Information Theory, Inference, and Learning ... - Inference Group

Information Theory, Inference, and Learning ... - Inference Group

Information Theory, Inference, and Learning ... - Inference Group

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Copyright Cambridge University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not permitted. http://www.cambridge.org/0521642981You can buy this book for 30 pounds or $50. See http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/itila/ for links.58 3 — More about <strong>Inference</strong>know anything about the sexes of the children. While walking clumsilyround the home, you stumble through one of the three unlabelledbedroom doors that you know belong, one each, to the three children,<strong>and</strong> find that the bedroom contains girlie stuff in sufficient quantities toconvince you that the child who lives in that bedroom is a girl. Later,you sneak a look at a letter addressed to the parents, which reads ‘Fromthe Headmaster: we are sending this letter to all parents who have malechildren at the school to inform them about the following boyish matters.. . ’.These two sources of evidence establish that at least one of the threechildren is a girl, <strong>and</strong> that at least one of the children is a boy. Whatare the probabilities that there are (a) two girls <strong>and</strong> one boy; (b) twoboys <strong>and</strong> one girl?⊲ Exercise 3.11. [2, p.61] Mrs S is found stabbed in her family garden. Mr Sbehaves strangely after her death <strong>and</strong> is considered as a suspect. Oninvestigation of police <strong>and</strong> social records it is found that Mr S had beatenup his wife on at least nine previous occasions. The prosecution advancesthis data as evidence in favour of the hypothesis that Mr S is guilty of themurder. ‘Ah no,’ says Mr S’s highly paid lawyer, ‘statistically, only onein a thous<strong>and</strong> wife-beaters actually goes on to murder his wife. 1 So thewife-beating is not strong evidence at all. In fact, given the wife-beatingevidence alone, it’s extremely unlikely that he would be the murderer ofhis wife – only a 1/1000 chance. You should therefore find him innocent.’Is the lawyer right to imply that the history of wife-beating does notpoint to Mr S’s being the murderer? Or is the lawyer a slimy trickster?If the latter, what is wrong with his argument?[Having received an indignant letter from a lawyer about the precedingparagraph, I’d like to add an extra inference exercise at this point: Doesmy suggestion that Mr. S.’s lawyer may have been a slimy trickster implythat I believe all lawyers are slimy tricksters? (Answer: No.)]⊲ Exercise 3.12. [2 ] A bag contains one counter, known to be either white orblack. A white counter is put in, the bag is shaken, <strong>and</strong> a counteris drawn out, which proves to be white. What is now the chance ofdrawing a white counter? [Notice that the state of the bag, after theoperations, is exactly identical to its state before.]⊲ Exercise 3.13. [2, p.62] You move into a new house; the phone is connected, <strong>and</strong>you’re pretty sure that the phone number is 740511, but not as sure asyou would like to be. As an experiment, you pick up the phone <strong>and</strong>dial 740511; you obtain a ‘busy’ signal. Are you now more sure of yourphone number? If so, how much?⊲ Exercise 3.14. [1 ] In a game, two coins are tossed. If either of the coins comesup heads, you have won a prize. To claim the prize, you must point toone of your coins that is a head <strong>and</strong> say ‘look, that coin’s a head, I’vewon’. You watch Fred play the game. He tosses the two coins, <strong>and</strong> he1 In the U.S.A., it is estimated that 2 million women are abused each year by their partners.In 1994, 4739 women were victims of homicide; of those, 1326 women (28%) were slain byhusb<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> boyfriends.(Sources: http://www.umn.edu/mincava/papers/factoid.htm,http://www.gunfree.inter.net/vpc/womenfs.htm)

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