Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy - Fylde Borough ...

Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy - Fylde Borough ...

Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy - Fylde Borough ...

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12 MODIFICATIONS12.1 No material alteration or change in the specification, design, condition orappearance of the vehicle may be made without first complying with roadtraffic and insurance legislation and secondly the approval of the <strong>Licensing</strong>Office, at any time while the licence is in force.13 LICENCE PLATES AND STICKERS13.1 Except as provided at 13.4 below, at all times while the vehicle is being usedas a hackney or private hire vehicle there shall be securely fixed to the frontand rear of the vehicle the appropriate Vehicle Licence Plates supplied by theCouncil.13.2 The number of persons licensed to be carried in the vehicle shall be exhibitedoutside the vehicle on the Vehicle Licence Plates referred to above. (For thesepurposes children (of any age) are counted as one person).13.3 At all times while the vehicle is being used as either a hackney carriage orprivate hire vehicle there shall be displayed on the windscreen of such vehicle(top left-hand corner of the windscreen) the licence disc, which identifies thevehicle as either a private hire or hackney carriage vehicle. On this will bedisplayed the registration number of the vehicle and the number ofpassengers permitted to be carried.13.4 Provided that they have received express written consent from the Council,limousines and other professionally chauffeured vehicles may, in certaincircumstances, not be required to display the external vehicle licence platesbut must comply with the requirements of 13.3 above in respect of displayingthe internal licence disc.13.5 All applications for dispensation from the requirements to display externalvehicle licence plates will be considered by the Public Protection Committeewho will take account of the individual circumstances of the case.Dispensations are unlikely to be granted unless the applicant can satisfy thecommittee that their vehicle(s) are of such a type and age that they would beappropriate for executive travel and that such work represented at least 80%of their total business (verified by operator records in the case of existingvehicles). Such vehicles must display a windscreen badge, provided by thecouncil. These badges will show the details of the vehicle as they appear onthe plate. Vehicle licence plates and door signs will be provided and must becarried in the boot of the vehicle at all times. Vehicles given this exemptionwill normally be limousines, executive type cars, such as top range Mercedes,BMW’s etc.14 SIGNAGE14.1 <strong>Hackney</strong> Vehicle Markings14.1.1 <strong>Hackney</strong> carriage vehicles, other than minibuses, transits, people carriertype vehicles and those with built-in roof signs, must be fitted with anilluminated external sign on and above the roof of the vehicle showing theword “TAXI” ” or “TAXIS” on the side facing the front and the name of thecompany, or its telephone number, or the word “TAXI” ” or “TAXIS”, or anycombination of the three on the side facing towards the rear of the vehicle.The roof sign and lettering shall be of an appropriate size to enable it to beread clearly from a distance of 14 metres.40

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