Academic Catalog 2010-2011 - Union Presbyterian Seminary

Academic Catalog 2010-2011 - Union Presbyterian Seminary

Academic Catalog 2010-2011 - Union Presbyterian Seminary


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Theology and Ethics (Required Courses)THE101 Theology I. See course description on p. 3-19.Fall <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>.<strong>Union</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> <strong>Seminary</strong> <strong>Academic</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong>COURSESTHE102 Introduction to Christian Ethics. See course description on p. 3-19.Fall <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>.THE201 Theology II. See course description on p. 3-19.Spring <strong>2011</strong>, 2012.Theology and Ethics (Elective Courses)THE105 The Reformed Confessional Tradition. See course description on p. 3-19.Summer <strong>2011</strong>, 2012.THE207 Theology of John Calvin. See course description on p. 3-21.Fall <strong>2010</strong>.THE310 Readings in Kierkegaard. Prerequisites: THE101 and THE201. This course will attempt to acquaintstudents with the work of Soren Kierkegaard as a resource for thinking faithfully about the church's ministry ofpreaching and teaching. Pseudonymous works such as Fear and Trembling, Philosophical Fragments, and Training inChristianity will be read along with certain of Kierkegaard’s Edifying Discourses.Spring 2012.Intercultural Courses (Elective Courses)INT045 Latin America Travel Seminar. See course description on p. 3-24.Summer <strong>2011</strong>.Interdisciplinary Courses (Elective Courses)INT110 Theology and Film. See course description on p. 3-25.Spring 2012.INT263 Contemporary Theology and Education. See course description on p. 3-26.Spring <strong>2011</strong>.INT304 Theology and Preaching. Prerequisites: THE201 and PRA103. Preaching is, among other things, atheological event. What makes the sermon a theological event is the church’s attempt to live faithfully under itscommission to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to all the world. A course in “Theology and Preaching”will explore the claims and assumptions that various sermons make about God, and the understanding of Godthat informs and shapes these claims. Through the study and writing of sermons, students will be invited to reflectupon what represents faithfulness to the witness of scripture, what would be an appropriate or faithful responseto the word proclaimed, and what this proclaimed word reveals about how the preacher regards the taskof preaching and the role of the congregation in this event. This course is open to students who have successfullycompleted Theology II and at least one course in Worship or Preaching.Spring <strong>2011</strong>.INT308 Preaching from the Old Testament. See course description on p. 3-5.Fall <strong>2010</strong>.INT365 Teaching the Bible. See course description on p. 3-6.Fall <strong>2011</strong>.3-32

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