Internet Freedom A Foreign Policy Imperative in the Digital Age

Internet Freedom A Foreign Policy Imperative in the Digital Age

Internet Freedom A Foreign Policy Imperative in the Digital Age


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hope that promot<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Internet</strong> freedom can assistthose who are press<strong>in</strong>g for liberal change abroad.The government should not discredit dissidentsby suggest<strong>in</strong>g that <strong>the</strong>y are an arm of U.S. foreignpolicy, but refra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g entirely from mention<strong>in</strong>gdemocracy <strong>in</strong> connection with <strong>Internet</strong> freedomrisks underm<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g domestic support for its policies– <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g on Capitol Hill. And <strong>the</strong> current rhetoricalambivalence belies <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly robust– <strong>in</strong>deed, <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly impressive – U.S. efforts topromote <strong>Internet</strong> freedom.At <strong>the</strong> same time, <strong>the</strong> United States shouldcounter <strong>the</strong> view that <strong>Internet</strong> freedom is merelyan American project cooked up <strong>in</strong> Wash<strong>in</strong>gton,ra<strong>the</strong>r than a notion rooted <strong>in</strong> universal humanrights. The United States promotes <strong>Internet</strong>freedom more actively than any o<strong>the</strong>r country,and is one of <strong>the</strong> only countries that activelyfunds circumvention technologies. It leads <strong>in</strong>promot<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>ternational norms and has made agreater effort than most to <strong>in</strong>corporate <strong>Internet</strong>freedom <strong>in</strong>to its broader foreign policy. This hasprovoked concerns that American advocacy willta<strong>in</strong>t <strong>the</strong> efforts of local activists. For example,Sami ben Gharbia, a prom<strong>in</strong>ent Ne<strong>the</strong>rlandsbasedTunisian blogger, has said, “Many peopleoutside of <strong>the</strong> U.S., not only <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Arab world,have a strong feel<strong>in</strong>g that <strong>the</strong> <strong>Internet</strong> <strong>Freedom</strong>mantra emitt<strong>in</strong>g from Wash<strong>in</strong>gton D.C. is just acover for strategic geopolitical agendas” and thatthis could threaten activists who accept supportand fund<strong>in</strong>g. 23 Autocratic governments rout<strong>in</strong>elydenounce <strong>Internet</strong> freedom-related activities asimpos<strong>in</strong>g American values, and some technologycompanies and foundations have shied awayfrom support<strong>in</strong>g circumvention and anonymitytechnologies because of <strong>the</strong>ir perceived tie to U.S.foreign policy.effort. Despite reservations from some, more than5,000 foreign activists and o<strong>the</strong>rs have accepted<strong>Internet</strong>-related tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g funded by <strong>the</strong> StateDepartment, and many more employ U.S. government-fundedtechnology. 24 Many governmentshave not yet formulated policies <strong>in</strong> this area, butsome are express<strong>in</strong>g grow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> do<strong>in</strong>g so,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g several European countries and <strong>the</strong> EU.To <strong>the</strong> extent that foreign governments advocatefor <strong>Internet</strong> freedom and foreign corporations jo<strong>in</strong>such efforts as <strong>the</strong> GNI and <strong>in</strong>ternational organizationspromote new norms, <strong>the</strong> United States willbe able to make a stronger argument that <strong>Internet</strong>freedom is truly a global effort.The response to such concerns should not be toavoid any suggestion that <strong>Internet</strong> freedom isrelated to American support of democracy andhuman rights, but ra<strong>the</strong>r to <strong>in</strong>ternationalize <strong>the</strong>| 13

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