College Magazine Malvika'11 - Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering ...

College Magazine Malvika'11 - Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering ...

College Magazine Malvika'11 - Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering ...

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MAHAMANA- “An Inspiration”His life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in him, that Nature might stand up and say to allthe world-“THIS WAS A MAN!”-ShakespeareBorn as lowly as the son of God, in a hovel; reared in penury; squalor with no gleam of light or fairsurrounding; without graces, actual or acquired; without name or fame or official training, it wasreserved for Pandit <strong>Madan</strong> <strong>Mohan</strong> Malaviya to become the “MAKER OF MODERN INDIA”(as quoted byGandhiji) and a Shining star on firmament of tumultuous history of the 19th century.His life was glorious, with highest thoughts, the noblest emotions, the most resplendent acts ofself sacrifice and martyrdom.Sir Gokhale said,”<strong>Malviya</strong>ji’s sacrifice is real one. Born in a poor family, he started earningthousands monthly. He tasted luxury and wealth but giving heed to call of the nation, renouncing all, heagain embraced poverty.”<strong>Malviya</strong>ji’s zeal for public work and his devotion towards the nation made him start newspaper”Abhyudaya” and establish BHU, a capital of knowledge disseminating national consciousness.He hasearned an undying renown and an immortal name. He was a man who served as beacon – light toothers.He seems to be the creation of some special providence, who baffled the present youth tofathom with his resolute will to serve the nation.

From The Principal’s DeskI feel extremely delighted to observe that our college magazine Malvika is coming outthis year also with the dedicated and committed efforts of the faculty and the studentsof The Editorial Board. The magazine of a college is the reflection of the creativity of thestudents, involved in multifarious activities. It speaks about their imaginative creativitythrough the medium of a language given in literary and artistic shape.Ever since the inception of this college in 1962, we have been striving for excellencein different departments/areas of engineering and technology, and at the same timemarching forward with the mission of professional as well as intellectual development ofthe students. I feel gratified to see that we are doing our best in carrying on the missionof grooming our students as such professionals who are not only competent enough tocombat the challenges in their life but also become good human beings with moralexcellence and social sensitivity.I congratulate the efforts of the members of The Editorial Board that they havebrought out this issue of the magazine in such a beautiful form that reminds me thestory of a diver who dives deep into the sea and comes out with pearls. It is because oftheir selfless and untiring efforts that we see the magazine enriched with variety ofarticles.As a parting message to final year students of 2011 batch, I wish them a pleasant andprosperous future and advise them to delve deep in their career and come out with thepearl of name and fame, both for themselves and their alma mater.Prof. J. P. Saini

From The Chief Editor's Pen...Let’s begin a small tête-à-tête with the most glazing changes in the present issue of our collegemagazine, Malvika that mirrors multi-faceted activities of the students. A college magazine, like any other newsmagazine, is not perishable product; it is rather made of such materials, though impalpable, that help makesuch a platform from where the passers-by can have perfect and clear view of variety of creative activitieswhich last long in their hearts and minds. Through the magazine, the zealous readers can know and analyzewhat the techno literati do in this college as part of their creativity during their academic pursuits.Knowledge and learning go together by human beings as they imbibe experiences from social, economic,cultural and physical environments. Right from their existence on this earth, the human beings having beenmarching on the path of perennial quest for knowledge that is deeply related to their creative urge and abilityto shape the things they wish to give.The students, from many nooks and corner of our country, join this college for their engineering and managerial studies. In the beginning,this college appears to be an assemblage of heterogeneous culture, tradition, religion, language, caste and creed. But the ways they graduallycarry on living their life in cordial atmosphere make them homogenous Malavians.Our efforts have been to include enough articles, endowed with variety of subjects, in this magazine. But, at the same time, we see that thequality and standards should not ever be let down. I feel delighted to place on record that we have sustained in incorporating good and inspiringarticles. The specialty of the present issue of the magazine is that it is coming out when we are celebrating our Golden Jubilee Year.I extend my sincere thanks to the entire team of the Editorial Board for their constant exertion and support in bringing out the magazine in thepresent form.Last but not the least; I acknowledge my gratitude to our Principal Prof. J. P. Saini for his inspiration and cooperation to prepare this issue ofmagazine.Dr. Arjun Dubey

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Dr. Arjun Dubey, Associate Professor and Head, Applied ScienceDepartment“Karmanye vadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana (focus on thetask at hand; don’t let your actions hinge on the outcome)”expect from the people; and, even at metaphysical level, theworshipper expects for salvation from Him.Lord Krishna also knows that expectation is in theWe all know that through the above sloka in Gita,a greatHindu classic, Lord Krishna tries to motivate Arjuna to perform theduty of war against adharma ,without being tempted by personal,family and social bondages and fear of or feeling for the result thatmay come out during or after the war.The above saying has a deep meaning and it has been andbeing interpreted by readers and critics in different ways. But all ofthem agreeably say that people should do their duty and they shouldnot expect or crave for the result of their performed work.The question arises why Lord Krishna said it to Arjuna? Is itpractically possible for any one not to expect the outcome of physicalor meta- physical work he or she performs? No doubt, expectationreduces joy, yet it is a natural human’s impelling force. Childrenexpect from their parents; the parents expect from their children;the women expect from their husbands, the men from their wives;the students expect from their teachers, the teachers expect fromtheir students; an organization expects from its employees, theemployees expect from their organization; the people expect fromtheir king and, in democracies, from governments, the governmentsnature of the human beings. Yet, He preaches Arjuna to followhis path without the feeling of the outcome. This question hasbeen persistently striking my mind. Probably, expectation ofoutcome is related to success or failure. In case of both successand failure, our emotions dominate. The result in our favormakes us happy, whereas the same against us makes us gloomyand disappointed. Happiness for mundane result is a temporaryphenomenon; in the same way unhappiness for the same is atransitory one.In the cases of successes or positive results, ouremotive reactions become very high. We say we are highlydelighted. In the case of our defeat or failure we become highlydistressed or we again try our best to convert the negative intopositive, but the result is again the same.Lord Krishna’s message through the above sayingappears to me that He wanted Arjuna to realize that he isabove success or failure, happiness or unhappiness, indifferentto victory or defeat. And, then only, he can get rid of hishesitation and go on fighting for restoration of dharma.2

Itisha Mishra, B. Tech Second Year, Electrical Engg“Love never fails,today or tomorrow,or ages after, truthwill conquer! Loveshall win thevictory. Do you loveyour fellow-men.”Swami Vivekanand.3In today’s competent world, people haveforgotten to love. Love in the real sense should beunconditional. Love is therefore the pillar of all therelationships. The entire modern era is based onrelationships. Each and every work performed now istotally linked by a human network, which involvesrelationships. Relationships get disturbed whenever adisagreement begins. Therefore, love may also bedescribed as one’s action towards others. We oftenbother about analysing the behaviour of others. Buthow many times have we tried to look into our ownactions and behaviour?If we have adopted the path of love then it mustbe practised unconditionally, i.e. love your people forwhat they are, love them for the wrong they do to you,love them for all the hurtful words they bestow on you.Mahatama Gandhi taught us to love people whetherrich or poor, irrespective of their attitudes. These thingsmay appear immaterial now. People are so aggressivethat for them love for mankind holds no significance.They are purely logistic. According to them, showing adecent behaviour to their fellow beings is a direct attackto their ego.Love may help a monarch to expand his territorywithout any bloodshed, it may help a maritalrelationship to last forever, also it may help the overallmankind to interact better in the society.People who believe in the omnipotent power of loveare omnipotent themselves.They are those who realize the supreme powerexisting in the universe. They are always optimistic andhave confidence to achieve success in every sphere oflife. Moreover, every man in his society is a traitor,those men who boast about their royalty which isattained by subduing the poor sections of the societyare simply- wretches and will remain so in future.Parental love can be considered to be the bestexample which proves the power of love. During thegrowth of a person from an infant to an adult, oneexperiences several stages in life. At times the childmay be too obedient while just the opposite in theother cases. However, the love of the parents remainsthe same at all the stages. Hence love may be describedas unconditional.Love should be free of all the malice, beingsincere and truthful even to those who one may notlike. Therefore, it is love, love and love alone that isresponsible for creating a sustainable relationship.Nonewill be left, none will be destroyed, all will be madeperfect at the end by the power of love, according toVivekanand. Therefore, like all expansion is life and allcontraction is death, similarly, love should be theexpansion and selfishness should be the contraction tomaintain an everlasting relationship.

