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View PDF - Royal BC Museum

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Organizational OverviewThe <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> Corporation (R<strong>BC</strong>M) forms a culturalprecinct consisting of the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong>, British ColumbiaArchives, Helmcken House, Thunderbird Park, Mungo MartinBig House, St Ann’s Schoolhouse, and the Netherlands Carillon.The primary purpose of the R<strong>BC</strong>M is to collect, preserve, andinterpret the artifacts, specimens and documents that tell the storyof British Columbia, and to share that story with the world.Benefit to PublicThe work of the R<strong>BC</strong>M benefits the public by:• developing and preserving collections for current and futuregenerations;• sharing the natural history and human story of British Columbiawith the world through the physical environsof the cultural precinct, regional programs and internet accessto the collections and archives;• supporting education through the provision of materials,programs and complimentary student admissions;• supporting research through projects and by providing accessto the collections and archives;• contributing to the provincial economy as a tourism destinationof choice; and• managing the archival records of the government ofBritish Columbia.Core Business Areas, Programs and ServicesThe R<strong>BC</strong>M has two core business functions to meet our strategic goals:1. Collection development and preservation.2. Interpretation and sharing of British Columbia’s human historyand natural history.The R<strong>BC</strong>M is organized into six operating areas.Access and Information ManagementProvides public access to artifacts, specimens and archival material,including images and documents. As the archives of <strong>BC</strong>, managesgovernment archival records, collects private documents of provincialsignificance, ensures regional research and representation arecompleted through the Living Landscapes program and extendsvirtual access to the collections through the R<strong>BC</strong>M website.Director: Gary MitchellChief Financial OfficeManages financial and related functions, including strategic budgetdevelopment, financial management, information technology, policydevelopment, business planning, risk management, legal services andfinancial analysis. Director: Faye ZinckCuratorial ServicesDevelops, preserves and manages the collections, and ensures thesafety and longevity of all artifacts, specimens and archival records inthe R<strong>BC</strong>M’s care. Conducts research and ensures the collections andknowledge resident in the collections is available to other researchersand the public. Director: Grant HughesExhibits and Visitor ExperienceInterprets the collections and knowledge resident in the collectionsthrough the design, construction, installation and maintenance ofexhibits. Acting Director: Barry ForresterMarketing and CommunicationsProjects the public image of the R<strong>BC</strong>M. Its main functions are toincrease attendance at the museum and market available servicesto the public through media relations, advertising, sponsorship andpromotions, public relations, corporate communications, outsidesales and publications. Director: Cynthia WrateVisitor and Human ResourcesProvides programs and services to the public and to employeesand volunteers, including facilities, operations and stewardship ofrevenue collected through admissions; also provides human resourcemanagement services. Director: Angela WilliamsProducts and Services ProvidedThe R<strong>BC</strong>M provides the following products and services:• collection, preservation, research and interpretation of theprovince’s historical artifacts, specimens and documents,including government documents;• permanent exhibits that tell the natural history and human storyof British Columbia;• temporary exhibits that showcase special travelling displaysthat attract tourists and repeat visitation;• special programming that invites the attendance and participationof local and tourist audiences;• partnerships with local businesses and the tourism sectorto boost visitation to the province’s capital and contributeto the provincial economy;• educational and research support for students, teachersand scholars;• regional programming, internet access and virtual exhibits;• management and maintenance of the cultural precinct consistingof the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong>, British Columbia Archives, HelmckenHouse, Thunderbird Park, Mungo Martin Big House, St Ann’sSchoolhouse and the Netherlands Carillon;• ancillary services including retail (which provides a venuefor <strong>BC</strong> artists) and food services; and• a means for donors who wish to donate heritage artifacts/archivaldocuments for long-term preservation.Principal Partners, Clients and StakeholdersPrincipal clients and stakeholders include government ministries,community organizations, tourism industry organizations, culturalgroups, Willie’s Bakery, Jazzman’s Café and the Friends of the <strong>Royal</strong><strong>BC</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> Foundation. The R<strong>BC</strong>M works in partnership with theNational Geographic IMAX Theatre.Location of OperationsThe R<strong>BC</strong>M is located at 675 Belleville Street in Victoria, <strong>BC</strong>.In addition to the delivery of services at its physical location,comprehensive province-wide research, educational and accessservices are provided via distributed publications and the internetat www.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca. Regional services are providedin partnership through the R<strong>BC</strong>M’s outreach program,Living Landscapes.How Services are DeliveredThe R<strong>BC</strong>M delivers its services in a variety of ways:• physical delivery of exhibits and programming withinthe cultural precinct;• electronic access to the collections and archives throughfinding aids and the internet;• published books and research papers; and• delivery and support for regional programming in selected(rotating) areas of the province.Funding and RevenueSixty-five per cent of the R<strong>BC</strong>M’s core collections preservation andmanagement, operations and activities are funded by the Province ofBritish Columbia. The balance is funded through earned revenue thatis comprised of admissions, access service fees, fundraising, relatedretail operations and royalties from the National Geographic IMAXTheatre. Funds are also provided through the Friends of the <strong>Royal</strong>British Columbia <strong>Museum</strong> Foundation.

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