Issue8 - Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College

Issue8 - Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College

Issue8 - Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College

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TiresiaColloquyIt is said that people who have a passion for learning are not only good students but greatteachers. Dr. B.B. Singh is one such versatile teacher who has served this institution at variouspositions successfully and is one of the most experienced teachers in the college. Withhis brilliant teaching skills and feeling of affection for students, Dr. Singh has earned greatrespect. We recently had a confabulation with him….Ques.1 Sir, how would you describe your experience here atMMMEC as a teacher, co-ordinator and a colleague?Ans. The feeling that I have lived the life of teaching andlearning with ethos, pathos and logos satisfies me a greatdeal.Ques.2 Your role in serving this institution has not been aneasy one. What exactly do you cite your strength as forstanding all throughout and still seeing a positive side of ofit?Ans. Oh yes!! I have been at various positions in my career.From the Principal to the President of Malaviya AlumniAssociation, my roles have changed a lot and I have enjoyedeach bit of it. It is my integrity and the urge for contributionand service to the institution that made me work at all suchposts successfully.Ques.3 Our college is organising techSRIJAN this month. Ofcourse you have experienced many other techfests here aswell as the other colleges. Based on that, what do you thinkabout our technical mega event?Ans. techSRIJAN is synonymous with our college and it is theonly event which provides a platform to the students toshowcase their technical and innovative ideas, synergism,dynamism, communication and presentation skills and muchmore. Such events need to be motivated and supported byeach one of us, especially by the carriers of the activities ofthe college.Ques.4 Autonomy is our college’s latest achievement. How,according to you, is this autonomy fruitful to thisinstitution?Ans. Autonomy means freedom for creative andinnovative activities, freedom to act on our own will. If wework upon the goal and vision with responsibility,accountability, dedication and devotion and if truly livedin spirit, only then autonomy shall be fruitful.Ques5 What, according to you, should the studentspotentially have in them to be dignified engineers?Ans. First of all the budding engineers should care fortheir health and security and possess high self-esteem.They feeling of commitment, cooperation, self- disciplineand integrity should be inherent in them to discover andlive true to their inner self as these are the basic laws oflife.Ques.6 Where do you see this institute ten years fromnow?Ans. If teachers, who from their within feelself-accountable, completely believe in creation andinnovation and a teaching-learning process, arerecruited, retained and looked upon with respect, thenfuture will definitely be promising.Ques.7 To conclude with, would you like to give away afew words of motivation to the students.Ans. I would definitely like to advice them for their brightfuture and happy life ahead. Never believe inself-centredness and arrogance and never lack courtesy atany point of time in your life. Do not conceal youremotions and thoughts and be bold to express yourfeelings. Be self-confident and never shy away from work.As Illustrated to Harsh Sarbahi

Volume II, Issue 3Tete -a– TeteQues- Sir, how would you describe yourlife post Malaviya?Ans- After passing out from the college, allthe Malaviyans remain Malaviyans. All ofthem have a soft corner for the collegeand all the students. Life has been quitechallenging after those four years that Ispent here. But whatever I am today I oweit considerably to Malaviya.Ques- How would you describe yourcollege life?Ans- The college life comes only once inanybody’s lifetime. Those were the bestdays of my life. During my student life theenvironment of Malaviya was socially verystrong. One thing I would like to say thatit was mixture of everything: academics,entertainment and lots of fun. Simply youcould call them the “golden days”.Ques- What are the differences you findin the college atmosphere today whencompared to your days in college?Ans- At our time there was a healthyinteraction between the students and thefaculty members. But the level ofinteraction which I see at the present isnot so satisfactory. Also the infrastructurehas been changed by leaps and bounds.The college is now equipped with highspeed IT resource centre which is of greathelp to the students.Ques-Would you like to share with us anymemorable incident during your collegelife ?Ans- Well there were so many incidents inmy college life worth describing but onewhich I cherish the most was the protestagainst the Mandal Commission while Iwas in second year. I still remember thatour college was the first one to protestagainst it and one of our seniors Mr.D.C.Srivastava Sir led us throughout theprotest. It was very adventurous and wehad lots of fun.Ques- Being a computer scienceengineer what would you like to sayabout the challenges in the branch inthe current scenario?Ans- Computer Science & <strong>Engineering</strong>is a very enterprising department. Newdevelopments keep on taking placeregularly so infrastructure should bedeveloped and kept up to date. I wouldsuggest the students to try and focus onthe hardware and core aspects of thebranch rather than just concentrating uponthe software side.Ques- What are your thoughts withregards to the autonomous status of thecollege?Ans- The tag of autonomy is definitely goingto help the brand ‘Malaviya’ and also thestudents. It may help to enhance theplacement as well. The implementation ofQuality Improvement Programme (QIP) andISO certification will add feathers to thesuccess story of our college.Ques-Sir, it’s the golden jubilee year ofour college. What are your feelings?Ans- A single line answer for that -“I amproud to be a Malaviyan”. It’s one of theoldest technical institutes in Uttar Pradeshand it is surely a thing to be proud of. Iwish the Malaviyan legacy continues.Ques- What message would you like toconvey to our budding Malaviyans throughthis newsletter?Ans- There is always vacancy at the top andremember that there is always scope forimprovement. Do not ever think that youare here and not in any IIT because by someextra effort you can match them in allspheres. You people are the torchbearers ofthe future so never think what Malaviya hasgiven to you instead think what you cangive to the it by achieving something.As illustrated to Aiman Ali & AdityaThe Malaviyanshave always beenextraordinary inwhatever they do.They have alwaysproved theirmettle, be it inindustry or theirown self-enterprise.Mr. Praveer Arya isone of thoseeminent Malaviyanswho have madetheir own mark inthe society. Theowner of an ITSolution Enterprise,Logic PC world inGorakhpur, herecently shared histhoughts with us…...