-Shweta Sharma, B. Tech I Year, Electronics & Comm. Engg.The strength of a country is determinedby the credibility of its institutions and not somuch by the numerical strength of its armedforces. The founding fathers of the IndianConstitution took great care to establish certaininstitutions which would work as a bulwark ofdemocracy and ensure justice, liberty, equality andfraternity to the citizens. Democracy is the onlyform of government in which justice, liberty andequality got the best expression in it.Democracy is the system of governmentwhich best flourishes in a small territory & smallpopulation because human beings are fed closer toeach other. This common notion seems to haveoverpowered the INDIAN DEMOCRACY. Theinstitutions are unfortunately under attack by apredatory executive. Anna Hazare’s fast andtremendous popular support it received actuallyreflects the frustration and anger of common manat the failure of our anti-corruption institutions.The face of democracy in India is graduallychanging and the change is not in favour of us.Politics is not merely a service to the nation but alucrative profession for a class of people. Powerand money have become synonyms of politics.They just want power and money.Caliber and talent have lost their meaning. Peopleof poor caliber are heading various importantorganizations. Various scandals and scams aretestifying to this fact. Moreover, while aspiring forpower, they also use various unfair means. Ruralvoters are allured by various cash prizes anddifferent gifts. They announce different welfareschemes for urbans. After election, the pre-electionprove to be a gimmick and the other way round isviolence which they commonly follow to ensuretheir position. Booth capturing and proxy voting arecommon practices. Various military andPara-military forces are to be deployed to avoid themishappenings. Many times politicians and theirrespective party forfeit their ideologies and forgealliance with most bitter critic to share power.In present scenario, democracy can bedefined as –“OFF the people, buy the people andfar from the people.” It’s no more accountable tothe common mass. The judiciary system is not ableto handle the politically sensitive cases & in a way itis helping gunda and mafia turned politicians tocarry out their practices. It is seriously hamperingthe proper growth of India. In politically sensitivecases they have been blowing hot and colddepending upon the equation of the ruling partywith the accused.“In present scenario,democracy can bedefined as –“OFF thepeople, buy thepeople and far fromthe people.” It‟s nomore accountable tothe common mass.”4

We want„karmayogis‟ toimprove thesituation. Peopleout there in themiddle need to shun„chalta hai‟attitude.5The handling of cases against MulayamSingh and Mayawati has been mostunprofessional.The opposition generally createsunwelcomed situation by their behavior on the floorin the Parliament. It is their duty to participate indebates on the bills that the government proposesand highlight the negative aspect of such bills. Theyare deviating away from their duty.Thus when democracy is imperiled we canvery well imagine the future of democracy in India.We are in a state of slumber. We want ‘karmayogis’to improve the situation. People out there in themiddle need to shun ‘chalta hai’ attitude. First weneed to take care of things at small stages and bigthings themselves will fall at right places.USA and China are the major players today,when India will match that status will depend onwhen we wake up. We need to pull up our socks andshake off our slumber if we desire to be the bestdemocracy in future. Or else India will be said as anation with - “too many laws, too much justice; toomany public servants, too little public service; toomany elections, too little caliber; too mucheducation, too little wisdom; too much of promise,too little delivery; gigantic in potential and Lilliputianin reality………”Akanksha Shukla, Third Year, Computer Science & Engg.Gone are those days,When to empty doorways, life dawned.Gone are those days,When to melancholy music, strings tuned…Torrents of darkness, broken apart when,Piercing the dark clouds of fate you came,Feet no longer hurt on rock beds of life when,Upon my wings you lifted me up.Gone are those days of,Wandering eyes and outstretched arms that seek,A kindred spirit, a touch of life, a streak of light…..Empty doorways, swung open one day,Breathing life, flooding light.Tears washed away past life’s horizons when,Waves of hope came crashing ashore.As innocent as a child you are ,As pure as the morning dew,No cages confine you,No prejudices mislead you....Whenever you feel lost in the milling crowd,When you feel the dragging or darkness creeping in,I stand here to receive you,With arms wide open. . .

Saurabh Mishra, B. Tech Second Year, Mechanical Engg.“The power of division is unsteady andimpermanent union works for a steady power and aharmonious future”“One can feel the inundate thoughtsintruding to the mind when it has to respond to thestimulus of the question on fast growing technology.”The line stated above says something about the unitedefforts of intellect technology developers in the fieldsof flowering science and technology.The ivy of computers and its networking canalways be seen wrapped with the tree of technology.Just a decade and we found present technologyalthough intricate but still very smooth. It is thousandsof miles away i.e. forward from what it used to be inthe past several years. We have come past yet anotheryear and yet another decade where technology hasseeded into human activity like never before. Whatbegan as a decade where many more people turned tocomputer networking i.e. ‘internet’ ended with thetechnology successfully integrating the sheer existenceof link between all human races in one light softscreen. One of the juvenile features of the internetwebsites are social networking and sites like Orkut,Facebook, uTorrent etc. have masterminded theabduction of human interest.Not only youth, even small children and old agedpeople have also become the fan of these sites whichtouch our lives at all moments. People from differentparts of the world are linked through those sites. Theyknow each other, exchange their views, interact andhence feel their existence on the planet Earth. One canshare the mind updates to the whole world and to thefriends who have been linked and thereby get a lot manyalternative solutions to their problems. These sites arevery helpful in making the friend circle a substantial one.Talking about downloading sites (like uTorrent), they helpa lot to the internet users to download several web pages, movies and other links conveniently within no time.Looking over the stupendous benefits of internet,several hi-tech institutions have introduced it to theircolleges so as to keep pace with the technology. One ofthese recognized institutions our ‘<strong>Madan</strong> <strong>Mohan</strong>Malaviya <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>College</strong>’ has also shown its interestin internet. A hi-tech ITRC has been set up inside with thesole motive of giving its student an opportunity to getupdated with the global context.But the socialnetworking and downloading sites are banned fromaccessing within the college premises.Thinking deeplyand taking a conclusive enquiry one may be irreconcilablewith the banning.One of the juvenilefeatures of theinternet websites aresocial networkingand sites like Orkut,Facebook, uTorrentetc.masterminded theabduction of humaninterest.6

Being gregariousleads to a passing oftime. Hence, thebanning of sites needsto be removedFor the college students, especially forengineering and management students, itbecomes significant to develop a link with thepresent world and get updated with it. For themthe social networking sites play a major role ingerminating their relations with alumni and henceproviding a nice platform for theirplacements. Basically the networking sites aremeant for connecting humans and bridging thedeep valley between people belonging to differentcommunities. All the downloading sites helpstudents to download the lectures of theprofessors belonging to high profile institutionsIIT’s, IIM’s, Oxford University etc.It is very fruitful in growing the stifled knowledgeof students and give them a wide domain ofthoughts and ideas. Even after a bunch of benefits,the sites are banned in college premises ofMMMEC. One of the reasons for the ban can be anabrupt increase of the above specified site users.Its just an illusion if the administration power hasthought it to be a waste of time and narrowing ofinterests.The banning leads to the studentscutting-off from their friends whom they cannotreach easily.For grasping the emanating knowledge frominternet, one needs downloading whichembellishes the thoughts of students making themthink wisely.<strong>College</strong> students use it to download variousmovies, music etc. so as to entertain themselves.Recreation helps a lot in eminent devotion tostudies. In fact, several downloading activities aredone to study the things deeply and of course thestudents of MMMEC have been admitted to thecollege after devoting themselves for the studiesof entrance exams. Thus, they know better whatto do and when to do. Their routine of study andentertainment can be judged only by taking awhole day analysis of them, not by simply checkingthe number of website users and thinking they arewasting time.Being gregarious leads to a passing of time. Hence,the banning of sites needs to be removed. Yes,these sites are not at all allowed to the teenagersbelow eighteen years of age. Therefore, the socialnetworking sites should be banned for them only.7

Ayushi Priyadarshini, B. Tech Second Year, Computer Sc. & Engg.You my pal, youflew thathelicopter andfor them......youare just anothercrew member???And my eyesswelled withtears.All the channels flashed the same news’, allthe news reporters were singing the same tune.Scanning through the television, just one line keptresounding in the air- “Arunachal Pradesh’s chiefminister Dorjee Khandu is missing. His flight was fromTawang to Itanagar. His Pawan Hans chopper wentmissing at 10:00 am today.......” and again and againthese lines kept ringing in my ears.“This cannot be true’’, I told myself, as I sank on thefloor in front of the television.Fighting a battle within myself, I took out my cell phoneand dialled a pre-saved contact number,’ the customeryou are dialling is out of coverage area’ was only reply Igot.Praying to lord and swallowing another lump inmy throat, I dialled the same entry of the homecontact.“Hello?”- a familiar but teary voice answered, “helloaunty...........was that.........Alok’s flight?”“Yes my son, I am very scared.......” The depth and theforce with which simple words can cut open a heart isjust an understatement to what I felt at that instance.the time we were neighbours since childhood, studyingin the same school, his loving voice saying “herebrother, you drive it first”-as he passed his new bikekeys to me. The lazy afternoons that passed talkingabout the fairer sex , and staring in the golden skyoccasionally interrupted by the airplanes.” One day I’llbe flying one of these......” he used to say........andagain i was disturbed by some distant voice of a newsreporter saying, “Four other members including twocrew members were on board with the chief minister.You my pal, you flew that helicopter and forthem......you are just another crew member??? Andmy eyes swelled with tears.My repeated calls to his home were only answeredwith more unintelligent and sympathetic words givenfrom the ministry of Home affairs.The days and nights ahead were nothing butlong painful flight of slumber and consciousness. I keptcalling his number every day,” please pickup brother!You promised to attend my engagement.’’ I hated thewoman’s voice which so heartlessly repeated “Thecustomer you are.....”“Alok Singh Rathore, my childhood friend, my bestbuddy.....where are you?” my head swirled and soon Iwas flooded with a plethora of flashbacks, going in andout of cascade of reverie8

9Why did he keep calling me for help in mydreams? His serene face and sparkling smilekept appearing before my eyes. Was this forreal? I kept remembering GOD every second,every minute, hoping he would be alive, hurtbut alive- “Brother, please come back!!!”Date: 4 th May,’11I was standing in the elevator of my apartment,heading to the ground floor, along with twoladies who were discussing the news.“You know, the C.M.’s body has been found.The valleys of Tawang are very dangerous andthe weather was miserable. The brokenremains of the chopper were also found”“What about the others in the chopper?” askedthe other lady voicing my paused heartbeats.“Their bodies have also been recovered whichthe family members have identified, everyonedied”With this, their floor came and theyleft.........the elevator’s doors closed, and I keptgoing down and down and down............Yk¨dYk cl ;k=k& ujsUæ dqekj ;kno] ;kaf=d vfHk;a=.k] f}rh; o"kZ;g fooj.k u fdlh rhFkZLFky dh ;k=k dk gS] u ghfdlh i;ZVu LFky dk ;k=k o`rkUrA ;g lPpkbZ gS izR;sd xk¡ols 'kgj rd tkus okyh feuh cl dhA bl cl esa ;k=kdjrs gq, gesa thou ds lHkh igyw n`f"Vxr gksrs gSaA cpiutks f[kM+dh dh rjQ ,dVd cka/ks lalkj dh ckálqUnjrk ns[kus ds fy, ykykf;r izrhr gksrk gS] oghagekjh ;qok ih

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AuroraHe who binds himself a joy,Does the winged life destroy,But he who seeks the Joy as it flies,Lives in eternity’s Aurora.

