Academic Catalog 2010-2011 - Union Presbyterian Seminary

Academic Catalog 2010-2011 - Union Presbyterian Seminary

Academic Catalog 2010-2011 - Union Presbyterian Seminary


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<strong>Union</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> <strong>Seminary</strong> <strong>Academic</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong>Intercultural Study Opportunities (elective courses)INT044 Rome Travel Seminar. This course ordinarily involves two weeks of study in Rome, along with upto 30 other seminarians, and ordinarily features lectures and other learning opportunities led by faculty of theWaldensian <strong>Seminary</strong> in Rome and other invited scholars. Potential areas of concentration include archaeologyand the history of Christianity, with Rome as context; ecumenism, religious pluralism; and the relationship betweenchurch and state. Degree candidates who wish to register for academic credit must notify the Registrar’sOffice in writing and submit a written request for credit participation in the seminar to the associate dean’s officebefore October 1, <strong>2010</strong>, and will have their registration for credit in the course confirmed by the registrar byOctober 15, <strong>2010</strong>. Fees in addition to tuition will be charged. These fees and all costs attendant to the course,travel, etc., are the responsibility of the student. Enrollment for the course is limited.January <strong>2011</strong>.COURSESINT045 Latin America Travel Seminar. This cross-cultural course explores the impact of the gospel incosta Rica, Nicaragua, and Guatemala by visiting Christian communities, meeting with leaders, and studying thehistory and cultures of Latin American. Enrollment is limited and certain restrictions apply. Fees in addition totuition will be charged. Students must apply and complete the required orientation and post-trip meetings.May <strong>2011</strong>.INT046 Asia Travel Seminar. This cross-cultural course studies the impact of the gospel in Asian countriesby visiting Christian churches, seminaries, and leaders and by studying the history and culture of selected countries.Enrollment is limited and certain restrictions apply. Fees in addition to tuition will be charged. Studentsmust apply and complete the orientation and post-trip meetings.May <strong>2011</strong>.INT047 Middle East Travel Seminar. This seminar is conducted on tour (20-23 days) in the Middle East.Included are visits to museums and important archeological sites belonging to the world of biblical antiquity inJordan, Israel, and the West Bank. Opportunity is given to observe first-hand contemporary manifestations ofIslam, Judaism, and Christianity in these lands and to converse with religious and political leaders regarding thequest for peace in this troubled region. Enrollment is limited and certain restrictions apply. Fees in addition totuition will be charged.May 2012.INT048 Ghana Travel Seminar. This field course is held in Ghana to study the churches their organizationand ministries, and their partnership in mission with other churches. The study is done in collaboration withthe Trinity Theological College in Legon near Accra, the <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Church of Ghana and the Evangelical <strong>Presbyterian</strong>Church of Ghana. Preparation for travel includes a series of readings and introductory sessions to providehistorical, cultural, and theological background. The class documents its findings and reports back to theseminary and supporting churches. Enrollment is limited and certain restrictions apply. Fees in addition to tuitionwill be charged. Students must apply and complete the orientation and post-trip meetings.January 2012.3-24

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