Lecture Notes (PDF) - Aqueous and Environmental Geochemistry

Lecture Notes (PDF) - Aqueous and Environmental Geochemistry

Lecture Notes (PDF) - Aqueous and Environmental Geochemistry


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<strong>Geochemistry</strong><br />

DM Sherman, University of Bristol<br />

2008/2009<br />

Kinetics of Geochemical<br />

Processes<br />

<strong>Geochemistry</strong><br />

D.M. Sherman, University of Bristol<br />

Rates of Chemical Reactions<br />

Consider a simple reaction:<br />

A → B<br />

The rate of the forward reaction is<br />

dB<br />

dt = k f [A]<br />

The rate of the reverse reaction is<br />

!<br />

dA<br />

dt = k r [B]<br />

!<br />

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<strong>Geochemistry</strong><br />

DM Sherman, University of Bristol<br />

2008/2009<br />

Rates of Chemical Reactions<br />

At equilibrium, the rates are equal:<br />

dB<br />

dt = dA<br />

dt<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

k f [A] = k r [B]<br />

!<br />

The equilibrium constant is<br />

K eq = [B]<br />

[A] = k f<br />

k r<br />

!<br />

Reaction Rate Laws In General<br />

In general, for an elementary reaction<br />

aA + bB → cC + dD<br />

the rate of the reaction (neglecting back reaction) is<br />

R = " 1 a<br />

d[A]<br />

dt<br />

= " 1 b<br />

d[B]<br />

dt<br />

= 1 c<br />

d[C]<br />

dt<br />

= 1 d<br />

d[D]<br />

dt<br />

= k f [A] a [B] b<br />

!<br />

where n = a + b is the order of the reaction.<br />

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<strong>Geochemistry</strong><br />

DM Sherman, University of Bristol<br />

2008/2009<br />

Reaction Rate Laws In General<br />

First-order reactions (e.g., A → B):<br />

R = " d[A]<br />

dt<br />

= k f [A]<br />

Second-order reactions (e.g., 2A → B):<br />

!<br />

d[A]<br />

dt<br />

= k f [A] 2<br />

Zeroth-order reactions:<br />

!<br />

d[A]<br />

dt<br />

= k f<br />

!<br />

Integrating Rate laws..<br />

Suppose we have a simple first-order rate law for<br />

the transformation of A:<br />

d[A]<br />

dt<br />

= "k f<br />

[A]<br />

Multiply both sides by dt <strong>and</strong> rearranging gives..<br />

!<br />

dA = "k f<br />

[A]dt<br />

!<br />

d[A]<br />

[A]<br />

= "k f<br />

dt<br />

!<br />

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<strong>Geochemistry</strong><br />

DM Sherman, University of Bristol<br />

2008/2009<br />

Integrating Rate laws (cont)..<br />

Now we integrate both sides. We have our initial<br />

condition that at t = 0, [A] = [A] 0 .<br />

A d[A] t<br />

" = #kf " dt<br />

[A] 0<br />

A 0<br />

!<br />

"<br />

ln [A] %<br />

$ ' = (k f<br />

t<br />

#[A] 0 &<br />

!<br />

[A] = [A] 0<br />

e "k f t<br />

!<br />

Half-Life<br />

The half-life of A is the time it takes for half of A<br />

to disappear (no reverse reaction):<br />

If<br />

A = A o<br />

e "k f t<br />

!<br />

Then when A = A 0 /2:<br />

t 1/ 2 = 0.693/ k f<br />

!<br />

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<strong>Geochemistry</strong><br />