-Kamlendra Pratap Singh, B. Tech Final Year, Computer Sc. & Engg.Getting a message of Good Morning and thena call ‘mera babu so raha hai’ in the cock-crow is whatall of us heard from our parents in our upbringing. Butthese lines of affection are showered on some of us bythe ones deemed to be their lovers. It’s really naturalthat one’s likeliness for someone is to that extent thatit’s really hard to spare time without her.But themodern teenagers like to play with this likeliness.In the name of modernity, most of us wish tohave a partner whom they see as their going-to-bespouse. To gain a status among their friends, onejostles to find one with whom he/she can be tagged.When all friends and school mates haveboyfriends/girlfriends, one feels compelled to follow inpursuit. If one does not have a partner of one’s ownthen he/she feels left out because he/she can’t fit inwith their after school activities and can’t join in theconversations. What makes it worse that everyone willsee him/her as a “geek”.Another reason is if he/she is undertaking apopularity contest. One competes with other inattaining as many boyfriends/girlfriends as one can tosee who will be the popularity mascot. These contestsalso occur because it is seen that only popular oneshave boyfriends/girlfriends.Boredom often drives aboy/girl into the arms of a girl/boy. One sees his/herlife as monotonous and so searches for thrill andexcitement with the girl/boy.But humans are fallible and temptation to haveboyfriends/girlfriends can be an impetus for this fallibilityto misjudge the compatibility of the one with whom onewants to be in a relationship. Implications of initial illmatchedand frequent indifferences on most issues resultin what is given an exquisite name “breakup”. It’s nevereasy when a significant relationship ends. Whatever thereason for the split – and whether or not you wanted it –the breakup of a long term, committed relationship canturn your whole world upside down and trigger all sorts ofpainful and unsettling feelings. But nowadays we seesomething different. Both will avoid each other and onewill expect the other to read the act of riot and bear agrudge for the calls that they liked.The best part of it comes in the succeeding monthswhen both are palsy-walsy with a new partner. Either it isan act of vengeance or another amusement in the name ofpopularity. Our new genX is ready with a backup lest one’scondition exacerbates. One is managing multiboyfriends/girlfriends so that at any instant of breakup,another one is ready to fill the void i.e. breakup to go upwith a backup which would lend a healing touch to thepensive mind-set.Playing with this game of breakup and backup hasmade fornication a common place occurrence within theteenage community, and the young girls and boys havesadly fallen prey to the snares of Western society. Theenigma that surrounds a breakup is hard to imagine lestkeep it simple and go with a backup.“For everybreakupthere is abackup”12

Me...Srishti Singh, B. Tech. First Year, Civil <strong>Engineering</strong>All I want to be is me!I want my individuality to prevail!!!Right from beginning of my life,Expectations were mounding.My soul was torn amid strife,A distant voice in my heart was sounding.T’was tough to find my gleeAll I want to be is me….I want my individuality to prevail,It’s a mountain I am yet to scale….I want to hear the voice in my head,And sing the song of soul aloud;Fly out of the captivity in which I bred,Unveil the self-concealed with shroud.Rise and shine for everyone to see,All I want to be is me…..I want my individuality to prevail,A tumultuous ocean I am yet to sail…My soul in ferocious battle divorced heart,That battered heart, I doubt existed,The perforated soul ready to rip apart,Life seeping out, memories misted.Searching souls, to answer my plea,All I want to be is me…I want my individuality to prevail,I am yet to cross this haunted dale…13

FATHER…Sanchi Mehra, M.B.A. First yearMY LOVE…Jagriti Biswas B. Tech First Year Computer Sc. & Engg.Father,All through the years there are things I have left unsaid,Things I have not done, feelings I have not expressed.I didn’t say those words, which would have made you feel goodI have only these excuses to give you:I didn’t turn back to look at you papa, becauseI know you’ll always be there holding me;I never showed you how much I love you papa,because I knew you would love me no matter what I did.I didn’t say “I love you” papa because I took it for granted that you knew itI never hugged you much papa because I knewwhen I needed a hug you’ll always be there with one.A gentle word like a spark of light,Illuminates my soulAnd as each sound goes deeper,Its you that makes me whole.There is no corner, no dark place,Your love cannot fill.And if the world starts causing waves,It’s your devotion that makes them still.And yes you always speak to me,In sweet honesty and truth.Your caring heart keeps out the rain,Your love, the ultimate roof.But I have learnt something;You don’t take people for grantedyou don’t leave things undone.So, now I say to you what I feel,I am not lying papa this is true;To me you are the world’s greatest father,No matter how many times I am given the chance I’ll chooseyou and none other,Love you papa.So thank you my love for being there,For supporting me, my life.I’ll do the same for you, you know.My beautiful, love…14

Life- Is It Worth Living??Priyam Srivastava, B. Tech. Third Year, Electrical Engg.The pleasures of theemotions are moresubtle and morelasting, but a timecomes when we beginto hide our emotions.15If life is worth living,it is only for the sake ofthose exquisite moments that it gives us now and then.Iremember the deep mirth I had when my brother and Iused to argue over trivial matters or when he used to tryall his WWE stunts upon me and there was no usecomplaining to my mother as I had no back answer forher one simple dialogue “You are his only sister. If he’snot going to fight with you and tease you, is he going tofight with neighbor's daughter ?” and I had no otheroption but to agree with her, or how I sat late at night,headache to all, especially to my grandmother,announcing that my craftwork has to be submitted thenext day at school Grandma “ek tu hi bharosa, ek tu hisahara” and she simply used to pat my head and sendme to dreamland and I don’t have a ghost of notion as towhat magic stick “Shakalaka Boom Boom” she possessedthat the next morning I could see through my drowsyeyes, the beautiful craftwork dazzling in front of me onmy table. Many such precious and cherished memorieswhich are difficult to put down in black and white aresome of the most treasured possession, whichincessantly provides an impetus to set my heart uponlife. From human relationships come deep satisfactions-the smile of mother, the hug of brother, the hand claspof a friend, the deep wisdom in the discussions ofgrandfather.The pleasures of the emotions are more subtleand more lasting, but a time comes when we begin tohide our emotions. Life is cruel and brings with itcrosses and disappointments. The sensitive man triesto hide his disappointments from the rest of the world.He does not crave for sympathy but for fortitude. Hetries to veil his face- though not alwayssuccessfully.When our dearest dreams vanish likeparticles of smoke into the air, when we lie awake atnight brooding over our misfortunes, when it isnecessary to be humble before our enemies and put acheerful face upon it, when we try to drown ourthoughts into work-then life seems a poor thingindeed…But something deeper than reason in us,something that sees the dawn of hope even in thedeepest clouds of misery still makes us carry on…Tothe man who seeks only to know, life is worth living.To sum up with the lines uttered by Macbeth in one ofthe plays:Out, out, a brief candle!Life’s but a walking shadow, poor playerThat struts and frets his hour upon this stage,And then is heard no more; it is a taleTold by an idiot, full of sound or fury,Signifying nothing.

AN AURA OF AUStERITYArchisman Vishvesha B.Tech 2 nd Year Mechanical Engg.It must have happened to you sometimes,when you meet a person and you start appreciatinghim upto such an extent that you say, “I want to belike him ”. It is a super normal biological phenomenonof attraction and getting inspired. It induces a selfboundcompulsion in the person to strive for the best.It is said that every living being has its uniqueaura. An aura is the distinctive atmosphere or qualitythat seems to be generated by someone orsomething. A snake has an aura that makes youfreaky, whereas the aura of a rabbit can comfort you.It’s all because of this influencing field that guidesyour itinerary.An aura can be both positive and negative.Our mankind has witnessed a myriad of both. Let it beMahatama Gandhi or Adolf Hitler, they inspiredpeople and the people did what they asked.One quality that I found common in them wasausterity. They abandoned comforts, luxuries andadornments which they could have enjoyed. Thisaustere way of living demands extravagant courageand utter confidence on oneself.On focusing my discussion to the college, there aretwo types of people, I have encountered here. Thefirst are the coordinators and the participants. Thesecond is the audience which laughs at the flaws andextemporization, questions the credibility andtransparency of an event.A person of the first category has to face the grim oftime loss, health loss, appetite loss, money loss andstudy loss. After such austere sacrifices and forging, arole model is prepared, ready to inspire, ready toshape the malleable virtues of the rest. Every painadds a glow, cements confidence and blossoms glory;it is inevitable to stay uninfluenced with such an aura.For the one in audience, please keep this in mind thatthe starting point of all achievements is desire. Weakdesire brings weak result. Trust and rule your actionsso that at the end, you may not have to look back andsay“I wish I had taken more …”It is said that everyliving being has its uniqueaura.An aura is the distinctiveatmosphere or qualitythat seems to begenerated bysomeone or something16

COMPLICATEDSerene environs, caressing breeze,Suman Sharma B. Tech. Third Year, Mechanical Engg.birds chirping on a tree with not so many leaves.Sauntering by the roads crease,a hand on my shoulder made me pirouette.Bespectacled, a stubble he wore.Years had gone by, since we spoke.He shook my hands with expressions demure.We talked a little but remained silent more.My phone rang and bellowedbringing conversation to a halt.‘Home calling’ it showed,seeking in some urgent dart.Elucidating him, departed I.Feeling a magnetism, I turned about.A soft smile on his lips and look intent in his eyeinrushed in me a strange afflictiontending to overcome the strings so tout.Memories were streaming in before my eyeswhen we used to chat and banter sprightly.His irksome and insane caprice,my wanton riposte and titter in reply.After he left, it was nothing I could regale in.The world around seemed otherwise and bland.Eventually I realized it was himand the void in my heart I did comprehendThe door opened and broke my flashbackA friend of mine was to be betrothed.Spotting him at the ceremony, I was taken aback.Out of the din he surfaced.For a split second, my heart skipped a beat.Glanced away to draw in breadth,bolstered my will, looked up and our eyes did meet.His unwavering and dark eyes mellowed me like in sun,a left chocolate.A moment followed-everything tacit astute,devoured in each other’s face,dissolved in emotions, but words inarticulate,smitten by love, an unending maze.17

