Issue5 - Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College

Issue5 - Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College

Issue5 - Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College

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Tiresia...Colours of MalaviyaV O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 5M A Y 1 6 , 2 0 1 1PatronProf. J.P. SainiEditor in chiefDr. Arjun DubeyFaculty MembersDr. R.K. ShuklaDr. B.K. PandeyDr. P.P. PandeDr. S.P. SinghI N S I D E . .Placement BuzzFarewell FeverMessage from The Editorial board:Continuing with the trend of glorious success, the pastfew weeks witnessed the college going through its purplepatch. Stupendous results in every event added a newfeather in the cap of this institute. Be it the commendableJindal results or the spectacular Monnet placements,Malaviyans have proved their mettle and worth everywhere.Besides, academic session the organization of hockey tournament filled the malaviyanair with zeal and enthusiasm. Apart from this, farewell fever engulfed <strong>Malviya</strong>,with juniors bidding adieu to their lovable seniors. Another successful session ofThe Editorial Board came to a remarkable end with the official closing ceremonywhich was held on 30 TH April, 11’. We just want to remind the heavyhearted finalyear students that ,this is not the end to their beautiful journey, there are yet manybeautiful miles to walk and paths to traverse.Right now all the Malaviyans are busy pulling up their sleeves, in preparation forthe even semester examination which are commencing from 21 st May, 11’.So , wewish you all the very best .May you pass with flying colours. Good luck!!!!From Principal’s Desk“Through this newsletter the students and their parents along with industries and variousother stake holders shall observe complete transparency in our day to day programmes,the quality teaching-learning process we share with and the dream we cherishfor excellence in technical education.”(Prof.J.P.Saini)Osama’s Death:Question thatremainsunansweredFrom The Chief Editor’s Pen“The present edition of the newsletter reflects the awareness, achievements, aspirationsand intellectual enthusiasm of the students. I feel extremely delighted to put inrecord through the columns of the newsletter that the student members of The EditorialBoard have done commendable job to bring out this volume in the present form.”(Dr. Arjun Dubey)

P A G E 2Placement BuzzFollowing students have been selected in The Jindal Steel Works:Anuj Singh (C.E. Final Year)Vinay Kashyap (C.E. Final Year)Abhishek Patel (E.E. Final Year)Vineet Prakash Mishra (E.E. Final Year)Abhishek Sisodia (E.C.E. Final year)Gaurav Srivastava (E.C.E. Final year)Hemant Chaurasia (E.C.E. Final year)Shivam Katiyar (E.C.E. Final year)Ankit Oberoi (M.E. Final Year)Ashok Kumar (M.E. Final Year)Pranjal Tripathi (M.E. Final Year)Pulkit Mittal (M.E. Final Year)Rohit Rai(M.E. Final Year)Following Students have been selected in Monnet Corporation:Ghanghor Singh ( C.E. Final Year)Preeta Yadav ( C.E. Final Year)Prabhat Singh (E. E. Final Year)Aarti Singh (M.E. Final Year)Pulkit Mittal (M.E. Final Year)C.S.E Final Year student, Rohit Kamal Saxena has been selected in Computer Science Corporation(CSC).C.S.E Final Year student, Shashank Jain has been selected in Samsung.Obituary“A man of extraordinary character traits, truthful to the core andcharismatic persona”, these lines are still not enough to describeShyam Kishor Pandey. Sadly though, we lost such an inspiring personto the cold arms of death. His demise has left a void which cannever be filled. We wish wherever he is, beyond those deep blueskies, his immortal soul will continue to enlighten our perspective.May his soul rest in peace.Ideas can no more flow backward than can a river.

V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 5Farewell feverP A G E 3“All my bags are packed, I am ready to go,I am standing here outside the door ,I hate to wake you up to say GOODBYE”To bid adieu to the versatile final year batch of 2010-2011 of <strong>Madan</strong> <strong>Mohan</strong> Malaviya <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>College</strong>,branch wise farewell parties were held in the first week of May. Each farewell party was centredaround its own unique theme. While Electronics and Communication engineering went underwater ,Electrical engineering was wrapped in maple leaves. Civil engineering branch farewell spread the fragranceof spring, Computer Science left its “footprints” and Mechanical engineering lit up the party withits starry theme .The decorations of the venue reflected the true sentiments of love and respect that thejuniors bore in their hearts for the departing final years .One section of the wall was dedicated to thegraffiti to capture the parting words and messages of the seniors in each party.The farewell commenced in a true traditional manner witnessing the final year in elegant formal attires.The faculty members of the respective departments were invited to bestow blessings on their belovedstudents with their gracious presence .Each of the farewell parties began with the lighting of thelamp in respect of <strong>Madan</strong> <strong>Mohan</strong> Malaviya followed by the melodious “saraswati vandana”. Then begana series of formal and informal events planned and organised by the juniors. The second year and thirdyear students hosted the evening in full gusto and enthusiasm , while the first year contributed with fullzeal through their dazzling performances. One of the eye-catching episodes of these farewell parties wasthe conferring of witty and apt titles to the final year students. The most exciting part arrived when thefinal year was asked to perform on the spot tasks on demand of the juniors .The slideshow of old snapshotsof some personal and memorable moments of the seniors throughout the eight semesters, gotthem all nostalgic and emotional. This college nostalgia continued when they shared big and small incidences,bittersweet hostel moments and ups and downs of their college days, reminding them all of theireventful journey of four years...This chain of events concluded with a group photograph of the entire final year with their respective facultiesfollowed by juniors posing for memorable photographs with the seniors. Finally, everybody indulgedthemselves in the delicacies. Thus, this span of one week saw temperatures rising and no one wasleft untouched by the farewell fever. Though the farewell season was happening and exciting, the onething that pinched the most was that farewells were branch specific, but bonds of friendship are not, so aunanimous idea which would be more appealing to everyone is that instead of branch wise farewells asingle college farewell party should be given, bringing all the <strong>Malviya</strong>n pearls together in one thread.Campus NewsJyotika Rai, IInd year ME, got first prize in the U.P. East region in English section of All IndiaEssay Writing 2010 organized by Shri Ram Chandra Mission in collaboration with UnitedNations Information Centre for India and Bhutan.Second Year team won the Annual Hockey Tournament, which was organized from 4th to5th May, 2011 by S.G.C.A.The Closing Ceremony of the Editorial Board was conducted successfully on 30th April,2011, which marked the end of the working Calendar of the board.

