Academic Catalog 2010-2011 - Union Presbyterian Seminary

Academic Catalog 2010-2011 - Union Presbyterian Seminary

Academic Catalog 2010-2011 - Union Presbyterian Seminary


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<strong>Union</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> <strong>Seminary</strong> <strong>Academic</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong>REQUEST FOR EXCEPTION TO FACULTY POLICYThe <strong>Union</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> <strong>Seminary</strong> faculty reserves the right to make exceptions to faculty policies through itsacademic deans, program directors, and committees. Forms to facilitate requests for exceptions to faculty policyare available on the <strong>Union</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> <strong>Seminary</strong> website.PROCEDURESACADEMIC STANDING (M.A.C.E. AND M.DIV.)A student is considered to be in good academic standing unless the student is placed on either academic warningor academic probation.A student whose GPA falls below 2.3 will be placed on academic warning. <strong>Academic</strong> warning means: (1) it isrecommended that the student take a reduced load of courses; and (2) the student must have a conference withhis or her faculty advisor and the associate dean for academic programs or (for Charlotte students) the dean of<strong>Union</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> <strong>Seminary</strong>, Charlotte Campus to discuss areas of concern and options for improvement. <strong>Academic</strong>warning is removed when the student’s GPA reaches 2.3 or higher.A student whose GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. <strong>Academic</strong> probation means: (1) thestudent is required to take a reduced load of courses; (2) the student must have regular conferences with his orher faculty advisor during the probationary period to ensure clarity about possible consequences, discuss areas ofconcern, and pursue options for improvement; and (3) the student may no longer be making satisfactory academicprogress, and as such, may no longer be eligible for some kinds of financial aid. A student whose GPA remainsbelow 2.0 at the conclusion of the next long term (subsequent to the term in which the GPA falls below 2.0)will be dismissed from the program, unless by action of the faculty upon joint recommendation of the student’sfaculty advisor and academic dean the person’s enrollment is continued.Students who fail a required course two times, including required Greek and Hebrew courses, are automaticallydismissed from <strong>Union</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> <strong>Seminary</strong> and may not reapply for admission unless a majority of the fullfaculty, upon joint recommendation of the student’s faculty advisor and academic dean, approves an exception.Former students must, if an exception is approved, make application through the regular admissions processand, if admitted, will reenter <strong>Union</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> <strong>Seminary</strong> under the terms of the catalog in force at the timethey reenter. These same policies apply to a student who fails a proficiency exam in a biblical language twice.Standards for grades and maintaining good standing for Ph.D., Th.M., and D.Min. students differ from thosenoted in this section.PORTFOLIO-BASED ASSESSMENT PROCESS FOR MASTER’S LEVEL STUDENTSParticipation in a portfolio-based assessment process is required for all M.Div., M.A.C.E., and M.Div./M.A.C.E.students.The purposes of the portfolio-based student assessment process are:• to provide structured opportunities that support intentional, reflective integration of the academic workof students with their personal, spiritual, and vocational formation;• to provide structured opportunities, with appropriate support, for students to engage in an intentionalprocess of self-assessment, which may include the consideration of peer input; and• to enhance and strengthen <strong>Union</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> <strong>Seminary</strong>’s advising system, by linking it with the assessmentprocess.To give focus and direction to this work of assessment, students will develop a portfolio that will:• provide a framework for the integration of personal, interpersonal, spiritual, theological and other formationaldimensions of the development of their identities during a time of intense educational andvocational preparation; and4-6

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