Information Theory, Inference, and Learning ... - Inference Group

Information Theory, Inference, and Learning ... - Inference Group

Information Theory, Inference, and Learning ... - Inference Group

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Copyright Cambridge University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not permitted. http://www.cambridge.org/0521642981You can buy this book for 30 pounds or $50. See http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/itila/ for links.30.6: Multi-state methods 395converge to the target density as a function of m. Find the optimal m<strong>and</strong> deduce how long the Metropolis method must run for.Compare the result with the results for an evolving population undernatural selection found in Chapter 19.The insight that the fastest progress that a st<strong>and</strong>ard Metropolis methodcan make, in information terms, is about one bit per iteration, gives a strongmotivation for speeding up the algorithm. This chapter has already reviewedseveral methods for reducing r<strong>and</strong>om-walk behaviour. Do these methods alsospeed up the rate at which information is acquired?Exercise 30.6. [4 ] Does Gibbs sampling, which is a smart Metropolis methodwhose proposal distributions do depend on P (x), allow information aboutP (x) to leak out at a rate faster than one bit per iteration? Find toyexamples in which this question can be precisely investigated.Exercise 30.7. [4 ] Hamiltonian Monte Carlo is another smart Metropolis methodin which the proposal distributions depend on P (x). Can HamiltonianMonte Carlo extract information about P (x) at a rate faster than onebit per iteration?Exercise 30.8. [5 ] In importance sampling, the weight w r = P ∗ (x (r) )/Q ∗ (x (r) ),a floating-point number, is computed <strong>and</strong> retained until the end of thecomputation. In contrast, in the dumb Metropolis method, the ratioa = P ∗ (x ′ )/P ∗ (x) is reduced to a single bit (‘is a bigger than or smallerthan the r<strong>and</strong>om number u?’). Thus in principle importance samplingpreserves more information about P ∗ than does dumb Metropolis. Canyou find a toy example in which this extra information does indeed leadto faster convergence of importance sampling than Metropolis? Canyou design a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm that moves aroundadaptively, like a Metropolis method, <strong>and</strong> that retains more useful informationabout the value of P ∗ , like importance sampling?In Chapter 19 we noticed that an evolving population of N individuals canmake faster evolutionary progress if the individuals engage in sexual reproduction.This observation motivates looking at Monte Carlo algorithms in whichmultiple parameter vectors x are evolved <strong>and</strong> interact.30.6 Multi-state methodsIn a multi-state method, multiple parameter vectors x are maintained; theyevolve individually under moves such as Metropolis <strong>and</strong> Gibbs; there are alsointeractions among the vectors. The intention is either that eventually all thevectors x should be samples from P (x) (as illustrated by Skilling’s leapfrogmethod), or that information associated with the final vectors x should allowus to approximate expectations under P (x), as in importance sampling.Genetic methodsGenetic algorithms are not often described by their proponents as Monte Carloalgorithms, but I think this is the correct categorization, <strong>and</strong> an ideal geneticalgorithm would be one that can be proved to be a valid Monte Carlo algorithmthat converges to a specified density.

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