Student MembersFinal yearAnuj SinghHarish ChandKamlendra Pratap SinghKumari DivyaRohit Kamal SaxenaShweta VermaSneha GuptaSukanksha SaranThird YearAkanksha ShuklaDevansh GuptaPriyam SrivatstavaRishabh Deo MallRohit SaxenaSmriti GuptaSuman SharmaSumit MishraSunil KumarChromebooksGoogle has taken a big step toward redefining the laptop, making it purelyWeb-centric, untethered to the Windows past. Chromebooks are, in away, tablets with keyboards, as Hugo Barra, director Android ProductManagement at Google, said. That's a key point of departure from thetraditional small Windows laptops, aka, Netbooks. he said. Those attributesinclude Cloud-based apps, extreme portability, built-in 3G connectivity,instant-on, and all-day battery life--all hallmarks of tablets like Apple'siPad and Motorola's Xoom.The similarly-sized Netbook, on the other hand, has been, since its debutin 2007, essentially a conventional Windows laptop, just smaller. Google'sfocus on the seemingly trivial feature of instant Web connection is a keydifference between traditional laptops and so-called post-PC devices,like the smartphone and tablet. Every Chromebook is instant turn on.Every time you boot up, you're up and running within eight seconds.But the Chromebook's novelty can potentially be a weakness. Particularlyfor businesses and educators still tied to Windows. Google is trying toaddress that with Web-based management features. "Seamless updatesdirectly from Google keep the operating system and software fresh, eliminatingthe need to manually patch systems, and since only minimal datais stored on the device, you don't need to do tedious backups or migratedata when changing hardware," according to Google. Google is also employingsecurity features such as secure tabbed browsing user data encryption,and verified boot.Both Acer and Samsung will release Chromebooks June 15 running theChrome OS on top of Intel's latest dual-core Atom N570 processor. Andthe N570 is a step up from the single-core Atom that powered the prototypeCR-48 Chromebook, distributed to journalists, among others, in December.Shanal Gupta B.Tech. IInd Yr(CSE)Osama’s Death: Questions that remain Unanswered.Student MembersSecond yearAkanksha GuptaAnkita LalArchisman VishveshaAyushi PriyadarshiniItisha MishraNarendra KumarShanal GuptaShubham DixitUtsav SrivastavVivek Kumar MishraThe whole world is exploding with euphoria over the claimed killing of Osama Bin Laden, the most wanted terrorist acrossthe world. In a statement issued shortly after his death, the U.S. president Barak Obama confirmed that Osama had beenkilled after a “fire-fight” in Abbottabad, a military cantonment town in Pakistan, not far from Islamabad.There are, however, many serious questions that need to be answered before one can believe the death of Osama. Naturally,the first question that arises is: Why would Osama Bin Laden choose that location for hiding, where the danger of hisdetection and to his safety was so great? With a big reward on his head and Pakistani military and security establishments,allied with the US in its war on terrorism, after him, it would have been impossible for him to escape detection in that area.It has been announced that after killing Osama, his body has been buried in the sea! Why was that done? That is the biggestand most important question. The explanations given by the administration in this regard are respect for Islamic traditionof burial within 24 hours. After slaughtering 3 millions of them in Iraq and Afghanistan; all of a sudden, the US has developedsuch an exquisite and pious sensitivity towards Muslims and their religion that after killing one of them, it wants tostrictly adhere to its own version of the Islamic rituals of burial!So far, no authentic pictures or videos have been made public. Even if they are at a later stage, these would be no substitutefor the evidence of the body.But if Osama was not killed in the raid, then where is he and who was actually killed in that compound in Pakistan? Did hedie earlier? And if so, did Obama and others in the administration know about his earlier death? Osama was suffering fromkidney and other health problems. He needed dialysis on regular basis, which would have been very difficult to arrange inremote mountainous areas where he was located after 9/11. It is quite likely that his health problems killed him much earlierthan his alleged killing by the US Navy Seals and CIA on May 1, 2011. It may be possible that Obama and his key officialsalready knew about the earlier death of Osama bin Laden and staged this whole drama for specific political goals and objectives.President Obama is asking the American people, media, and rest of the world to take his word for it without producing anyevidence. But he will need to answer these questions before he can take the full credit and advantage of being able to accomplisha mission which the three earlier American presidents could not.Narendra Kumar Yadav,IInd Yr,ME.

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