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"Oops", I had leant so far in that my dinner was now pushing at the edge of the carton, leaking throughthe side as I forgot about it.It reminded me that I had better things to do than sneak around a carpark, and that I was probablypushing my luck with the CCTV. If I didn't move the old geezer would probably call Security on mejust to be on the safe side. With a final backwards glance at the vintage cars, I turned to the left andwhat my sense of direction told me must be the direction of the main carpark.Sense of direction be damned, I was thinking a couple of minutes later. This was nuts! I mustsomehow be around the back of the building, across the quadrangles and out the other side, the Westside of halls where I had never yet bothered to go. How I had got there from the dining room I did notknow, but maybe the library had stretched not along the main body of my side, but across the middle. Icould not see quite how, but if I had entered the dining room from the Western side, that would explainwhy I had not seen the grand staircase or the hallway before, and why now I found myself standing inan ornamental garden when I had been expecting to walk into the main carpark. Something wasnagging at the back of my mind, even so, but I decided to head up to the main entrance and...Oh, that was it! I leant back against a tree and considered my position. If I was on the Western side,then the main entrance ought to be to my left, but it was clearly to my right... If I was on the Westernside, to my right ought to be the South end, where I had just come from, but that was on my left? Hadsomebody given me some magic mushrooms or something the night before? I didn't think so, butperhaps if they had, maybe that was why Louise was so moody. Hell, a shiver went down my back -maybe she even thought I had plied her with them to get her into bed, though I sort of remembered ithad been her who was taking the lead on that. But would even magic mushrooms cause me this muchdisorientation? I had to be on the West side, nothing else was logical, but then why did the mainentrance seem to be to my right?"Oh to Hell with directions" I said. If I was disorientated then it was not going to solve itself bythinking about it. I stood up and headed down the quartz-strewn path towards the main entrance. Ipassed a tower set into the building that had to be the twin of my own. Presumably they had one oneach side to even out the building, though I knew that in some things the architect had been curiouslyasymmetrical. Not in this, though, it seemed.I rounded the corner, my brain telling me I was turning left, my mind telling me I must bedisorientated and really turning right from the West side into the main entrance... But what the Hellwas this?!"I think I'll eat this here" I said to myself.It must be the lack of food, some sort of light headedness. I sat upon a bench that I had never seenbefore and opened the carton, using my fingers to pick up the meat and vegetables, appalling tablemanners but who was looking. I drained the casserole by drinking from the carton, then placed it in anornate black and gold litter bin to the side, wondering what the initials F III R on its side might mean.Wiping my mouth on a handkerchief, I looked ahead of me and frowned. Alright, if this was the mainentrance and it seemed to be, then how had these ornate little lawns got here, why was the roadway sonarrow and curving out into the trees instead of the carpark that.....that ought to lie there, and why werethe golden gates up ahead open when everyone knew they had been closed for twenty years and themain egress was now the roadway through the wall...that was not now there...?"Oh.." it seemed appropriate to say it aloud.Was this what the university had looked like some many years ago? Had I somehow gained a vision ofit in the past? I didn't like to ask the other question, but it sat at the back of my mind mocking me - hadI somehow gone into the past, and was now sitting on a bench in the 1930s...maybe?A car swung off the main road, pulling in through the gates and slowing down as it made the turn intothe curving roadway.

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