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WAS THIS MY FATE ??Akanksha Gupta B. Tech. Second Year,Computer Sc. & Engg.Was this my fate…?To be discarded like a stale morsel from the plate?Abandoned, I stood there motionless in front of yourgate,With the tears trickling down my face,And unfathomable emotions raging in my heart;Stood I, numb, dumbfounded and terror struck,Thinking…….Was this my fate…?To be discarded like a stale morsel from the plate?My entire past came in front of my eyes,Frame by frame,Flash by flash.For the rest half of our lives.In those moments divine,I stole a glance into your auburn eyes,Which proclaimed to me,That they were mine for all day and night.Then came those moments of togetherness,Which were to me treasures no less.The nights spent lying down on the grass, underneath thestars;The times when you placed your head in my lap,And the afternoons spent, sitting side by side;Being completely silent,yet having the conversations so pleasant.The day I stepped into your life,It was the day of our marriage.Together we encircled the sacred fire,Hand in handAnd took those mystical seven vows of life;Pledging to be each other’s better halves,Capricious are the ways of life,This I understood when I caught your lies,For you I was a mere lay,A servant to comfy your tiresome days.Your callousness and indifference gave me the hint,That the past days spent were all feigned.20

Then came that dreaded night, when you crossed allyour heights.Those solemn oaths and pledges of life,ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDERTHAN WORDSRavi Ranjan, B. Tech. First Year, Mechanical Engg.Were shattered in a moment or twice.The doorbell rang;And I found you standing in the frame,Hand in hand with a young dame,Wearing the same vermillion on her head,With which you once adorned my head.Your nefarious smile told me,That now there was none in my life, to hold me.My whole world fell into innumerable pieces,When you said that I was in your life ‘no moreneeded’…Was this my fate…?To be discarded like a stale morsel from the plate?Once I was walking down the roadOn a dark and foggy nightWhen there was hardly any lightI could see a man, but not dearlyI called out “Hey mister, what is your name?”At first there was no replyPerhaps he was a little shy.I called out yet againBut it was all in vainI was about to give up.When it suddenly began to rain.And as we ran helter and skelterHe opened his umbrella, willing to shareAnd then I realizedThat my friend of few wordsReally did care .And as we huddled togetherCold and numb,I realized that my friend couldn’t speakAs he was deaf and dumb.And then a sudden thoughtFlashed through my mindDo we really need words to be kind?21

A PART OF MEKritarth Srivastava, B. Tech. Third Year, Electronics & Comm.Engg.Laying back on the charred bedIt’s velvety old sheet singing the untold storiesMy one mistake, it flashes through my eyes,The present ruins and the past glories....A part of me begs absolutionWishing I could change what happenedAs it could never be by intentionA part of me covets for the long lost loveThose little things that paved way forMy future...Those unsaid words,Those morning walks,Childhood following experienceAdolescence following grace,Such an endless reminiscenceLeaves a smile on my face.Powerless as I was,Couldn’t freeze those moments...Time flew past making...The mortal race,The arrival of my youthVersus his old ageWhy didn’t I notice,On my every birthdayHe lost a precious year.Was it my malevolence,Or a childhood ignorance ?I made new friendsHis old age made him lose some.Busy swimming past the river of my dreamsI failed to notice his sleepless boredom.Struck with realizationThrown into realityI came back to life...But he went numb.A part of me feels responsible,But the other, can’t fathom.Looking through my mind’s eye,I see him with an enigmatic smile,Tell me that it’s the real world’s trend...I lost my grandfather or I should say...My only friend.22

My Life’s Saga-Utkarsh Upadhyay, B.Tech. Third Yr., Computer Sc. & Engg.There exists anotherclass of the actors...Those who really just"ACT"... The darkand sinister ones23The stage of life, set up around us, has a varietyof characters in it... Some are friendly, some loving, someothers truly caring... A few, on the other hand areenvious, selfish and blunt...Life's play goes on smoothly with thesecharacters playing their respective roles. What role theyplay depends largely upon your attitude towards them.Their acts do not much affect the part you play in thetheatre of life...But there exists another class of theactors... Those who really just "ACT"... The dark andsinister ones. Being there by your side, whenever youlook at them, they walk with you, foot to foot, neverleaving you behind them in their stride... But when timesof need come, when you really need their stride to matchyours, when all that you need is a slight manoeuvring ofthe play, a slight help, when the words within you getstuck behind your tongue, all that you get is blank looksupon their faces, as if they had just entered the sceneand were unaware of the development of the plot...This is the time when you really feel shattered,not knowing what to do and what to say, in order to justas much as save your life from getting ruined. Theresponse that you get from them is more blunt than youwould have ever received before, going as - "It's yourplay and it's up to you how you manage the scenarionow. The plot regards you, not me. I have played enoughpart in it and do not consider it fit to make any lastminute changes to the plot. All that i can do for now isquit the play, with my head still high and my partplayed still being appraised by the audience... Good luckfor your life ahead..."You lose all confidence, all hopes, all joy and peace withinyour soul... All that is left of you is a living piece of flesh, withno life within it...Down go all your expectations. All your words andpleas go sinking deep within the chatters of the mob presentin front of the stage, mocking you for your failure... Nextcome the critics, laying stress upon all that had gone wrong,and moreover, upon how you were left all alone to plough onthrough your act, with no one to be by your side. They prickyou uncannily, reminding you over and over again that thosewhom you considered the prime characters of your playdeserted you in no time...Such are the times when you need the intrusion of aREAL PERSON in your life. One who had not been there toact, neither to appraise your skills of carrying on with yourpart. All that person had done all along was to observe eachand every move and word of yours, keeping mum all thetime. Even when the audience used to fill the entire theatrewith claps and cheers for you, that person quietly stoodbehind the curtains, doing nothing more than giving you awink to show his support.That is the person who, completely out of the blue,(and that too only for a few fortunate people), steps forth onthe stage, not caring about what character you had assignedhim to enact, or even whether you had asked him to stay offthe stepping stairs. Disregarding all ethereal aspects of thescene, all hoots and shouts from the crowd, the emptiness ofthe stage with none but you alone murmuring the dialoguesto yourself, the person indulges in his own true self...

He does not speak a word. He does not give a spark of anexpression. He does not stop the hooting of the crowd.He does not draw the curtains for you at that moment.All that he does is that he stretches bothhis hands towards you, ready to grasp yours firmly. Thosehands, which at an earlier point of time may haveseemed quite weak to you, suddenly become so strongand sturdy that you immediately drop yourself into theirshelter. The person relieves you of all the burned of theplay and helps you get on with it in your natural self.Henceforth, you start believing in yourself again.Nothing matters to you now except the company of THATperson on stage with you. All you need to move on in theplay is the hand that THE person stretched forth in yourtime of utter need. Life takes a new turn here, leaving alldark parts back, going on calmly.THIS PERSON, who came to your rescue comes out to be theperson whom you had needed all through your life, althoughnot realizing it yourself earlier. After you finish off with thedifficult parts of the play, holding hands with THE person, allyou need to do is give him a smile. This smile of yoursbecomes his desire for the rest of his life. He forgets all aboutthe part he has to enact in the play of his own life. Hebreathes through your smile, and lives under your happiness.This feeling is what some people call LOVE...I do not know what it really is,But it certainly is the simplest, purestAnd yet the most exclusive feeling in anyone's life...One that becomes absolutely impossible to live without,If even for once someone gets a split second impulsive tingeof it...This is the part of the play where the actualimportance of every character comes out in the play. Itmarks the climax of the play... where the play finallywinds up with all characters getting their real place. Thetrue ones, along with the extras are helped upon thestage. While the ACTING bunch is shown the way leadingbackstage...24

PanoramaOne bird can herald spring,One sunbeam lights a room.One word starts each prayer,Only one step can unwindThe Panorama of life.

ANARCHISM- ITS SCOPE IN INDIAShrinkhla Yadav, B. Tech. First Year, Electronics & Comm. Engg.26Anarchism is apolitical philosophywhich considers thestate undesirable,unnecessary andharmful; and insteadpromotes a statelesssociety‘Anarchism’, this term unfolds a completelydifferent perception of state and central authority in asociety. If we define ‘Anarchism’ in plain terms, wemay say – ‘It is a political philosophy which considersthe state undesirable, unnecessary and harmful; andinstead promotes a stateless society or anarchy’. It isoften considered to be a radical ‘left wing ideology’and much of anarchist ideologies reflect an anti-statistinterpretation of communism, collectivism andsyndicalism.According to Oxford’s companion of philosophy-“There is no single defining position that allanarchists hold; and those considered anarchists atbest share a certain family resemblance.”After discussing so much about anarchism; thenext question that arises is that- Will anarchism besuccessful in India? And according to me it will neverbe. In a developing country as India where a majorportion of population is facing a backward scenarioand half of the section of population comprising ofvillagers and economically weaker sections areunaware of their political rights and duties. How canwe expect them to participate actively and wisely inrunning the country, if anarchism is established?Asanarchy emphasises on direct democracy so it requiresactive and equal participation from every individual ofsociety, which can never be followed in such a vastdeveloping country like ours.Secondly, India has such a huge gift economyand if anarchism is followed it would only weaken thisboon of ours and so it would make no sense to be ananarchist and not to strengthen gift economy in thepresent developing scenario.Thirdly, India is such a diverse nation both interms of its resources and its culture; and there is acontinuous flow of these within the country under thepresent central authority; but if at once anarchy isestablished then it will block this flow and there willarise a question of import and export within the samecountry and each state will start concentrating ontheir own interests; this may even happen onindividual bases; no one would think of India as onecountry, then where will India go as whole? This‘Anarchism’ seems more as splitting up India again;and this time in 28 small parts! The establishment of‘Anarchy’ will hamper existence of India and createmuch more disorder in the country synonymous to itsown definition which explains ‘anarchy’ as disorder inone word. So to conclude, I want to say that onceMahatma Gandhi said that, the state least governedby a central authority is the best state but afterconsidering all the above discussion; in my views thisis only so if the individuals of that state are replicas ofMahatma Gandhi in character and thoughts!

