third Cyber Security Assessment Netherlands - NCSC

third Cyber Security Assessment Netherlands - NCSC

third Cyber Security Assessment Netherlands - NCSC


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different search results: women get different results from men,<br />

people in Amsterdam get different results from people in<br />

Rotterdam, etc. This can lead to better search results but it also<br />

means that the end-user has less of a grip on what he finds.<br />

6.5 How can we keep a grip?<br />

To summarise the sections above, it is clear that information is<br />

being digitalised at a rapid pace. Moreover, that means a host<br />

of new threats. What is being done to maintain some sort of grip?<br />

Users<br />

Users can be advised on how to handle (personal) data but they are<br />

still largely dependent on the degree of security, which products and<br />

providers integrate. One of users’ responsibilities is to make a<br />

conscious choice about what information is published and who it is<br />

shared with. This reduces the privacy risks and makes it more difficult<br />

for malicious attackers to get hold of and abuse this information. The<br />

trend is that the Dutch are getting better at checking who personal<br />

information is sent to and they are changing their passwords more<br />

frequently. [52: UT 2012] The CBP offers citizens practical information on<br />

protecting their privacy at http://www.mijnprivacy.nl.<br />

Companies and governments<br />

Developments such as cloud and mobile require an ongoing focus<br />

on security so that customers and citizens can make safe use of<br />

services and have their privacy safeguarded.<br />

effectively about what they retain in-house and what the best<br />

means of implementation is, considering the balance between<br />

security, privacy and costs.<br />

Duty of care and reporting<br />

As well as organisations having to be transparent in how they<br />

process and secure any data collated, they also have a duty of care<br />

and reporting. Since 5 June 2012, telecoms providers have been<br />

required to report all security incidents involving personal data<br />

to the Authority for Consumers & Markets. [183] Does the incident<br />

have unpleasant consequences for customers? The telecoms<br />

providers must then also inform the customers concerned. Thus<br />

duty to report is bound up with the duty of care: companies are<br />

required to effectively protect their customers’ personal details.<br />

As a supervisory body, the CBP investigated some 25 (potential)<br />

security and data leaks in 2012. [2: CBP 2013][184] In the case of investigated<br />

the data leaks, citizens were often asked to fill in personal details<br />

on a web form (including medical details) which were then sent<br />

unsecured through the internet. Companies and governments are<br />

currently not obliged to report data leaks.<br />

However legislation is being prepared that will introduce compulsory<br />

reporting of data leaks. [185] «<br />

With the continuing digitalisation of the government, security is an<br />

important aspect; various parties are collaborating in this area with<br />

the aim of making government organisations more resilient and<br />

ensuring that they can recover quickly following a security incident.<br />

[182]<br />

The CBP offers companies and organisations information about<br />

privacy protection at http://www.cbpweb.nl/.<br />

Government organisation rely heavily on procedures and far<br />

less on technical security measures. This does not need to be<br />

a problem if there is sufficient awareness to comply with the<br />

procedural measures. According to research however, this appears<br />

[10: E&Y 2012]<br />

not to be the case.<br />

The expectation is that organisations will increasingly implement<br />

a private cloud environment and (once again) manage their own big<br />

data rather than housing it with external parties. [43: Quocirca 2013] This<br />

will give (back) to the organisations better and more transparent<br />

control over their own data. Organisations are thinking more<br />

182 http://www.taskforcebid.nl/<br />

183 https://www.acm.nl/nl/onderwerpen/telecommunicatie/internet/<br />

meldplicht-inbreuk-bescherming-persoonsgegevens/<br />

184 http://www.cbpweb.nl/Pages/pb_20130219_richtsnoeren-beveiliging-persoonsgegevens.aspx<br />

185 http://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten-en-publicaties/wetsvoorstellen/2012/11/01/<br />

wijziging-wet-bescherming-persoonsgegevens-meldplicht-datalekken<br />


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