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Board of Directors: (front from left) John Walton, David McMillan, Pauline Rafferty andAnna Nyarady; (back from left) Barbara Rae, Allison McNeill, Ken Mahon, Neil Sterrittand Donald Hayes; (not pictured) Ralph Bodine, Cynthia Woodward and David Stowe.Corporate GovernanceGoverning Principles of the Board of DirectorsA Board of Directors governs the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> Corporation, guided bylegislation, regulation and public policy. The Board is accountable to the Ministerof Tourism, Sport and the Arts to ensure the application of the <strong>Museum</strong> Act, sothat the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> conducts its affairs in a manner that complies with thelegislation and accepted standards of conduct, operates within approved financialstandards, and fulfils its purpose and mandate.The Board of Directors consists of not more than 11 directors, all appointed by theLieutenant Governor in Council. As a policy board, it concentrates on providingleadership and direction to the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> through clearly articulatedpolicies and corporate goals. In delegating authority to the Chief Executive Officer,the Board monitors the performance of the CEO and holds her accountable forresults and progress. Having established the policy framework, the Board allows theCEO to administer corporate operations and does not involve itself in managementdecision-making or the day-to-day operations of the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong>.Finance and AuditCommitteeThe Finance and Audit Committeeensures that the Corporation’s financialand accounting policies conform to theprovisions of the <strong>Museum</strong> Act and allother applicable legislation, and thatthe Corporation’s financial reportingsystems meet the needs of the Boardand the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> itself.Members of the Committee includeDavid McMillan (Chair), Ralph Bodine,Donald Hayes, ex-officio membersJohn Walton and Pauline Rafferty, andstaff support Faye Zinck.Governance andNominating CommitteeThe Governance and NominatingCommittee oversees the Board’snominating and governance activities.It is responsible to the Board ofDirectors and meets as required butat least once a year. Its functionsare to establish the criteria of skillsrequired for membership on the Board,prescreen and recommend Boardcandidates, recommend persons forthe positions of Chair and Vice Chair,ensure appropriate orientation, manageevaluation of the Board, ensure that12the Board’s manual contains alldocuments relevant to its governancestructure, and recommend persons tosit as members of Board committees.Members of the Committee includeBarbara Rae (Chair), Anna Nyarady,Neil Sterritt, David Stowe, CynthiaWoodward, Allison McNeill, andex-officio members John Walton andPauline Rafferty. This Committeealso deals with all matters of corporategovernance and as such, reviews,monitors and reports on Boardeffectiveness.Site DevelopmentCommitteeThe Site Development Committeeadvises on the R<strong>BC</strong>M Master Planand assists with moving the renewalof the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> forward. Itis a special-purpose committee formedfor a term of up to three years.The Committee will be consulted forthe oversight and policy in respect ofthe management and control of theland and property of the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong><strong>Museum</strong>. Members of the Committeeinclude Ken Mahon (Chair), DonaldHayes, ex-officio members JohnWalton and Pauline Rafferty, andsupport staff member Angela Williams.Additional InformationAdditional information on Boardmembers and Board policies isavailable on the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong>’swebsite, www.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca. The <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> nowfully complies with the provincialgovernment’s “Governance andDisclosure Guidelines for GoverningBoards of British ColumbiaPublic Sector Organizations.”See www.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/corporateservices/bestpracgov.pdf.

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