A PASS OR A FAIL?Shubham Dixit, B. Tech Second Year, Electrical Engg.It has been over an year since the CentralBoard of Secondary Education (CBSE) introduced theContinuous and Comprehensive Evaluation System(CCE), which allows the students to skip the class 10 thboard exams and judges them on the basis of theiroverall curricular and extra-curricular performancethroughout the year instead. This new introductionwas made by the HRD minister Kapil Sibbal with aview to reform the education policy of India.The aim of the system was to reduce thestress and anxiety levels of the students during theexams and to give them more time to pursue theirhobbies and interests. The assessment was to bedone on the basis of the overall performance instudies as well as co-curricular activities, rather thanon the old practice of how much a student canmemorise and reproduce.Students were to be evaluated based onwork experience skills, innovation teamwork, publicspeaking, behaviour etc. to present a measure oftheir abilities.From the outside, the CCE looks like abrilliant idea to reform the education system. Itcertainly does guarantee more opportunities foracademically weaker children to improve theirperformance, provides the teachers with a lot morethan before to judge a particular student. This alsohelps in enhancing the teacher student relationship.But there is a section of educationists andparents who do not feel the new system to be an outand out success. Many of them are of the view that areasonable amount of stress is necessary for the childrento learn how to cope with failures in the future.There is also a big question of whether the newsystem really reduces the stress levels. With no endtermexaminations that judged the students’performance only during the exam time, the constantevaluation scheme makes it mandatory for them toperform well throughout the year. It would have been alot easier for many of them to study non-stop for twomonths and get exams out of the way than this.Another important issue relating to the system isthe transparency in the evaluation process. While theboard examinations answer sheets were checked by anunknown examiner, under the CCE the result would bein the hands of the class teacher who may, in somecases, be biased towards a particular student.Given all these shortcomings and the remains ofthe age-old exam-centric education system haunting itconstantly, the CCE has fared pretty well in the first yearof its introduction and has remarkably succeeded inbringing down the exam related miseries. A largenumber of students opting out of their class 10 th boardsprove the system’s popularity. The only questionhowever, that remains unanswered, is whether the newproducts of this new policy will be able to deliver whenrequired, in the bigger battles of life…?Many educationistsare of the view thata reasonable amountof stress isnecessary for thechildren to learn howto cope with failuresin the future.27

IN RELATIONSHIP WITH A SINGLE PERSONRohit Kamal Saxena, B. Tech. Final Year, Computer Sc. & Engg.The word„Relationship‟ asdescribed in theoxford dictionarymeans an emotionalassociation betweentwo people. But is itreally holding itssignificance today?Recently I received SMS’es from two ofmy very close friends. Both of them werecontradictory to each other. One of them was:“being single is always fun. No tensions, fights,worries, night calls. But hve u evr wnderd thtbeing in a relationship mst nt b tht bad…whn uwake up u find a ‘gm swthrt’ in ur inbox…orearly in the mrng u listn to tht sweet voice againsaying ‘uth gya mera baccha’, isn’t it sweet?Whn u r all alone…u need jst tht persn with u…udon’t lyk to talk to anyone else. Small fights,eagerness tht clock strikes 11 at nit end thntalking till 4 am…! Saying sorry jaan after a fightnd strting again wid who strted first….isn’t thtsweet? Then why do people say being single isfun?”This message really left me contemplating. I wasasking to my own self that whether it’s all truewhen the other message arrived that stated:“ Single is not a status. It’s a world that bestdescribes a person who is strong enough to liveand enjoy life without depending on other…”Now the question is that whether these twostatements are really true? Honestly, I am not infavour of both of them. Neither am I against beingin a relationship nor do I advocate being single. It’sjust a sense of satisfaction. The word‘Relationship’ as described in the oxford dictionarymeans an emotional association between twopeople. But is it really holding its significancetoday?Let me tell you about two boys and a girl.In fact it’s not just a story but a real episode. Thetwo boys A and B liked the same girl C. A was verystraightforward, not really good at expressing hisfeelings etc. In short, he was not really a romantickind of a guy. B was good at showcasing histhoughts and emotions. C was a very simple girl,away from any kind of treachery. Both the guysproposed the girl in their own ways. In the interimof one’s love being accepted and one’s rejected, Bapproached A and said, “chahe tumhare saath jayeya mere saath, par aani ghar me hi chahiye” (eitheryour proposal must be accepted or mine, but nothird person should be able to get in the way). Andas a matter of fact B and C are now together andthey share the same tete-a-tete as mentionedabove.28

I have one more incident to share about a veryspecial ‘jodi’, of how it all started between them. Itwas the first day of college when the boy spotted agirl in red suit and said to the boy next to him,“woh red wali meri!!” That advanced bookingsystem really did work out. There are myriad ofsuch stories and that too isn’t true that every timethe boy was a villain!LEONARDO DA VINCINeha Sharma, B. Tech First Year, Computer Sc. & Engg.Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the mostgenius men who ever lived. He was a versatile manwho had tonnes of shocking, and yet workingideas. Here is a list of Da Vinci's top 10 ideas:-By these two chapters I don’t wish to developsome weird image of all relationships and putevery pair under the scanner, but the only thingthat is to be communicated is the way it must startand the manner it should carry on. As I feel this tobe very good reason why we see the number ofbreak ups on the rise every day. I believe that wemust neither force ourselves into a ‘relationship’just for the sake of having an affair or for somestatus symbol nor should we develop some antifeelings about the ones into such relationships andfeel proud of ‘being’ single. I am reminded of oneof the quotes of my friend who used to say that‘there is a backup for every break up”, butunfortunately I so not wish people to be followingsuch a strategy.Vitruvian ManDa Vinci modeled his perfect human form after theproportions laid out by Vitruvius, an ancientRoman architect. The angry-looking man drawn byDa Vinci has reason to smile. He is now consideredone of the most recognizable figures on earth.Geological timeWhile most of his contemporaries explainedinland, mountain-top mollusk fossils as left oversfrom the Great Flood, Vinci thought otherwise. Hesupposed (correctly) that the mountains once havebeen coastline before many years of graduallyshifting upwards.The self-propelled carIt’s no Ferrari, but Da Vinci's design for a selfpropelledvehicle was revolutionary in his days. Hiswooden car moved by the interaction of springwith geared wheels. Scientists at Florence museumand worked as Da Vinci indeed!While most of hiscontemporariesexplained inland,mountain-top molluskfossils as left oversfrom the Great Flood,Vinci thoughtotherwise.29

The ideal cityLiving in Milan wrought with plague, Vincienvisioned a more efficient city he would be proudto call home. His architectural draughts are veryhighly detailed and even include details of horsestables with fresh air vents.The aerial screwModern scientists agree it may never have liftedoff the ground, but Da Vinci’s “helicopter” designis still one of his most famous. The curiouscontraption was meant to be operated by a fourman team.The triple-barreled cannonDa Vinci’s distaste for conflict didn’t stop him fromdreaming up designs for more efficient cannonslike this one. His jacked-up-triple-barreled wouldhave been a deadly weapon on the battlefield.The revolving bridgeAlways a fan of quick gateway, Da Vinci thought hisrevolving bridge would be best used in warfare.The light yet sturdy materials, offered a rolling‘rope and pulley’ system that allowed an army topick up and go out at a moment’s notice.Scuba gearDa Vinci’s fascinations with the sea spurred manydesigns for aquatic exploration. His divine suit wasmade of leather, connected to a snorkel made ofcane and bell that floated at the surface.Mirror writingMost of Da Vinci’s journals scrawled in reverse.The winged gliderDa Vinci’s imaginations was filled with ideas offlying machines, including several having flappablewings. This open-shelled model was fitted withseats and gears for the pilot.30

WHAT’S NEXT AFTER THIS…?Shanal Gupta, B. Tech. Second Year, Computer Sc. & <strong>Engineering</strong>Anna hazare, a famous social activist,went on hunger strike in front of India gate forthe 50% inclusion of social activist in the lokpalbill committee. All the India supported (orseemed to support) the noble cause. Thousandsof sms’es were sent appealing to support Annahazare, lakhs of missed calls were made on aspecific number to register our support anddedication towards the cause , links and videoswere shared on the internet, statuses wereupdated on facebook…. Even, when, Anna hazareachieved his target, a question left alive “what’snext?”We have gone back to whatever we were doingbefore Anna hazare. The real question whichcomes to our mind is whether this lokpal willprove beneficial and will help in the removal ofcorruption from the country or it will join therotten bureaucracy of the nation.Well friends, the answer to this question lies withus. It is ‘we’, the people of India, who constitutethe system and if we want to change it, then wehave to change ourselves.We all complain about government officials, whotake bribes to do any work. But have we given athought that it is us who give them these bribes.We only encourage them to be corrupt and thencomplain that the system is corrupt.I ask thereaders, how many of you have your drivinglicence issued through normal procedure i.e. notby giving bribes. I doubt that even 1 or 2 per centof people will reply in affirmative. Why is it so, thatwe cannot take a little pain, go to RTO office, fillthe form and other formalities and get our licenceissued. Even if you are rejected once, why don’tyou try another time?It is because we have become a part of thissystem.We are ready to abuse the system at anyopportunity that we get but we are not interestedin doing something on our part to bring a change.The thing which we all must understand is that“weare the “system”. If we are blaming it, we areblaming ourselves. So why not, instead of planning,do something on our part and contribute towardsthe betterment of the system.We must remember friends, that no country orsystem is perfect, it has to be made so. So pleasethink about, what you have done for thebetterment of the system, before abusing it.“We all complainabout governmentofficials,who take bribes to doany work. But havewe given a thoughtthat it is us who givethem these bribes”31

