s<br />

Mbps<br />

NACE<br />

NN<br />

for example (from Latin: exempli gratia)<br />

and so on (from Latin: et cetera)<br />

End User License Agreement<br />

Statistical Office of the European Communities<br />

Financial Agency<br />

kilobyte per second<br />

megabit per second<br />

Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the<br />

European Community<br />

Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic of Croatia<br />

Izdaje i tiska Državni zavod za statistiku Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb, Ilica 3, p. p. 80.<br />

Published and printed by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80<br />

Telefon/ Phone: +385 (0) 1 4806-111, telefaks/ Fax: +385 (0) 1 4817-666<br />

Odgovara ravnatelj dr. sc. Ivan Kovač.<br />

Person responsible: Dr. Ivan Kovač, PhD., Director General<br />

Priredili: Jasna Pugar i Hrvoje Markuš<br />

Prepared by: Jasna Pugar and Hrvoje Markuš


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Naklada: 50 primjeraka<br />

50 copies printed<br />

Obavijesti daje Odjel informacija.<br />

Information is available at the Information Department.<br />

Telefon/ Phone: +385 (0) 1 4806-138, 4806-154, 4811-212<br />

Pretplata publikacija/ Subscription: +385 (0) 1 4814-791<br />

Telefaks/ Fax: +385 (0) 1 4806-148, 4806-199<br />

Elektronička pošta/ E-mail: stat.info@dzs.hr<br />

Internetske stranice/ Web site: http://www.dzs.hr<br />

Podaci iz ovog priopćenja objavljuju se i na internetu.<br />

First Release data are also published on the Internet.

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