DM Sherman, University of Bristol<br />

2008/2009<br />

Half-Life<br />

Process<br />

Ion complexation<br />

Adsorption<br />

Gas dissolution<br />

Hydrolysis<br />

Precipitation/Dissolution<br />

Mineral Recrystallization<br />

Half-life<br />

<strong>Geochemistry</strong><br />

DM Sherman, University of Bristol<br />

2008/2009<br />

Activation Energies..<br />

Reactions with a high activation energy will show a<br />

strong temperature dependence of their rates. The<br />

measured activation energy can provide mechanistic<br />

clues..<br />

Process !G ‡ (kJ/mol)<br />

<strong>Aqueous</strong> Diffusion < 20<br />

Ion Adsorption 25<br />

Mineral Dissolution 40-80<br />

Solid State Diffusion 80-480<br />

Transition State Theory: Reaction Rate<br />

<strong>and</strong> Disequilibrium<br />

Rate net<br />

= Rate forward<br />

" Rate reverse<br />

For an elementary reaction<br />

!<br />

A → B<br />

Rate forward<br />

= k f<br />

[A] = [A] k BT<br />

h e"#G f ± / RT<br />

!<br />

Rate reverse<br />

= k r<br />

[B] = [B] k BT<br />

h e"#G r ± / RT<br />

!<br />

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<strong>Geochemistry</strong><br />

DM Sherman, University of Bristol<br />

2008/2009<br />

Transition State Theory: Reaction Rate<br />

<strong>and</strong> Disequilibrium<br />

Since ΔG = ΔG ‡ f - ΔG‡ r<br />

Rate forward<br />

Rate reverse<br />

= e"#G f ± / RT<br />

e "#G r ± / RT<br />

/ RT<br />

= e"#G<br />

!<br />

!<br />

Rate net<br />

= Rate forward<br />

(1" e "#G / RT )<br />

Rate net<br />

= Rate forward<br />

(1" Q K )<br />

!<br />

Empirical Rate Laws..<br />

For most reactions, the elementary steps are not known.<br />

Empirical rate laws have been measured, however. For<br />

example the dissolution of gypsum:<br />

CaSO 4 .2H 2 O (gypsum) → Ca 2+ + SO 4<br />

2-<br />

+ 2H 2 O<br />

has the rate law (Langmuir <strong>and</strong> Melchior, 1985):<br />

d[Ca]<br />

dt<br />

= kA w (C s " C)<br />

With k = 2 x 10 -6 m/s, A w = wet surface area (m 2 )<br />

exposed<br />

!<br />

to a m 3 of water, <strong>and</strong> C s =15.5 mol/m 3 .<br />

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<strong>Geochemistry</strong><br />

DM Sherman, University of Bristol<br />

2008/2009<br />

Mass-Transfer Limited Reactions<br />

•Reactions for which the elementary chemical steps<br />

are very fast will have rates determined by mass<br />

transfer. Mass transfer can be by diffusion or<br />

advection.<br />

•If diffusion is fast enough, the rate of the reaction will<br />

be advection controlled.<br />

Diffusion: Ficks First Law<br />

The flux (J, in moles/cm 2 -s) of a chemical species is<br />

given by the concentration gradient:<br />

J = "D #C<br />

#x<br />

!<br />

Diffusion constants<br />

of ions in water<br />

range from 10 -6 to<br />

10 -4 cm 2 /s.<br />

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<strong>Geochemistry</strong><br />

DM Sherman, University of Bristol<br />

2008/2009<br />

Diffusion: Ficks Second Law<br />

The concentration as a function of t <strong>and</strong> x is found<br />

By solving the differential equation (Fick’s 2nd law):<br />

"C<br />

"t<br />

= D " 2 C<br />

"x 2<br />

With the appropriate boundary conditions to define<br />

the problem..<br />

!<br />

Diffusion<br />

For a simple constant-source problem, the boundary<br />

condition is C(0,t) = C 0. The solution to Fick’s 2nd Law is:<br />

C(x,t) = 1 2 C 0(1" erf<br />

x<br />

2 Dt )<br />

!<br />

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<strong>Geochemistry</strong><br />

DM Sherman, University of Bristol<br />

2008/2009<br />

Diffusion<br />

A good approximation for any geometry is that<br />

C(x,t) " 1 4 C 0<br />

when x = Dt<br />

!<br />

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