eu dk izHkkrvkyksd flag] fo|qrd.k ,oa lapkj vfHk;a=.k] izFke o"kZgkL; O;aX;fl)s'oj f=ikBh] [ksy&dwn ,oa lkaLd`frd vuqHkkxrUæk VwVh vkg~ykfnr gqvk eu bl mn~Hko ls]eqfnr gqvk ân; mM+rs fogxksa ds dyjo lsAgVh ?ku?kksj ?kVk izdk'k lk Nk x;k]fog~oy Fkk ân; ;gk¡ Hkh dksbZ jgus vk x;kAifFkd eu dks vfojy pyus ls fojke feyk]var ls [kM+k ,dkdh ds coaMj esa ifFkd rfud Hkh u fgykAçfrfcfEcr gks jgh vJqvksa esa ftldh izfrek]cq>s gq, nhid dks vkyksfdr dj jgh ftldh xfjekAcq>rh gqbZ vkl dh ykS dks ftlus izk.knku fd;k]eqj>krh gqbZ yfrdk dks ftlus uofogku fn;kAvLi`'; Fkk ân; tc rd Fkk ugh vkHkkl mudk]feyus ij Hkh ugh gks jgk eu dks fo'okl bldkAuSu rks ns[krs gh Hkzfer gksdj [kks x;s]fopfyr gksdj vfeV fpjfuæk es lks x;sAfQj Hkh tqack dgrh jgh ;gh lc ls];gh lUns'k gS cgrh gqbZ B.Mh c;kj dk]dsoy izse gh gS vfUre lkj ekuo ds lalkj dkAvc eSa vaxzsth ugh lh[kw¡xkfcuk vaxzsth ds th ywxk¡ml fnu dh ekj ;kn gS eq>svki dks iM+h gksrh rksavki Hkh ;gh dgrsA'kke dk le; Fkk vkSj mel Hkjh xehZ FkhaVgyrs&Vgyrs igq¡p x;k ikl ds xk¡o esaeS >we mBk ogk¡ [kw'kcq vkSj lkSUn;Z lsAbrus esa ,d uktuhu xxjk fy,Ne Ne Nekrh pyh vk;h m/j lsladjh ixM.Mh FkhaAcl Vdjk x;s ge mulseSus mls mBk;k ij xxjh Hkh iQwV x;hgeus dgk¡ ^O;sgjh lkjh]Acl ;gh esjh fdLer iQwV x;hmlus le>k D;wVh lkjhA32

vkSj tksj ls fpYyk;kAdh lkjh lf[k;k >we x;hykr ?kwlk tks ik;k ftlls clmlh lsgksus yxh esjh fiVkbZog fiVkbZ Fkh dh /ku dh dqVkbZ;k fdlh ?kksM+s dks pkcqd dh lksVkbZrc eq>s o"kksZ cknLoxhZ; ukuh dh ;kn vk;hekj ihV dj tc oks Fkdhrc eSus dqN jkgr ik;hekSdk ik ogk¡ ls yEch nkSM+ yxk;kvk¡[k [kksyh rksvius dks foLrj esa ;g dgrs ik;kvc eSa vaxzsth ugh lh[kw¡xkfcuk vaxzsth ds th ywxk¡xyrh gks tk, rks {kek dgw¡xkvc eSa vaxzsth ugh cdw¡xkAekxZn'kZuLusgk ctkt] ch-Vsd- çFke o"kZ];kaf=d vfHk;a=.k,s eqlkfQj vkt ,d xqukg dj yks*rksM+ nks fjoktks dks ft+Unxh esa jax Hkj yksviuh rUgkb;ksa esa [kks u tkuk ;w¡ ghdqN 'kksj ds iyksa dk ,d leka dj yksfnyd'k gS oks tks ,d [kq'kh cusvk¡lqvksa ds leUnj dks Quk dj yksMwcks ugha pyrs jgks] viuh 'kke dks vkt lqcg dj yksA,d vuwBh dgkuh cus] vius lQj dks ;knxkj dj yksANw tk;s oks fu'kkuh lc] ,slh fu'kkuh ,srckj dj yksAyCt dks >yd nsdj] ftUnxh dh fQj nqvk dj yksA,s eqlkfQj [kks u tkuk ;gk¡]bl HkhM+ dks rqe rUgk dj yksAcl c

v;a vfi Hkkjro"kZ% vfLrVivek Mishra, B. Tech. Second Year, Electronics & Comm. Engg.mÙkja;r~ leqæL; fgeæs'PkSonf{k.kaao"kZa rn Hkkjra uke Hkkjrh r«k lUrfr%While giving the introduction of BHARAT to the world, IndianIntelligentsia’s would not have imagined about the presentcircumstances of our motherland otherwise they would haveincluded some other traits along with these physicalproperties, which are now becoming synonymous with Indiain the modern world.Starting from the Shining India, yes! I am talking about thenew face of India. In fact, it’s the magical consequence ofblind and aimless imitation of the west. We have moved faraway from “olq/kSo dqVqEcde” to “vgeso dqVqEcde”. The decay ofthe joint families has influenced Indian society inevitably andin fact, adversely. The incident of self-imprisonment in Noidaextends its support to the previous statement strongly. Fromthe eyes of facts, 76% families in Delhi are nuclear familiesand the study of Indian Council for Medical Research suggeststhat 8% people are affected by depression or any othermental disease, is there any correlation? Definitely yes! Thequestion now arises why to imitate some one or some otherwhen we are already better? We have a better social cultureyet we are blindly following west neglecting theconsequences.Being an integral part of world’s largestdemocracy, a sight of politics is essential. Indian politics is bestdescribed by the fact that-,dsu vfi lqiq«ks.k flagh Lofifr fu“Z;elgSo n'kfHk% iq«kS% Hkkja ogfr xnZHkhIt simply depicts that inspite of having 30 chief ministers alongwith one prime minister; India’s almost 800 million populationis compelled to live on less than $ 2 a day. Furthermore, theterm “FOR THE PEOPLE” is missing from the definition of Indiandemocracy and corruption is intermingled in it. It’s wrong tosay that everybody involved there is corrupt but-galks 'osr% cdks 'osr% dks Hksn cdgal;ks%uhj{khj foosdsrq galks gal% cdks cd%Unfortunately, the number of “bakas” is much higher than thenumber of “hansas” and the time of uhj{khj foosd% is not certain.Moving forward, the greatest bond that binds the people ofIndia, it’s not caste, creed or cricket but it is religion. Religions,certainly made for spiritual empowerment, are used as amenace to integrity and uncommon unity of India by theopportunists. Terrorism is discriminated on the basis ofreligion; naxalites are treated as human while the deaths of ourown martyrs are doubled. In fact, even a singlemisunderstanding is enough to cause a cold bloodedassassination of HUMANITY (the greatest religion). We areforgetting that,,do.kZ a ;Fkk nqX/ka fHkéo.kkZlq /ksus"kqrFkSo /keZoSfPk«;a rRoesda ijaLe`raNow let’s analyse the following questions- Was this the dreamof our nation makers? Are we going in the right direction? Isthis the real freedom?34In case of any negative answer who is responsible?

THE POWER LIES WITHIN YOUNeha Sharma, B. Tech. First Year, CSEWhen these gliding bits (kites) of papersway and float in the sky,Resemble an epitome of human ardourHigh and high and high!Every now and then, at each up and down,We feel like losing up hopes,Turning worse than an ant that crosses allhurdles,To reach its destined place!When perturbed, they do hesitateand creep with an altering might,But yet do not ever settle backJust by imagining the forthcoming flight!Failure denotes only postponing of victory,Its not a cancellation of your triumph.But think of the chances to win that you lose,While giving up all your attempts!36Being lifeless it has such high morale,Being humans we don’t even thinkIf a non-living could strive for itself so much,Being living we just know to shrink!You are the solution to your every problem,Every remedy rests within you.Peep deep into your very soul,The power lies within you…!!!

11 th APRIL 2011Tanya Agarwal, B. Tech. First Year, Computer Science & Engg.Was that really “the last day” of the induction processof “The Editorial Board” or my first most memorableday in the college??Actually second option seems more close to reality.After the rigorous selection process into the EditorialBoard, over the last three days, came the mostawaited day. We had been put into screening for threedays. After qualifying the written exam and probably,the first two interviews of my life, I was sitting in theroom-cum-hall with my other qualified friends waitingfor out last interview that was the teacher’s interview.I remember clearly that my eyes were soaked and mythroat was choked, when final year was sharing theirexperience in The Editorial Board. I was listeningkeenly to all what they said and could feel how sadthey were all to leave their second home, ”TheEditorial Board”. While we conversed, there was nosenior, no junior. We all were so frank. It seemed tome that I was already a part of the family. Even whilegiving my interview, I was so relaxed and happy andrather eager to get back and join my family. I didn’twant to miss any of the moments. We all sung songs,cracked jokes etc. But….. , Finally it was the time forthe announcement of the results and we all weresitting silently in the room with our fingers crossed.The rejoicing came to a stop. I felt like butterfliesfluttering in my stomach. Those were the most crucialmoments.I was justifying myself for selection or rejection when one ofthe senior members of the board started with hismotivational speech saying-“Success Is never to be taken to head and failure is neverto be taken to the heart!!, So all those, who are notselected, do not get demoralized, as there are yet morerealms to unfold”.On being asked, “Any guesses???”. No one uttered a word.We were all speechless. He then started announcingnames-‘Aditya and Ankit Srivastava from CSE, …. ,Divyanshu from CE.. and here the list ends !!” he said.I felt as if my heart was sinking and someone has taken mybreath away. But then he continued saying,”But, but,but,…here are some more names to be announced…Shivani rai from ME,… and Tanya Agarwal from CSE”As soon as he mentioned my name, I couldn’t resist myfeelings; they just shed out in forms of pearls in my eyes. Ivery much remember that I had gooseflesh at that moment.I had such ecstatic feelings that day, which I can really notexpress in words.Truly, I Will never be able to forget that day, 11 th April whenI was finally a member of “The Editorial Board”. And throughthis editorial of mine, I want to convey a sincere thanks to allmy seniors who have always motivated and inspired me. Iam sure, when they will go through this article, they willunderstand what I mean!!I rememberclearly that myeyes were soakedand my throat waschoked, when finalyear was sharingtheir experience inThe EditorialBoard.37

