Academic Catalog 2010-2011 - Union Presbyterian Seminary

Academic Catalog 2010-2011 - Union Presbyterian Seminary

Academic Catalog 2010-2011 - Union Presbyterian Seminary


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<strong>Union</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> <strong>Seminary</strong> <strong>Academic</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong>BIB120 Job in the Bible and Beyond. A study of the Book of Job with focus on literary structure and theologicalemphases. Special attention will be given to the contribution of the book to Old Testament perspectives ontheodicy and to responses to the book throughout history in art, literature, music, and drama.Fall <strong>2010</strong>.COURSESBIB121 The Song of Songs. This course engages the Song of Songs and its interpretation history. Following aclose textual reading of the Song (in English), with particular attention to rhetorical strategies and imagery, we willtake up the responses of Christian and Jewish exegetes to this beautiful poetry, including Origen, rabbinic commentators,medieval interpreters, and the Protestant Reformers. The final portion of the class will examine modern approachesto the Song, Protestant (mainline and evangelical), Catholic, and Jewish, with special focus on feministhermeneutics. We will consider how different faith communities understand the message about physical love in theSong and the relevance of this text for the church today.January 2012.BIB206 Wrestling with Scripture: Engaging Biblical Authority. Prerequisites: BIB160/211 or BIB170/221, orpermission of instructor. This course aims to help students articulate an understanding of biblical authority in relationto the critical study of Scripture and the community of faith. It will review the formation of the canon, varied understandingsof the nature and authority of Scripture, and historic principles of Reformed biblical interpretation. It willalso consider the practice of arguing about Scripture, interpretive strategies for engaging difficult texts with integrity,and the use of the Bible in Christian ethical reflection.May <strong>2011</strong>.BIB222 Becoming God’s Image: Humanity in the Old Testament. Prerequisite: BIB160 or 211. The ”PrimevalHistory“ (Genesis 1-11) can be read as a literary composition that comprises ”texts of the beginning“ texts that reflecton the human condition and the original encounter of God and humankind. As such, these texts have deeply influencedboth the theological imagination and the life of the church. Another aspect, however, needs to be consideredif one is to appreciate the full canonical weight of these texts. On close reading, they present an immensely rich texturethat connects them with other traditions of the Old Testament, especially prophetic and wisdom literature. Inthis perspective, it will become apparent that Genesis 1-11 is not only about “beginnings”; it is also composed as the“prologue” to the Old Testament as a whole. Both dimensions, and their interplay, will be explored in this seminar.TBA.BIB224 Wealth and Poverty in the Old Testament. Prerequisite: BIB 160 or 211. This course will examine abroad range of economic issues and how they are addressed in Scripture. Topics will include treatment of the poor,borrowing and lending, the complex situation of abundant wealth and its implications, and expectations for benevolentgiving/stewardship. We will give particular attention to pentateuchal legislation and the Wisdom books, butthe Prophets will also receive due consideration. As individual topics are addressed, this course will consider the importanceof the biblical witness on money for the life of the contemporary church and our current economic andsocial climate.TBA.BIB316 Intermediate Biblical Hebrew. Prerequisites: BIB001 and BIB002 or BIB003. Open to MDiv, MACE,and Dual students, and to ThM and DMin students with permission of professor or department. The essential goal of thecourse is to strengthen students' ability to use biblical Hebrew as a tool in Christian ministry, personal devotion,and critical study. Students will complete homework assignments and participate in classroom activities that examineselected Hebrew texts.TBA.BIB317 Intermediate Biblical Greek. Prerequisites: BIB004 and BIB005 or BIB006. Open to MDiv, MACE, andDual students, and to ThM and DMin students with permission of professor or department. The essential goal of the courseis to strengthen students’ ability to use biblical Greek as a tool in Christian ministry, personal devotion, and critical3-4

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