St. Stephen Harding Theological College and Seminary
St. Stephen Harding Theological College and Seminary St. Stephen Harding Theological College and Seminary
St. Stephen Harding Theological College and Seminary Off Campus Study Programs Program Requirements* Introduction St. Stephen Harding Theological College and Seminary welcomes all students, providing they have the academic backgrounds necessary to assure successful completion of their programs of study. Continuing Education, (CE) Students who do not wish to earn a degree may enroll in the Continuing Education Program and select their own course of study. Credit and non-credit options are available. Students selecting the credit option must have an appropriate academic background; previous college credit is not required for noncredit students. Grading will be pass or fail. Licentiate of Sacred Theology, (STL) Candidates for the Licentiate of Sacred Theology, 30 credit hours, used only as preparation for Holy Orders, must demonstrate the academic skills necessary to reasonably assure completion of the program. However, previous college credit is not required for admission. The courses are selected to satisfy the student’s goals. Students will complete a five-page summary and a five-page reflection paper for each course. Grading will be pass or fail. Certificate of Studies and Advanced Studies, (CS/CAS) Candidates will select courses totaling 15 hours in one area of study. Advanced Studies is an additional 15 credit hours in the same area of study. The courses may not be applied toward a degree or S.T.L. The student should have the appropriate academic background to assure the completion of the studies. Previous college credit is not required. Students will complete a five-page summary and a five-page reflection for each course. Grading will be pass or fail. Bachelor of Theology, (Th.B.) Candidates for the Bachelor of Theology must have previously completed high school or the equivalent. Students are free to choose the courses that best satisfy their goals. Students will complete a ten-page summary and a ten-page reflection paper for each course. Students must maintain a C average. Master of Theology, (Th.M.) Candidates for Master of Theology programs must have previously earned a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an approved institution. Students are free to choose the courses that best meet their goals. Students will complete a tenpage summary and a ten-page reflection paper for each course. Students must maintain a B average.
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>St</strong>ephen <strong>Harding</strong> <strong>Theological</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Seminary</strong><br />
Off Campus <strong>St</strong>udy Programs<br />
Program Requirements*<br />
Introduction<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>St</strong>ephen <strong>Harding</strong> <strong>Theological</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Seminary</strong> welcomes all<br />
students, providing they have the academic backgrounds necessary to assure<br />
successful completion of their programs of study.<br />
Continuing Education, (CE)<br />
<strong>St</strong>udents who do not wish to earn a degree may enroll in the Continuing<br />
Education Program <strong>and</strong> select their own course of study. Credit <strong>and</strong> non-credit<br />
options are available. <strong>St</strong>udents selecting the credit option must have an<br />
appropriate academic background; previous college credit is not required for noncredit<br />
students. Grading will be pass or fail.<br />
Licentiate of Sacred Theology, (STL)<br />
C<strong>and</strong>idates for the Licentiate of Sacred Theology, 30 credit hours, used only as<br />
preparation for Holy Orders, must demonstrate the academic skills necessary to<br />
reasonably assure completion of the program. However, previous college credit<br />
is not required for admission. The courses are selected to satisfy the student’s<br />
goals. <strong>St</strong>udents will complete a five-page summary <strong>and</strong> a five-page reflection<br />
paper for each course. Grading will be pass or fail.<br />
Certificate of <strong>St</strong>udies <strong>and</strong> Advanced <strong>St</strong>udies, (CS/CAS)<br />
C<strong>and</strong>idates will select courses totaling 15 hours in one area of study. Advanced<br />
<strong>St</strong>udies is an additional 15 credit hours in the same area of study. The courses<br />
may not be applied toward a degree or S.T.L. The student should have the<br />
appropriate academic background to assure the completion of the studies.<br />
Previous college credit is not required. <strong>St</strong>udents will complete a five-page<br />
summary <strong>and</strong> a five-page reflection for each course. Grading will be pass or fail.<br />
Bachelor of Theology, (Th.B.)<br />
C<strong>and</strong>idates for the Bachelor of Theology must have previously completed high<br />
school or the equivalent. <strong>St</strong>udents are free to choose the courses that best<br />
satisfy their goals. <strong>St</strong>udents will complete a ten-page summary <strong>and</strong> a ten-page<br />
reflection paper for each course. <strong>St</strong>udents must maintain a C average.<br />
Master of Theology, (Th.M.)<br />
C<strong>and</strong>idates for Master of Theology programs must have previously earned a<br />
Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an approved institution. <strong>St</strong>udents are free<br />
to choose the courses that best meet their goals. <strong>St</strong>udents will complete a tenpage<br />
summary <strong>and</strong> a ten-page reflection paper for each course. <strong>St</strong>udents must<br />
maintain a B average.
Doctor of Theology, (Th.D.)<br />
C<strong>and</strong>idates for the Doctor of Theology degree must have previously earned a<br />
Master of Theology or equivalent from an approved institution. The Dean will<br />
determine degree requirements. <strong>St</strong>udents must maintain a B average.<br />
Masters Degree, (Th.M.) <strong>and</strong> Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Christian<br />
Counseling (Ph.D.).<br />
National Christian Counselors Association training <strong>and</strong> licensing program: See<br />
catalog for details.<br />
• All programs are subject to the Dean’s approval.<br />
Grading System<br />
A Excellent 90-100 4 quality points<br />
B Good 80-90 3 quality points<br />
C Average 70-80 2 quality points<br />
D Passing 60-70 1 quality point<br />
F Failure 0-59 0 quality points<br />
P Pass N/A N/A