NALANDA REVIVALSumit Mishra, B. Tech. Third Year, Electrical Engg.It was presidentKalam who,addressing a jointsession of the BiharLegislature inMarch 2006,pleaded for therevival of theancient seat oflearning in Nalanda.38At the commencement of the entire perspective thatenlightens the topic in view, I shall first look to share withthee the importance and the value carried by Nalanda inhistory and in propagating knowledge. Firstly, in its owndomain of universities of the world, why such a weightshould be put in a university destroyed some 817 years ago(in 1193) in an attack, led by the ruthless conqueror,Bakhtiyar Khilji? To answer this, simply history adds valueto it. Check this fact out, which is the oldest university inthe world? One may count on bologna, initiated in 1088, toParis in 1091, and to other old citadels of learning includingof course Oxford University which was established in1167,and Cambridge in 1209. But Nalanda was destroyed in1193 shortly after beginning of Oxford University andshortly before the initiation of Cambridge. Nalanda wasestablished in early fifth century and the most amazing factis when the first European University Bologna came intoexistence Nalanda was already six hundred years old. If ithad not been destroyed, Nalanda would be by a largemargin, the oldest university in the world.Well, Nalanda was an old centre of learning thatattracted student from many countries in the world,particularly China, Tibet, Korea, Japan and the rest of Asia,but a few also from as far in the west as Turkey. Nalanda, aresidential university, had its peak 10,000 students,studying various subjects. Incidentally, Nalanda is the onlynon-Chinese institution in which any Chinese scholar waseducated in the history of ancient China.It’s clear now thatwhat value Nalanda carried and how difficult task it is,revival of the oldest epicentre of knowledge.But when It’s done it will be fulfilment of cherished ambitionof Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. It was the president Kalam whoaddressing a joint session of the Bihar Legislature in March2006, pleaded for the revival of the ancient seat of learningin Nalanda. Excited by the Idea, C.M. Nitish Kumar movedquickly to get legislature approval for the scheme and alsooffered land for it.Then, Singapore government came out with a “NalandaProposal”, which would facilitate the founding of a 21 stcentury educational institution that could link south andEast Asia. Following up, the Government of India in August2010 got the National University bill, 2010 adopted by bothhouses of Parliament.Professor Amartya Sen chairs the governing body of newNalanda, which is scheduled to start functioning near the oldsite in 2013. Professor Gopa Sabharwal has been appointedthe first Vice Chancellor of the Post-graduation University,which will start with seven schools, primarily in thehumanities.What left me surprised is the media apathy to this project.Media coverage can help in attracting eminent laureatesand working minds, rich with experience to boost therevival. Through this article, I personally want to draw theattention of at least the engineering minds in our collegebusy in mostly meaningless face book and Orkut updates.(Based on Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen’s keynote addressat the 98 th Indian National Congress in Chennai on January4, 2011.)

HkhM+ es a vdsyk ?kwe jgk gw¡---vkfnR; dqekj ;kno] ch-Vsd- izFke o"kZ fo|qr vfHk;a=.kHkhM+ esa vdsyk ?kwe jgk gw¡---HkhM+ esa vdsyk ?kwe jgk gw¡nq%[k esa Hkh vius >we jgk gw¡AdksbZ rks jkLrs esa fn[ks viukdcls gejkg a>koVksa lseSa Hkh tw> jgk gw¡AisV Hkjrs gSa yksx ;gk¡]nwljksa dk va'k NhudjAvius va'k dh lqj{kk djuk]eSa Hkh lh[k jgk gw¡Abl ekxZ esa 'kwy cgqr gSa ij]thou ds y?kq&ik"kk.kksa lsMjuk Hkwy jgk gw¡Ayksxksa dh ?kfU"Brk lsvc Hk; yxrk gS]viuk vkSj ijk;k igpkuus dk]gquj ugha gS vHkhAva/sjs esa ijNk;ha dks Hkh [kks jgk gw¡Ajks'kuh esa rks lkFk gksrs gSa lHkhAvc xe esa Hkh [kq'k jguk lh[k fy;k gSAe/qjre I;kys dks lcesa ckaVk gS]dM+os ?kwaVksa dks vdsys gh fi;k gSAlq[k&nq%[k ds fgpdksys [kkdj]thou&>wys dks >wy jgk gw¡Athou&ekxZ esa dbZ eksM+ vk;s gSa]gj eksM+ ij /ks[ks ds vfrØe.k dks ?kwj jgk gw¡AHkhM+ esa vdsyk ?kwe jgk gw¡------39

INTROSPECTIONUtsav Srivastava, B. Tech. Second Year, Computer Sc.& Engg.40INTROSPECTIONis the master keyto unlock the doorsof eternal happinessand selfsatisfaction...With the ever increasing pace of modern lifestyle,man, one of the most immaculate creations of God,is losing its identity. The fast pace of life hasbecome the controlling thread & we are just leftminimised to the state of puppets. The prioritieshave been rearranged. The ancient values of love,share and respect have been replaced by demonsof lust, greed and dominance. The ultimate powerof thought which distinguishes man from machinesis getting wasted or rather being utilised in thewrong direction. Despite having a reasonableamount of wealth and possession, man in general isnot happy. The happiness is lost somewhere. Toadd to it man is tensed, scared and frustrated tothe utmost. The increasing instances of suicide andviolence are prime evidence in support of theabove fact.Something is wrong and so we have to lift ourselvesto take appropriate remedial measures. And in myview, INTROSPECTION is the master key to unlockthe doors of eternal happiness and selfsatisfaction.It refers to the self-observation ofone’s inner thoughts, desires and most importantlyone’s conscience. It is the first step towards thepurification of soul. It is the need of the hour. Weneed to squeeze some precious time from our busydaily routine.We need to minimise the egoism and optimise thephilanthropism and altruism. I believe that theones who are still sticking with me are in favour ofthe notion and so I urge them to devote tenprecious minutes from their life on introspection.Before quitting our day, we can devote those tenminutes in analysing some moralistic questionslike: Have we made anyone happy today? Have wehurt anyone in order to satisfy our greed etc.Moreover can we make sure that flaws which wecommitted today will not be repeated tomorrow?These continual processes will in time reform usinto a better human being & return ourselves thelost identity.Some of you may still be in a dilemma that whetherthe process will work or not. For that I would like toremind you the famous quote:“An attempt may fail, but there should not be afailure in attempts.”We need to take the initiative; we need toremember that God helps those who helpthemselves and others.And finally, with a firm belief in God, I urge you allto follow the path of introspection.Are you ready????


ANNUAL REPORT42MALVIYAN ACE- This was fresh and well acclaimedexperiment of The Editorial Board, a test series on ‘quant andanalytical ability’. It was focused on preparing the studentsfor GATE, GRE, CAT and other competitive examinations. Thetest series comprised of 6 tests (4 minors and 2 majors) whichwere conducted from August’10 to October’10. The studentswere judged on cumulative score and Alok Pandey becamethe first <strong>Malviya</strong>n Ace of the college.SPELL CZAR- The amazing opportunity to play with spellingswas given to the students in spell czar- a spelling competitionwhich was held on 5 th September, 2010. The competition hadnumerous rounds like jumbled letters, missing letters, spellchase, bid-n-build etc., which thoroughly tested their skillswith words. The event witnessed enthusiastic participationand highlighted many thesaurus-skilled students who amazedeveryone with their mastery with spellings. The coveted titleof Spell Czar 2010 was bagged by Prasoon Shukla (EC –II Year)and Shivangi Arora (CSE-II Year) after a cut throat tie breakerround.ALUMNI-CONVENTION-The alumni convention 2010 was oneof the dazzling and glitzy event studded with jewels fromtreasure chest of 1985 batch of <strong>Madan</strong> <strong>Mohan</strong> Malaviya<strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>College</strong>. The convention celebrating the ‘SilverJubilee’ of 1985 batch was adorned with variant hues fromcultural flavours of various parts of India giving a sneak peakview of unity in diversity that we have in our college. Thealumni were elated by the magnificent welcome and pouredtheir love out to juniors.TECHSRIJAN- The most awaited event ‘TECHSRIJAN-2010’ of<strong>Madan</strong> <strong>Mohan</strong> Malaviya <strong>Engineering</strong> college, Gorakhpur ,took its shape in the month of October, continuing theglorious tradition, it unfolded a plethora of mind bogglingevents like robokriti, abinitio, paper presentation etc. . Wholecollege seemed to unravel the binds and was lost in thefervour of techsrijan. The event was a big success story as itwitnessed mass participation of about 1000 students fromour college and various other reputed institutions. The eventprovided a huge platform to showcase their innovative aspectand technical bent of mind.LIST OF WINNERSABINITIO1st SHIVAM BAJPAI II year EC MMMECSHUBHAM PANDEY II year ME MMMECSWAPNIL MAURYA II year EC MMMECVIRENDRA YADAV II year EE MMMECVIVEK KR. MISHRA II year EC MMMEC2nd ANUJ KR. PAL II year EC MMMECAPOORVA MALL II year EC MMMECATUL PANDEY II year EC MMMECMASHI RASTOGI II year EC MMMECTANISHA MISHRA II year EC MMMEC3rd AKASH SINGH II year EC MMMECGAURAV PURWAR II year EC MMMECGAURAV TOMAR II year EC MMMECMAYANK JINDAL II year EC MMMECPRANJAL SINGH II year EC MMMEC



