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Download - Winston Churchill


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<strong>Churchill</strong> and the Tank (2):In for the DurationBY MARCUS FROSTBy 1915, the bloodbath of World War I seemed endless. The Central Powers,Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey, were pitted against Britain,France, Italy and Russia, and the slaughter among their soldierswas intense. The battle lines were frozen on everyfront and no advances were being made bypressing chests against bullets.But <strong>Winston</strong> <strong>Churchill</strong> had an idea.BRITISH TRIBUTE TO A WORLD WAR I ALLY: A British Mark IV tank at Caterpillar, Inc. in Peoria, Illinois, presented “in appreciationof the great service rendered Great Britain by the Holt Manufacturing Company during the war.” (Caterpillar, Inc.)In these solemn days we mourn every life lost inbattle, but perhaps we have lost sight of what itwas like for our forbears. Ninety years ago in theage of static trench warfare, men were moweddown by machine guns if they rose from theirparapets and tried to advance. Each side pummeled theother with deadly artillery fire; shrapnel shredded bodieson both sides. In the battles of Verdun and the Sommebetween July and November 1916, almost a million werekilled, an average of 6600 per day, 277 per hour, five perMr. Frost, of Mexia, Texas, is a <strong>Churchill</strong> Centre Governor, Trusteeand Associate (the only individual who is all three). He is active inboth our Dallas and San Antonio affiliates, and sponsored the recentteacher seminar in March at Baylor University.minute. By war’s end Germany and Russia would lose1.75 million men each, France and Austria-Hungaryabout 1.4 million each, Britain 750,000, Italy 615,000. 1A 42-year-old doctor, John M. McCrae of the RoyalCanadian Army Medical Corps, wrote the most frequentlyquoted English-language poems of the war afterdays of being surrounded by the human wreckage:In Flanders fields the poppies blowBetween the crosses, row on row,That mark our place; and in the skyThe larks, still bravely singing, flyScarce heard amid the guns below. 2Could anything be done to stop the death and carnage?In London, Prime Minister Herbert Asquithreceived a suggestion from a colleague: “It would be >>FINEST HOUR 135 / 45

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