Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy - Fylde Borough ...

Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy - Fylde Borough ...

Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy - Fylde Borough ...

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do not, therefore, impose any controls over many aspects of a driver’sconduct when operating a hackney vehicle. Amending bye-laws is,nevertheless a complex and lengthy process with inherent restrictions. It is,accordingly, not proposed to seek such amendments as part of this reviewprocess.5.12.3 It is considered that the conditions set out in Appendix H are reasonablynecessary and appropriate for all licensed drivers but accepted that theymay only be legally imposed in respect of private hire drivers.5.13 Convictions5.13.1 Where offences, leading to conviction, arecommitted by licensed drivers, it is important,in the interests of consistency andtransparency, that a procedure should be inplace to consider what effect this should haveon their hackney or private hire driver’slicence.5.13.2 Drivers, who are convicted of any criminal or motoring offence during thecurrency of their hackney or private hire driver’s licence, must disclose theconviction and the penalty involved to the Authority within seven days. Forthese purposes, a fixed penalty motoring offence amounts to a conviction.5.13.3 Breaches of the relevant legislation or conditions attached to driver,operator and vehicle licences which may come to light following complaints,enforcement action or investigations will be dealt with following the generalprincipals set out in Appendix L which is supplementary to any penaltypoints scheme which may be in operation.5.14 Code of Good Conduct5.14.1 Adopting a Code of Good Conduct for hackney carriage and private hiredrivers serves to promote the Council’s licensing objectives in respect of thehackney carriage and private hire trades.5.14.2 The Council considers that a professional driver should not charge above themaximum fare, should adopt safe and passive driving techniques and set agood example to other road users. The standards expected of licenseddrivers are set out in the Code of Good conduct, included in this policydocument at Appendix I, which should be read in conjunction with the otherstatutory and policy requirements set out in this document5.15 Driver’s Dress Code5.15.1 Anything that serves to enhance the professional image of the hackneycarriage and private hire trade, and promotes the concept that drivers oflicensed vehicles are vocational drivers is to be welcomed.5.15.2 It is considered that, in order to raise the profile of the licensed trade,drivers should operate, at all times in a professional manner and conform toa minimum standard of dress. which is detailed at Appendix J. The Authoritywill not impose such standards by way of conditions to any licence. It isexpected, however, that such standards will be maintained at all times.Failure to comply with the Dress Code will, accordingly, render a licenseddriver liable to the issue of penalty points under the scheme set out inAppendix N26

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