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TestRouteMatch and TestRouteFail contain calls to the Assert method, which throws an exception if the<br />

assertion fails. Because C# exceptions are propagated up the call stack, I can create simple test methods that test a set of<br />

URLs and get the test behavior I require. Here is a test method that tests the route I defined in Listing 15-8:<br />

...<br />

[TestMethod]<br />

public void TestIncomingRoutes() {<br />

// check for the URL that is hoped for<br />

TestRouteMatch("∼/Admin/Index", "Admin", "Index");<br />

// check that the values are being obtained from the segments<br />

TestRouteMatch("∼/One/Two", "One", "Two");<br />

// ensure that too many or too few segments fails to match<br />

TestRouteFail("∼/Admin/Index/Segment");<br />

TestRouteFail("∼/Admin");<br />

}<br />

...<br />

This test uses the TestRouteMatch method to check the URL I am expecting and also checks a URL in the same<br />

format to make sure that the controller and action values are being obtained properly using the URL segments. I<br />

use the TestRouteFail method to make sure that the application won’t accept URLs that have a different number of<br />

segments. When testing, I must prefix the URL with the tilde (∼) character, because this is how the ASP.NET Framework<br />

presents the URL to the routing system.<br />

Notice that I didn’t need to define the routes in the test methods. This is because I am loading them directly using the<br />

RegisterRoutes method in the RouteConfig class.<br />

Defining Default Values<br />

The reason that I got an error when I requested the default URL for the application is that it didn’t match the route I had defined.<br />

The default URL is expressed as ∼/ to the routing system and there are no segments in this string that can be matched to the<br />

controller and action variables defined by the simple route pattern.<br />

I explained earlier that URL patterns are conservative, in that they will match only URLs with the specified number of segments.<br />

I also said that this was the default behavior and one way to change this behavior is to use default values. A default value is<br />

applied when the URL doesn’t contain a segment that can be matched to the value. Listing 15-9 provides an example of a route<br />

that contains a default value.<br />

Listing 15-9. Providing a Default Value in the RouteConfig.cs File<br />

using System;<br />

using System.Collections.Generic;<br />

using System.Linq;<br />

using System.Web;<br />

using System.Web.Mvc;<br />

using System.Web.Routing;<br />

namespace UrlsAndRoutes {<br />

public class RouteConfig {<br />

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) {<br />

routes.MapRoute("MyRoute", "{controller}/{action}",<br />

new { action = "Index" });<br />

}<br />

}<br />


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