2010 Paulatim Magazine - RAAMC Association

2010 Paulatim Magazine - RAAMC Association

2010 Paulatim Magazine - RAAMC Association


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Water for some R & R. As I had sustained burns to my head and<br />

shrapnel injuries to my rear I to was evacuated. Arrangements would<br />

be made for those who had suffered injuries in the attack on the<br />

Galahad to be treated and evacuated out of theatre of operations.<br />

It was at this point that I realised that I had sustained some injuries and<br />

a flood of relief came over me with the knowledge that I was going<br />

home. After a hot meal and shower on board the ship an<br />

announcement came over the tannoy informing the following personnel<br />

to report to the deck for transfer to a helicopter. My name was on the<br />

list. This was it I was going home!<br />


30 minutes later I found my self back on dry land. With my SMG in my<br />

hand and weighted down with ammo and medical equipment. The final<br />

push to free the Falklands was on and I wasn’t going home just yet.<br />

Evacuation of battlefield casualties.<br />

own beret and using a rusty nail secured it to the cross. We then<br />

lowered him in to the grave and the padre said a few words before we<br />

each saluted the 2IC for one last time.<br />

The final tab (march) to Stanley.<br />

For the next five days I found my self either working in the make shift<br />

dressing station at Fitzroy, collecting wounded from the various<br />

battlefields or providing close medical support to the Ghurkhas and<br />

Scots Guards as the mountains around Port Stanley were assaulted.<br />

During the assaults as we passed many of the wounded both our own<br />

and the Argentineans we would throw them a couple of dressings and<br />

tell them we would be back later until then they had to rely on self aid.<br />

The problems of casualty evacuation to the Regimental Aid Posts and<br />

beyond were immense. Due to the soft terrain vehicles could not be<br />

used so evacuation was reliant on stretcher bearers. In some cases the<br />

wounded soldiers had to walk considerable distances before receiving<br />

any treatment. Most engagements took place at night on remote hill<br />

sides in adverse weather conditions. Many soldiers, including ones who<br />

had lost limbs lay for many hours relying on self aid. We did not know<br />

it then but these conditions proved crucial to the survival rate of the<br />

wounded due to the extreme cold experienced. Where possible<br />

helicopters were used to evacuate casualties from the battlefield.<br />

All the wooden crosses in the cemetery had the beret of the solider who<br />

had died placed on them to help identify who they were and the units<br />

they served in. We could not do this for MAJ Nutbeam as his beret had<br />

been lost on the Galahad so I removed the RAMC Cap badge from my<br />

The Sir Galahad before being towed away and sunk as a War Grave.<br />

Almost two weeks after the cease fire the a Service of Remembrance<br />

was held on the deck of the Sir Tristrum while the Sir Galahad, which<br />

was still burning, was towed out to sea and sunk as a war grave.<br />

Scouse and Kenny were never going home.<br />

Two months later I returned to the UK from the Falklands. The journey<br />

down to the Falkland Islands which seemed like an eternity ago took<br />

three weeks, the journey back took two days It would be another two<br />

months before I was allowed any leave as on my return my section was<br />

still the Spearhead section and we were put on standby for another<br />

operational deployment. In October 1982 I was posted out of 16 Field<br />

Ambulance to the Junior Regiment Royal Signals Medical Reception<br />

Station.<br />

This was not the end of my Falklands experience however. In February<br />

1983, I became yet another casualty of the Falklands War after<br />

suffering a severe bout of Battle Shock now known as Post Traumatic<br />

Stress disorder PTSD. 250 British Servicemen were killed in the Falklands<br />

War and since then almost the same number have died as a result of<br />

PTSD related circumstances. Nor was this the last of my operational<br />

tours, but that is another story.<br />

By: Captain Andy Brayshaw <strong>RAAMC</strong><br />

PA U L AT I M – M A GAZINE O F T HE R OYA L A U S T R A L I A N A R M Y M E DICAL C O R P S – 2 0 1 0 6 7

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