Volume II, Issue 3STUDENTMEMBERSFinal YearAkanksha ShuklaDevansh GuptaPriyam SrivastavaRishabh Deo MallRohit SaxenaSmriti GuptaSuman SharmaSumit MishraSunil KumarThird YearAkanksha GuptaAnkita LalArchisman VishveshaAyushi PriyadarshiniItisha MishraNarendra KumarShanal GuptaShubham DixitUtsav SrivastavVivek Kumar Mishra4-G TechnologyTelecommunication standards are constantly changing as technologyadvances and the public’s hunger for more content to be delivered to theirportable devices faster is the driving force behind these developments. Theapproaching 4G (fourth generation) mobile communication systems areprojected to solve still-remaining problems of 3G (third generation) systemsand to provide wide variety of new services, from high-quality voice tohigh-definition video to high-data-rate wireless channels. Applicationadaptability and being highly dynamic are the main features of 4G servicesof interest to users. One of the terms used to describe 4G isMAGIC—Mobile multimedia, anytime anywhere, Global mobility support,integrated wireless solutions and customized personal services.This new generation of wireless is intended to complement andreplace the 3G systems. Integrated perspective shows the broad range ofsystems that the 4G intends to integrate, from satellite broadband to highaltitude platform to cellular 3G and 3G systems to WLL (wireless local loop)and FWA (fixed wireless access) to WLAN (wireless local area network) andPAN (personal area network), all with IP as the integrating mechanism.There are two visions for the next generation technology: Linear4G vision and the Concurrent 4G vision. The former vision focuses on thecellular system with very high data rates exceeding 100 Mbps, whereas thelatter focuses on the seamless technology provisioning across all thewireless systems and delivering the optimum services. When implemented,it will be an incredibly exciting product.-Neha Sahu‘Aakash’– a TABLET for studentsSTUDENTMEMBERSSecond yearAditya YadavAiman AliAnkit ShrivastavaAnmol DagoreDivyanshu TripathiEsha SrivastavaHarsh SarbahiNeha SahuShivani RaiSrishti SinghShrinkhala YadavShweta SharmaTanya AggarwalMCAYogendra TiwariA turnout of outflank combination of educational software, developed at IIT Rajasthan and technology ofDatawind UK is ‘Aakash’. Aakash is an android based tablet computer developed with the help ofDatawind Canada and Datawind India. It was assembled primarily as a platform audio -visual, mediaincluding books, periodicals, movies, music, games and web contents. Commercial version of tablet willbe retailed under the brand name UbiSlate7.Original prototype was unveiled in 2010. The device was formally launched on 5th October 2011as ‘Aakash’. It supports video web conferencing facility, computing ability such as open office, Scilab,cups. The commercial version of device also features telephony to and receive calls over GSM band. Itcomprises of media player which is able to play streamed and stored media files. It supports cloudcomputing option, remote device management ability, Wi -fi and GPRS. It embodies 2 GB (internal) flashmemory expandable up to 32 GB micro SD. It has 800*480 pixels resolution and supports 3G(via donglesupport).These tablets will be available at price of Rs. 5000/-. Government will subsidize the cost by 50%.So a student will have to pay only Rs. 2500/-.Ankit Shrivastava

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