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Chapter II<br />

geospatial system technical guidance; staff assistance to the Services, CCMDs, and DOD<br />

components; and is the focal point for imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial<br />

information.<br />

For more information see JP 2-01, Joint and National Intelligence Support to Military<br />

Operations.<br />

8. Other Government Departments and Agencies<br />

a. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). DHS responsibilities include customs,<br />

aerial and seaport security, and infrastructure hardening and protection. DHS coordinates<br />

and leverages resources with different governmental jurisdictions at the federal, state, and<br />

local levels. DHS coordinates the transition of multiple agencies and programs into a single,<br />

integrated agency focused on protecting the American people and their homeland. A<br />

comprehensive national strategy seeks to develop a complementary system connecting all<br />

levels of government without duplicating effort. The DHS agencies that impact DOD<br />

deployment/redeployment include:<br />

(1) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA coordinates the<br />

execution of emergency preparedness actions of all USG departments and agencies,<br />

including deployment of military support for defense support of civilian authorities’<br />

missions. FEMA HQ is located in Washington, DC, and operates with 10 regional and<br />

multiple area offices across the country.<br />

(2) United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The Commissioner of<br />

CBP is responsible for maintaining surveillance of illegal goods entering the US through<br />

DTS PODs. CBP is also responsible for guarding against potential plant or animal<br />

infestations entering the US through DTS PODs. All forces and material redeploying to the<br />

US will require CBP agricultural inspections.<br />

(3) US Coast Guard (USCG)<br />

(a) The USCG is the primary US maritime agency for waterway safety and<br />

security. The USCG, the only military organization within DHS, supports the GCCs. The<br />

USCG is unique among US military forces because it has statutory law enforcement<br />

authority.<br />

(b) The USCG core competencies include national defense, maritime safety<br />

and security, maritime law enforcement, and maritime environmental protection.<br />

(c) During deployment operations supporting joint force operations, the USCG<br />

protects military shipping at US seaports of embarkation (SPOEs) and outside the continental<br />

United States (OCONUS) PODs by conducting port security and harbor defense operations<br />

in conjunction with Navy coastal warfare forces.<br />

(d) Major USCG cutters may be deployed to participate in maritime<br />

interception and coastal sea control operations, enforce sanctions against other nations, and<br />

conduct theater security cooperation activities. The major USCG cutters, like Navy<br />

II-14 JP 3-35

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