996 - Banca Antonveneta

996 - Banca Antonveneta

996 - Banca Antonveneta


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INTERPRETATIONS approved by the European CommissionIFRIC1 Changes in existing decommissioning, restoration and similar liabilitiesIFRIC2 Partners' shares in cooperating entities and similar instrumentsIFRIC4 Determining if an agreement includes a leasingIFRIC5 Rights deriving from co-interests in funds for dismantlings, re-establishments and environmental drainagesIFRIC6 Liabilities from participation in a specific market - Garbage from electric and electronic equipmentsIFRIC7 Application of the re-determination method pursuant IAS 29 Accounting information in hyper-inflationed economiesIFRIC8 Application scope of IFRS 2IFRIC9 Re-evaluation of incorporated derivativesIFRIC10 Intermediate financial statements and value enduring reductionIFRIC11 Operations with own and group sharesSIC 7 Introduction of the euroSIC 10 Government assistance - no specific relation to operating activitiesSIC 12 Consolidation - special purpose entitiesSIC 13 Jointly controlled entities - non-monetary contributions by venturersSIC 15 Operating leases - incentivesSIC 21 Income taxes - recovery of revalued non-depreciable assetsSIC 25 Income tax - changes in the tax status of an enterprise or its shareholdersSIC 27 Evaluating the substance of transactions involving the legal form of a leaseSIC 29 Disclosure - service concession agreementsSIC 31 Revenue - barter transactions involving advertising servicesSIC 32 Intangible assets - web site costs382

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