Information Theory, Inference, and Learning ... - Inference Group

Information Theory, Inference, and Learning ... - Inference Group

Information Theory, Inference, and Learning ... - Inference Group

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Copyright Cambridge University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not permitted. http://www.cambridge.org/0521642981You can buy this book for 30 pounds or $50. See http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/itila/ for links.440 34 — Independent Component Analysis <strong>and</strong> Latent Variable Modelling(a)(c)-4-2x10 2 4420 x2642-2-4x1-8 -6 -4 -20 2 4 6 880 x2-2-4-6-8(b)302010x2 0-10-20-4-30-30(d)-20-2-10x102 4420 x2-2-40 10 20 30x1We could also use a tanh nonlinearity with gain β, that is, φ i (a i ) =− tanh(βa i ), whose implicit probabilistic model is p i (s i ) ∝ 1/[cosh(βs i )] 1/β . Inthe limit of large β, the nonlinearity becomes a step function <strong>and</strong> the probabilitydistribution p i (s i ) becomes a biexponential distribution, p i (s i ) ∝ exp(−|s|).In the limit β → 0, p i (s i ) approaches a Gaussian with mean zero <strong>and</strong> variance1/β. Heavier-tailed distributions than these may also be used. The Student<strong>and</strong> Cauchy distributions spring to mind.Figure 34.3. Illustration of thegenerative models implicit in thelearning algorithm.(a) Distributions over twoobservables generated by 1/ coshdistributions on the[ latent ]3/4 1/2variables, for G =1/2 1(compact [ distribution) ] <strong>and</strong>2 −1G =(broader−1 3/2distribution). (b) Contours of thegenerative distributions when thelatent variables have Cauchydistributions. The learningalgorithm fits this amoeboidobject to the empirical data insuch a way as to maximize thelikelihood. The contour plot in(b) does not adequately representthis heavy-tailed distribution.(c) Part of the tails of the Cauchydistribution, giving the contours0.01 . . . 0.1 times the density atthe origin. (d) Some data fromone of the generative distributionsillustrated in (b) <strong>and</strong> (c). Can youtell which? 200 samples werecreated, of which 196 fell in theplotted region.Example distributionsFigures 34.3(a–c) illustrate typical distributions generated by the independentcomponents model when the components have 1/ cosh <strong>and</strong> Cauchy distributions.Figure 34.3d shows some samples from the Cauchy model. The Cauchydistribution, being the more heavy-tailed, gives the clearest picture of how thepredictive distribution depends on the assumed generative parameters G.34.3 A covariant, simpler, <strong>and</strong> faster learning algorithmWe have thus derived a learning algorithm that performs steepest descentson the likelihood function. The algorithm does not work very quickly, evenon toy data; the algorithm is ill-conditioned <strong>and</strong> illustrates nicely the generaladvice that, while finding the gradient of an objective function is a splendididea, ascending the gradient directly may not be. The fact that the algorithm isill-conditioned can be seen in the fact that it involves a matrix inverse, whichcan be arbitrarily large or even undefined.Covariant optimization in generalThe principle of covariance says that a consistent algorithm should give thesame results independent of the units in which quantities are measured (Knuth,

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