Information Theory, Inference, and Learning ... - Inference Group

Information Theory, Inference, and Learning ... - Inference Group

Information Theory, Inference, and Learning ... - Inference Group

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Copyright Cambridge University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not permitted. http://www.cambridge.org/0521642981You can buy this book for 30 pounds or $50. See http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/itila/ for links.540 45 — Gaussian Processes45.2 From parametric models to Gaussian processesLinear modelsLet us consider a regression problem using H fixed basis functions, for exampleone-dimensional radial basis functions as defined in equation (45.3).Let us assume that a list of N input points {x (n) } has been specified <strong>and</strong>define the N × H matrix R to be the matrix of values of the basis functions{φ h (x)} H h=1 at the points {x n},R nh ≡ φ h (x (n) ). (45.17)We define the vector y N to be the vector of values of y(x) at the N points,y n ≡ ∑ hR nh w h . (45.18)If the prior distribution of w is Gaussian with zero mean,P (w) = Normal(w; 0, σ 2 wI), (45.19)then y, being a linear function of w, is also Gaussian distributed, with meanzero. The covariance matrix of y isSo the prior distribution of y is:Q = 〈yy T 〉 = 〈Rww T R T 〉 = R 〈ww T 〉 R T (45.20)= σ 2 wRR T . (45.21)P (y) = Normal(y; 0, Q) = Normal(y; 0, σ 2 w RRT ). (45.22)This result, that the vector of N function values y has a Gaussian distribution,is true for any selected points X N . This is the defining property of aGaussian process. The probability distribution of a function y(x) is a Gaussianprocess if for any finite selection of points x (1) , x (2) , . . . , x (N) , the densityP (y(x (1) ), y(x (2) ), . . . , y(x (N) )) is a Gaussian.Now, if the number of basis functions H is smaller than the number ofdata points N, then the matrix Q will not have full rank. In this case theprobability distribution of y might be thought of as a flat elliptical pancakeconfined to an H-dimensional subspace in the N-dimensional space in whichy lives.What about the target values? If each target t n is assumed to differ byadditive Gaussian noise of variance σν 2 from the corresponding function valuey n then t also has a Gaussian prior distribution,P (t) = Normal(t; 0, Q + σ 2 νI). (45.23)We will denote the covariance matrix of t by C:C = Q + σν 2 I = σ2 w RRT + σν 2 I. (45.24)Whether or not Q has full rank, the covariance matrix C has full rank sinceσνI 2 is full rank.What does the covariance matrix Q look like? In general, the (n, n ′ ) entryof Q is∑Q nn ′ = [σwRR 2 T ] nn ′ = σw2 φ h (x (n) )φ h (x (n′) ) (45.25)h

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