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33 1 2009 1 <br />

Vol1 33 , No1 1 January 2009 1<br />

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Population Research<br />

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1 Easterlin , Richard A. and Eileen M. Crimmins. (1985) . The Fertility Revolution : A Supply - Demand Analysis.<br />

The University of Chicago Press , Chicago and London.<br />

2 . . ,2008 ;4 :112<br />

3 . . :, 2007<br />

4 Thompson , W. S. (1929) . Population. The American Journal of Sociology , 34 , No. 6 May , 959 - 975.<br />

5 Landry , A. (1934) . La Revolution Demographique. IN ED Press , 1982.<br />

6 Notestein , F. W. (1945) . Population : The Long View. In Food for the World , ed. by T. W. Schultz. The Uni2<br />

versity of Chicago Press.<br />

7 Blacker , C. P. (1947) . Stages in Population Growth. The Eugenics Review , Vol. 39 , No. 3.<br />

8 United Nations. (2007) . World Population Prospects : The 2006 Revision.<br />

9 Leibenstein , H. (1954) . A Theory of Economic Demographic - Development , Princeton UniversityPress , Prince2<br />

ton , New Jersey.<br />

10 Leibenstein , H. (1957) . Economic Backwardness and Economic Growth. Wiley , New York<br />

11 Leibenstein , H. (1981) . Economic Decision Theory and Fertility Behavior. Population and Development Review ,<br />

No. 3 : 381 - 400.<br />

12 Becker , G. S. (1960) . An Economic Analysis of Fertility. In Demographic and Economic Change in Developed<br />

© 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net

1 9<br />

Countries : A Conference of the Universities - National Bureau Committee for Economics. NBER , Princeton Uni2<br />

versity Press , Princeton , New Jersey.<br />

13 Schultz , T. W. (1973) . The Value of Children : An Economic Perspective. Journal of Political Economy (supple2<br />

ment) : S2 - 13.<br />

14 ,. . ,2002 ;5<br />

15 . . ,2000 ;1<br />

16 . 1990 . ,2004 ;2<br />

17 . . ,2002 ;3<br />

18 ,. 2000 . ,2003 ;4<br />

19 . 19902000 . ,2003 ;4<br />

20 . 2000 . ,2003 ;6<br />

21 ,. 1990 . ,2007 ;1<br />

22 . . 2001 . <br />

,2004<br />

23 ,. 2002 . ,2003<br />

24 . 2006 (2007 2 ) .<br />

Fertility Revolution in China<br />

Abstract : This article firstly brings forward a theoretical model on the dynamic structure of fertility revolution , and then<br />

divides the fertility revolution into three phases in accordance with its patterns of dynamic mechanisms : the phase driven<br />

by mortality change , the phase driven by fertility preference change and the phase driven by fertility cost control. Social<br />

and economic development is the fundamental driving force for China’ s fertility revolution since 1970s , even though<br />

pushed forward greatly by the government’s family planning policy. Especially since 1992 , fertility decline in China has<br />

shown up the nature of fertility revolution. Finally , this article concludes that China’s fertility transition has ended and<br />

entered a phase of low fertility driven by fertility cost control.<br />

Keywords : Fertility revolution ; Fertility transition ; Family planning<br />

Author : Li Jianmin is Profrssor , Institute of Population and Development Research , Nankai University.<br />

(: :2008 - 12)<br />

© 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net

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