2010 Paulatim Magazine - RAAMC Association

2010 Paulatim Magazine - RAAMC Association

2010 Paulatim Magazine - RAAMC Association


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Army School of Health<br />

Advanced Medical Training Team<br />

The Advanced Medical Training Team (AMTT) headed by CAPT Sean<br />

Parker with WO2 Nathan Holdforth, SGT Jason Brown, SGT Richard<br />

Kelson, SGT Christopher Owen, SGT Matthew Shoemark, SGT Adam Tyne<br />

and SGT Luke Woodland has had another successful year with close to<br />

80 Basic Medical Operators trained and qualified as Advanced Medical<br />

Technicians (AMT).<br />

AMTT is supported by Monash University with Mr John Knight and Mr<br />

Mal Peters providing excellent tuition to AMAC students. With our third<br />

back to back and over lapping course running for the year the last of<br />

the AMAC courses as we know it is due to end come 15 Oct 10. The first<br />

of the medics trained under the new continuum will arrive at AMTT on<br />

22 Nov 10, a busy end to the year.<br />

EX JOHORE MERSING is a team activity designed to test the courage,<br />

initiative and teamwork of course students, it builds on mateship and<br />

Espirit de Corps. The half day activity is conducted over a gruelling<br />

10 km course and includes the obstacle course, stretcher carry, patient<br />

treatment + stretcher carry, quick decision exercise, PT stand,<br />

equipment carry and closes with another stretcher carry. This activity<br />

has been run twice, the winning team from the 0042 AMAC completed<br />

the course in 1 hr 34 min. After a significant adjustment to the course<br />

the winning team from the 0043 AMAC completed the course in<br />

2 hr 22 min. A mighty achievement by both teams and each time lead<br />

across the line by SGT Luke Woodland, the challenge exists for the<br />

0048 AMAC to better the time of 2 hr 22 min and for SGT Woodland<br />

to achieve a third victory.<br />


AMTT has developed and incorporated a number of changes to the way<br />

we train and assess the future AMT. Of significance is the team<br />

approach to the ACLS assessment, with a four person team the AMT is<br />

expected to lead, supervise and treat a cardiac patient. Another major<br />

element of the course is ATLS; the ATLS assessment has become more<br />

robust and incorporates Care of the Battle Casualty (CBC) and places<br />

increased physical and mental challenges on the AMT prior to treating<br />

their casualty. EX GASCON is the primary activity for the training of<br />

AMTs in ATLS and includes a bullring to refresh BLS and introduce<br />

advanced interventions and culminates in a two day field activity<br />

practicing CBC and ATLS. To those staff moving on in 2011, good luck<br />

with your future endeavours and for those staying keep up the<br />

excellent training.<br />


The Return of the Celeriter<br />

A major activity conducted during the AMAC course is EX JOHORE<br />

MERSING. The name Johore Mersing refers to an area of the Malaya<br />

peninsula which the Australian 8th Division was tasked with defending<br />

in August 1941. A number of medical units were located in this area of<br />

Malaya, of note was the 2/9 Field Ambulance. With Japanese forces<br />

bearing down on them, not only did they achieve patient treatment<br />

they made record time of deploying and redeploying, moving hundreds<br />

of tons of personnel and equipment. In addition to receiving and<br />

treating casualties the 2/9 Field Ambulance constructed almost 1 km of<br />

road and a large bomb proof underground dressing station. Casualty<br />

rates reached were 3.5 per 100 troops by September 1941,<br />

approximately 400-500 per day.<br />

0042 AMAC 25 Jan – 14 May Syndicate 1<br />

SGT Woodland, CPL Dobson, PTE Allen, PTE Boyce, PTE Braithwaite-Smith,<br />

PTE Cook, PTE Dovey, PTE DeBoer, PTE Fiebig, PTE Green.<br />

0043 AMAC 19 Apr – 30 Jul Syndicate 3<br />

SGT Woodland, PTE Budworth, PTE Elliott, PTE Gardiner, PTE Gummow,<br />

PTE Kirby, PTE McInnes and PTE Vivier.<br />

PA U L AT I M – M A GAZINE O F T HE R OYA L A U S T R A L I A N A R M Y M E DICAL C O R P S – 2 0 1 0 4 5

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