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Dyer, O., Lea, T., Richardson, H., Scudder,G. and Warman, L. 2005. Settingconservation targets in the SouthOkanagan-Similkameen (in) Hooper,T.D. (Ed.). Proceedings of the Speciesat Risk 2004 Pathways to RecoveryConference. March 2-6, 2004, Victoria,B.C. Species at Risk 2004 Pathwaysto Recovery Conference OrganizingCommittee, Victoria, B.C.Scudder, G.G.E. 2005. Rarity and richnesshotspots in British Columbia (in) Hooper,T.D. (Ed.). Proceedings of the Speciesat Risk 2004 Pathways to RecoveryConference. March 2-6, 2004, Victoria,B.C. Species at Risk 2004 Pathwaysto Recovery Conference OrganizingCommittee, Victoria, B.C.Scudder, G.G.E. & Warman, L.D. 2005.Biodiversity conservation and protectedareas in British Columbia (in) Hooper,T.D. (Ed.). Proceedings of the Speciesat Risk 2004 Pathways to RecoveryConference. March 2-6, 2004, Victoria,B.C. Species at Risk 2004 Pathwaysto Recovery Conference OrganizingCommittee, Victoria, B.C.Scudder, G.G.E. 2005. Heteroptera(Hemiptera: Prosorrhyncha) new toCanada. Part 2. J. Entomol. Soc. BritishColumbia 101(2004):125-130.Human HistoryHammond, Lorne F. 2005. “Menfish andthe Great Hydrosphere,” EnvironmentalHistory 10:4 (October 2005): 695-697.Hammond, Lorne F., with Michael Pennockof the Fernie and District HistoricalSociety, et al. Capturing History: JosephFrederick Spalding. Photographer –Tourist – Visionary. Website. Community-University Research Alliance project, inpartnership with the Maltwood <strong>Museum</strong>,University of Victoria. Online September2005. http://www.maltwood.uvic.ca/spalding/Research PresentationsHammond, Lorne. 2005. Presented a paperat the Annual Conference of the AmericanSociety for Environmental History titled“Early Oil Debates on British Columbia’sNorthern Coast, 1911-1939.” Houston,Texas.Hammond, Lorne F. 2005. “Local <strong>Museum</strong>Collections, Community Networks andResearch Panel C-2: Collections Research:A Collaborative Enterprise.” BritishColumbia <strong>Museum</strong>s Association. 49thAnnual Conference, Kelowna.Hammond, Lorne F. and Michael Pennock,2005. Fernie Historical Society andArchives. “Community Histories inPhotographs: Engaging CommunitiesThrough Photographic Collections: JosephFrederick Spalding, Photographer,”Sharing Knowledge Through ResearchPartnership A SSHRC-Community-University Research Alliance Conference.University of Victoria. Transcript online:http://cura.uvic.ca/data/transcript.pdfHammond, Lorne F. 2005. “The Careerof John Sebastian Helmcken and HisMedical Collection,” Newcombe LectureSeries. <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong>.Hammond, Lorne F. 2006. “TheNegotiator: Creating “Nature” ThroughTransboundary Change, “AmericanSociety for Environmental History.Keddie and Erle Nelson, “An Arrow fromthe Tsitsutl Glacier, British Columbia”Canadian Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 29,Issue 1, 2005.A projectile point made of chalcedonyexcavated in 1969 from archaeologicalsite at Arrow Lakes, <strong>BC</strong>.Keddie, Grant. 2005. “Atlatl Weights in theCollection of the <strong>Royal</strong> B.C. <strong>Museum</strong>”R<strong>BC</strong>M report.Keddie, Grant. 2005. “The QuiltantonLake Atlatl (EcRg-Y:1), A TechnicalDescription.” R<strong>BC</strong>M report.Keddie, Grant. 2006. “Japanese ShipWreck and Other Things” UnderwaterArchaeology Conference - UnderwaterArchaeological Society of BritishColumbia. Maritime <strong>Museum</strong>.Keddie, Grant. 2005. “Expansion,Contraction and Inter-Connectedness,”Canadian Archaeology Association,Nanaimo.Keddie, Grant. 2005. “Projectile points fromSouthern Vancouver Island,” CanadianArchaeology Association, NanaimoSavard, Dan. 2005. “Changing Images:Photographic Collections of First Peoplesof the Pacific Northwest Coast , 1860-1920.” <strong>BC</strong> Studies, 145: Spring 2005,pp 55-96.Mackie, Q.; Martina Steffen, and NicoleF. Smith. 2005. “High ResolutionArchaeology of the Early Holocene layersat the Richardson Island ArchaeologicalSite, Haida Gwaii.” Canadian ArchaeologyAssociation, Nanaimo.30McLaren, Duncan and Martina Steffen.2005. “A Sequence of Formed Bifacesfrom the Fraser Valley Region of BritishColumbia.” Canadian ArchaeologyAssociation, Nanaimo.Rajala. 2005. Feds, Forests, and Fire: ACentury of Canadian Forestry Innovation.Canada Science and Technology <strong>Museum</strong>.APPENDIX CPublic ProgramsAstronomy DayApril 16, 2005The <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> and <strong>Royal</strong>Astronomical Society of Canada presenteda full day of family-oriented space activitiesand discussion by professional astronomersabout the meaning of the universe, and tolearn how amateur astronomers can observespace with regular binoculars and telescopes.Multimedia presentations will take visitors ona journey through the solar system, and offera special look at Canada’s presence in space.7th Annual Vancouver IslandRegional Heritage FairMay 6, 2005The Historical Heritage Fair provides localstudents in grades four to nine with theopportunity to exhibit their original Canadianhistory projects. Several of the projects ondisplay will be selected to go to the NationalHistorical Heritage Fair in early July.Sustainable Energy Now!Solving the Energy PuzzleJune 4–5, 2005The <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> and the <strong>BC</strong>Sustainable Energy Association collaborateddisplays, demonstrations and presentationsshowcasing alternative energy options,including solar and wind power to geothermal,biodiesel, and sustainable methods ofgenerating power. Local providers ofalternative energy equipment as well as localclubs and associations hosted displays andtalked to museum visitors about options forpower generation.B.C. Conservation Officers’Service ExhibitionSeptember 3–5, 2005Discover ProgramDaily at 1:15 p.m.Discover: Life on the Beach; Skeletons;Special Effects; Your Family History;Something You’ve Never Seen Before;A History Mystery; Preserving Our PastThis unique provides visitors with a behindthe-sceneslook at the museum professionthrough storytelling, demonstrations andinteractive experiences with our collections.

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