Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy - Fylde Borough ...

Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy - Fylde Borough ...

Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy - Fylde Borough ...

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12 TAXI RANKS12.1 Appointed Ranks12.1.1 A number of ranks for hackneycarriages have beendesignated within the <strong>Fylde</strong><strong>Borough</strong> Council area andthese are listed in Appendix T.12.1.2 The number and position oftaxi ranks within the boroughhas not been reviewed forsome time. As part of theconsultation process commentswere invited from both thetrade and the public on theneed for additional ranks inspecific locations, the potentialfor re-locating or extendingexisting ranks or indeedarguments for the removal ofranks which no longer fulfil auseful purpose.As a result of suchconsultation, it is recognisedthat an urgent review of theprovision of taxi ranks should be undertaken, in consultation with the taxitrade, with a view to further facilities being made available.12.2 Waiting on Stands12.2.1 It is an offence for any person to cause or permit any vehicle other than ahackney carriage to wait on any stand for hackney carriages. Drivers ofhackney carriages may only wait on a stand whilst plying for hire or waitingfor a fare; drivers who park on a stand and leave their vehicle unattendedare committing an offence.36

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