2010 Paulatim Magazine - RAAMC Association

2010 Paulatim Magazine - RAAMC Association

2010 Paulatim Magazine - RAAMC Association


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a. rebalanced deployable AAPsych capability to allow the optimal<br />

task-specific Psychology Support Teams (PsST) through<br />

augmentation of CHSB and GHSB;<br />

b. centralised management of all operational mental health capability<br />

within RTS and augmentation of the GHS Mental Health and<br />

Psychology Sections as endorsed under RLA with JHC;<br />

c. dedicated specialist capability development and operational<br />

analysis; and<br />

d. standardisation of MST for all deployable PsST.<br />

Garrison Health Support. The CHS restructure will facilitate the<br />

GHS transition and enable JHC to deliver comprehensive GHS. This will<br />

incorporate augmentation through the RTS cycles, maintenance of<br />

habitual relationships between close health elements and bde elements<br />

they predominately support, enable the establishment of Army clinical<br />

governance regimes of GHS models of care, enable the establishment<br />

of bde level welfare boards/injured personnel management cells and<br />

support soldier rehabilitation and transition.<br />

ARES Combat Health Capability. The ARES is a key Combat Health<br />

enabler and integrated into a number of the CHS structures to provide<br />

a whole of force package. The 3 HTRB will manage the personnel that<br />

generate the ‘high end’ clinical ARES capability for the Army.<br />

The development of the ARES health capability (outside 3 HTRB) will<br />

be informed by the ARA CHS implementation, outcome of the Health<br />

ECR (particularly the Combat Medical Attendant) and the ARES AFF.<br />

This will shape the future structure of ARES capability currently resident<br />

within 2 Div.<br />

I need to acknowledge the work of a small team of key staff if it were<br />

not for their vision, commitment and stamina over the past four years<br />

the Combat Health Restructure would still be a pipe dream: MAJ Caitlin<br />

Langford, LTCOL Ian Marsh, LTCOL Fred Parker, LTCOL Andy Williams,<br />

LTCOL Richard Mallet, LTCOL Stan Papastamatis, MAJ Liz Barnette,<br />

MAJ Blue Reidy, MAJ Phil Butt, MAJ Nathan Fraser, MAJ Lee Melberzs,<br />

WO1 Tony McKindlay, WO1 Michael Clarke and LAST but not LEAST two<br />

officers who should be made honorary members of the Army Health<br />

Service : LTCOL Paul Rogers (RACT) and LTCOL Michelle Miller (RACT).<br />



Health Training Continuum. The effective generation of the LBTS<br />

requires adherence to detailed and prescriptive clinical training regimes<br />

within the foundation warfighting and mission specific training<br />

programs. Given the complexity and sophistication of this training a<br />

significant portion of this will be undertaken via strategic alliance<br />

programs with state and federal health facilities. However, the key to<br />

readiness of the Health Force is Health Mission Specific Training as<br />

demonstrated via the Primary Survey series of training and the<br />

programs run at 3 HSB in Adelaide. Currently, this training is run by<br />

HQ Forces Command staff supported by KEEN AND DEDICATED GROUP<br />

OF Army Reserve instructors, Army Reserve specialist medical advisors<br />

and partnering with industry – Cubic Australia and Care Flight.<br />

The MST Team comprising of: COL Charles New, MAJ Greg Brown,<br />

MAJ Sean Kennaway, MAJ Tania Rogerson, WO1 Liz Matthews and a<br />

trusted team of support staff have delivered first rate quality training to<br />

the deploying Bdes for the past two years. Most recently we have been<br />

very excited about the integration of Battle Smart into the program.<br />

By 2012 the mantel for this training will be passed to ALTC.<br />

Army School of Health (ASH). ASH will be central in meeting<br />

Adaptive Army’s intent by ensuring the delivery of timely and<br />

operationally relevant training. The establishment of a Combat Health<br />

Training Team within ASH reflects its expanded role in delivering and<br />

coordinating foundation warfighting and close health MST.<br />

The on-going development of health specific foundation warfighting<br />

skills is fundamental to success on operations and will be embedded in<br />

the health training continuum that covers All Corps Soldier training and<br />

relevant employment category continuum. This training will be<br />

delivered under the Army Training Continuum (ATC) construct that will<br />

see the “school” extended through the establishment of the 3 HTRB.<br />

The training continuum will demonstrate effective use of Technical<br />

Control from within FORCOMD that extends from AHQ through<br />

Functional Commands, through the Training Authority (TA) at the school<br />

and culminate with delivery by the unit, in this instance 3 HTRB.<br />

Combat Health Training Team Concept of Operations<br />

Mission: The CHTT is to conduct Combat Health Foundation<br />

Warfighting and coordinate selected Medical Mission Specific Training<br />

as directed by CO ASH and under the technical control of the Command<br />

Health Officer FORCOMD IOT prepare individual and collective Army<br />

Force Elements for ‘A War’ and mission rehearsal conducted by LCRC<br />

on behalf of 1 Div for ‘The War’.<br />

Execution: The role of the CHTT is to deliver up to Army Training Level<br />

2 individual combat health foundation warfighting training at ALTC and<br />

selected BDE locations, and coordinate collective medical mission specific<br />

training up to Army Training level 3 at Army Training Standard A<br />

utilising blended ARA, ARES and contracted support .<br />

Special Acknowledgement must be made of MAJ Blue Reidy, WO1 Liz<br />

Matthews, WO1 Stu Robertson, LTCOL Barney Flint, SHO 17 CSS Bde<br />

designate and LTCOL Stan Papastanatis CO 3 HSB for their outstanding<br />

contributions to the early development of this training.<br />

A snap shot of MST in profile is detailed on the following pages.<br />

References<br />

By: COL Georgeina Whelan AM CSC<br />

1. Bellamy R.F. “The Cause of Death in Conventional Land Warfare: Implications for Casualty Care<br />

Research” Mi Med. 1084; 149:55-62<br />


PA U L AT I M – M A GAZINE O F T HE R OYA L A U S T R A L I A N A R M Y M E DICAL C O R P S – 2 0 1 0 1 3

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