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money. I found myself on the grand staircase, passing the second level when I realised where I was.The library was just off to the side. I traversed the darkened room without bumping into any crazywoman and opened the door to the library. The same orange glow greeted me as before, and as Islipped inside, I saw a man seated nearby, reading from a pile of Plato in the original Greek. I knewthe letters well enough to decipher a word, a name, but not to read the language. Days of yore spentbeside my uncle's pool as my cousins frolicked in the water came back to me. I had read books fromthe British Museum for fun, and my cousins had thought me nuts. That was them, but later me andSophie.... But that was something for the real world, not for where I found myself now, not for thelibrary with all of its impossibilities."Do not spread the collections upon the floor, I trust you do remember"It was the young man who had gone on to pick up source material from the seventeenth century, if Iremembered that rightly. I nodded politely."I will use the table" I promised.He nodded, and was gone.I turned in at the relevant shelves and made my way back to the 19th century stacks. Somewhere inthis, surely, was an explanation for where I now found myself...

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