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30th June 1851A large Chartist rally took to the streets today! The king and court had agreed its permit so the citypolice stood off to the side and allowed it to pass through to the assembly fields outside town. Thingspassed off peacefully, and there was even acknowledgment of the king's recent move towards freebasic healthcare for all.25th November 1851Twice since June the king has announced an expansion of the healthcare sys tem, and today'sannouncement was met with incredulity by some of the foreign visitors and seamen in from thedockside to watch the proclamation outside the palace. If the king meets his promises, then Belgium isgoing to have one of the world's leading services in providing free care to all.14th February 1852A festival of romanticist poetry and fiction was held courtesy of the combined arts fraternity of thecity, celebrating great moves in the genre, no doubt much of it imported from Europe, but a fairnumber of Belgian authors having their work trumpeted for the first time.That it was Saint Valentine's Day was not lost on the young and unattached, and I even received aninvitation from a daughter of one of the aristocratic families to attend. Unfortunately, protocoldemanded that I refuse and in so doing, shy away from attending the event altogether, which on pureartistic terms was a disappointment.30th June 1852The finances of the kingdom must really be looking up, or the king and court are running scared of theChartists, for all that there have been no marches or demonstrations for almost a year. Today, the kingannounced that a basic elementary school system was to be set up, free for all young children, andprovided without prejudice by the state itself, rather than franchised to the religious brotherhoodswhich is the usual way of these things, I am told.25th September 1852It seems an aeon since I have seen Father, or for that matter since I have even seen Britain! Hopes thathe may come out here proved to be a mere chimera, but next year I will request leave to return home tosee Father and Mother for the first time in over a decade. London cannot deny me that, not leastbecause Father's friends in the Lords would vote them down!The Swiss ambassador attended a meal at the palace as guest of honour tonight. One might think mejealous, but I remain merely intrigued. Whether Switzerland can truly do anything for Belgium is amystery, or perhaps the king and court simply look to find a friend in this world.

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