996 - Banca Antonveneta

996 - Banca Antonveneta

996 - Banca Antonveneta


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11.4 Tangible assets held for investment: annual changes31.12.2007LandBuildingsA. Opening balance 34,644 31,236B. Increases - 19B.1 Acquisitions - -B.2 Costs of capitalised improvements - 19B.3 Net positive changes of fair value - -B.4 Write-backs - -B.5 Positive exchange differences - -B.6 Transfers from property to functional use - -B.7 Other changes - -C. Decreases - 1,271C.1 Sales - -C.2 Amortisation and depreciation - 1,271C.3 Net negative changes of fair value - -C.4 Value adjustments on impairments - -C.5 Negative exchange differences - -C.6 Transfers to other asset portfolios - -a) properties for functional use - -b) non-current assets for sale - -C.7 Other changes - -D. Closing balance 34,644 29,984E. Designation at fair value 34,644 34,324Amortisation and depreciation have been calculated at the rates considered as representative of the remaining useful lives of the tangible assets.The amortisation and depreciation for the first year is calculated on the basis of the actual time the asset was used.Rate (%)Furniture 12Furnishings 15Ordinary office machinery 12Vehicles used for transportation 20Residential furnishings 15Electronic office machines 20EAD machines 20EAD equipment 15Mobile phones 20Loading and unloading equipment 7.5Security installations 15Various installations 15Various specific machinery 10Various types of equipment 15Armoured vans 20Alarms 30Internal communications installations 25Internal telephone installations 8Cars 25266

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