EXPLORA’11 -EXPLORA is one of the most entropic event organised bythe ECES society of <strong>Madan</strong> <strong>Mohan</strong> Malaviya <strong>Engineering</strong> college, everyyear. It witnessed huge participation by students of all the branches. Inits two days tenure, Explora present the various opportunities beforestudents to prove their talents in area of their interests. Exploraunfolded various events like Group Discussion , Just a minute, debate, c-quiz, general- quiz, pic-chef and Roll the ReelsSPORTS MEET- The 48 th annual sports meet of our college was held on14 th , 15 th and 23 rd March. The Malaviyans displayed their activeparticipation by showing their athletic skills and physical fitness. Theevent brought together all the malaviyans as one in opening year-wisemarch past. The event witnessed immense zeal and enthusiasm not onlyamong the participants but also jam packed audience.RESULTS OF SPORTS MEET’ 11200 M RACE (GIRLS) SHALINI KULSHRESTHA 2ND YR C.E.HAMMER THROW LOKESH KUMAR FINAL YR EE(RECORD 78 FT)200 M (BOYS) NEEL KAMAL TIWARI 3RD YR E.C.E.JAVELIN THROW AKHILESH SINGH 2ND YR C.E.TRIPLE JUMP AMRISH KUMAR 3RD YR E.C.E.VOLLEYBALL THROW (GIRLS) SHALINI KULSHRESTHA 2ND YR C.E.400M RACE(BOYS) NEEL KAMAL TIWARI 3RD YR E.C.E.DISCUSS THROW KULDEEP SINGH 1ST YR E.C.E.800 M RACE GAURAV KUMAR 1ST YR M.C.A.1600 M RACE TRIBHUVAN SINGH 2ND YR M.C.A.4 × 100 RELAY RACE(BOYS) MAYANK SRIVASTAVA 1ST YR E.C.EASHISH KUMAR 1ST YR C.E.MADHUR GOEL 1ST YR C.E.PRATAP BHAN SINGH 1ST YR C.S.E.THREE-LEGGED RACE (BOYS) MAYANK KR. RAI 1ST YR C.S.E.DIVYANSHU TRIPATHI 1ST YR C.E.4 × 400 RELAY RACE(BOYS) GAURAV CHOWDHARY 1ST YR M.C.ASHIVENDRA PRASAD 1ST YR M.C.A.SHAILENDRA KUMAR 2ND YR M.C.A.TRIBHUVAN SINGH 2ND YR M.C.A.SHOTPUT(GIRLS) APARNA SINGH 2ND YR E.C.E.SLOW CYCLING RACE(GIRLS) ANJANA DUBEY FINAL YR C.S.E.SLOW CYCLING RACE(BOYS) PUSHPENDRA SINGH 2ND YR M.E.FAST CYCLING RACE(BOYS) SUNNY CHANDRA 2ND YR E.C.E.POLE VAULT VIPUL TIWARI 1ST YR C.E.5000 M RACE BOYS TRIBHUVAN SINGH 2ND YR M.C.A.HIGH JUMP(BOYS) NEEL KAMAL TIWARI 3RD YR E.C.E.LONG JUMP(GIRLS) SHALINI KULSHRESTHA 2ND YR C.E.100 M RACE(GIRLS) SHALINI KULSHRESTHA 2ND YR C.E.TUG OF WAR(GIRLS)B.TECH. 2ND YEARTUG OF WAR(BOYS)B.TECH. FINAL YEARSPORTS CHAMPION(GIRLS) SHALINI KULSHRESTHA 2ND YR C.E.SPORTS CHAMPION(BOYS) NEEL KAMAL TIWARI 3RD YR E.C.E.YEAR CHAMPIONPOST GRADUATESHOTPUT(BOYS) DHARMRAJ YADAV 2ND YR M.B.A.HIGH JUMP(BOYS) SHURENDRA PRASAD 1ST YR M.C.A.THREE LEGGED RACE(GIRLS) GITIKA AGARWAL 1ST YR M.C.A.CHHAYA SINGH1ST YR M.C.A.45


ARUNODAY- Arunoday is the first literary event which the firstyear students experience. It is exclusively for them where theydisplay their creative and literary skills which ’The EditorialBoard’ is beckoning for. This time number of events inArunoday such as extempore, half-a-minute speech, makingjingles on spot, performing some skit or play etc., wereincluded.The event hence marked the arrival of freshers in thecollege, With the first year ready to spread their aroma. Thewinning team of Arunoday was ‘4 stars’ comprising of PulkitSood, Rahul Singh, Steven, Kshitij Minhas followed by ‘Beats’Comprising of Esha Srivastava, Nishtha Garg, Shivani Rai, TanyaAggarwal.INFOTANIA’11- Malaviyans start exercising their grey cells asInfotania approaches. Technical expertise of the participantswas put to test in events like ‘sharp turn’ and ‘Dristikone’,students got a chance to explore their creative talents through“clash of titans’ and “ad-mad show’. It was held in Februaryand organised by SAE India collegiate club. Infotania this yearoffered students an opportunity to demonstrate their creativeand innovatory skills through events like ‘sharp turn’,‘Dristikone’, ‘clash of Titans’ ,’ad-mad show etc..NATIONAL CONFERENCE- A National conference on‘Recent Advances in Electrical Power and Energy SystemManagement’ was organised by the electricalengineering department of <strong>Madan</strong> <strong>Mohan</strong> Malaviya<strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>College</strong> in association with Gautam BuddhaTechnical University. The conference focused on thenew technical advances in the field of electricalengineering. It was held on 25 th and 26 th March, 2011.Under the guidance of principal, professor J.P. Saini. Theconference witnessed various research works ofrenounced professors like DR. D.P. Kothari, vicechancellor VIT, DR. Bhim Singh, Professor IIT Delhi etc.Number of students showed their technical knowledgeand skills through research papers. In all , theconference helped in increasing the amplitude ofoscillating pendulum in the mind of our studentsthrough technical sessions and experiences ofprofessors.47

Harish Chand, B.Tech Final Yr,Mechanical Engg.48Harish Chand, B.Tech Final Yr,Mechanical Engg.

TOUCHSTONES OFREVERIEThought is the labour of intellect,Reverie is its pleasure...…

I’VE FAILEdSunil Kumar, B. Tech. Third Year, Electronics & Comm. Engg.I‟ve failed as Iexpect others toabide certainnorms. Being aworkaholic is goodbut expectingothers for the sameis asking for toomuch.50As I sat down on my chair with a pen in my hand, a few pagesspread on the table; it was all calmness in the air which madethe sound of rotation of fan-blades more vivid. In my memorythere ran a slide show of experiences both sweet and sour.All of a sudden there was a feeling of remorse, remorse forthe fact that I’ve failed. I failed to pass on the baton as it wasbeing passed onto me. ‘You failed to be a mentor’ adjudgedmy introspection.I continued to be seated in a pensive mood thinking of whereit started. Well…things kicked off when I entered the collegeas a first year engineering student. The first three monthswere really soporific. I had a few encounters with the aweinspiringseniors who always try to tease the fresher’s. I betafter these encounters what every fresher does to ease off, isscolding the seniors. As time passed by the interaction withthe seniors was also on the rise, that was the time I learnt theword ‘briefing’ and its consequences. To recall events in achronological vogue is a tough task and it seems I can’t agreewith it more as I try to recall a particular incident. One suchevening there was a briefing of the so called only decorousgroup of the college. Perhaps it was the first time I had theglimpse of the “Terrific Trio”. These were the persons whocould startle at will and guess what! I was startled. I knew Iwas supposed to be with them so I eagerly waited for myopportunity to be a part of such terrific team. When therecame a chance knocking at the door I was readily there toseize it. Moreover fate was on my side to help me sailthrough the induction storm. At first the entire scenario ofthe group was completely alien to me. But as time rolled onthe “Terrific Trio” with their Midas touch moulded mypersonality.They filled my basket of character traits with the qualities thatset them apart from the rest. At the receiving end of thethings I was the sole beneficiary; it definitely lent a cause torejoice for. Time kept ticking as the relation between me andthe “Terrific Trio” became more intimate.When I crossed the second year and entered the pre-finalyear, I realized the feeling is all the same as it was being a firstyear student. Perhaps the only thing that contradicts thesimilitude is liberty of expression and lack of fear that buildson as one progress through the years.As we bid farewell to the final year members of the groupthere was a void screaming to be filled. Thus we were inpursuit of new members who would occupy the void. As suchzealous bunch came to the fore front to occupy the void withfresh spark. The “Terrific Trio” shaped us and it was our turnto follow suit. Perfection and punctuality is what drives us andwe look unto others to deliver the same. Sadly though,‘mentorship is not your cup of tea’ voices my innerconscience. I’ve seen those eyes filled with abhorrence staringat me as if I faltered. I am fallible as every human is…youwould be uttering the same notes when you find out that in abid to be righteous, you’ve only inculcated hatred amidstpeople. I urge every single person not to set sail on the ship ofexpectations because it hurts and hurts hard when peopleshatter faith bestowed upon them. I’ve failed as I expectothers to abide certain norms. Being a workaholic is good butexpecting others for the same is asking for too much. Therewere people who provided me with grounds to cultivatefuture on, I shall always cherish that. Regrets … Regrets …Regrets for I’ve failed in building those grounds.

ckfj'k dh cw¡nsnhfidk lw;kZ] ch-Vsd] izFke o"kZ] fo|qr vfHk;a=.kckfj'k dk ekSle gSA ckfj'k gks rks jgh gS ysfdu flQZgYdh ckSNkjs aA dqN&,d cw¡nsa bu iUuksa ij Hkh feytk;asxhA lcdqN py jgk gS vkSj lc vius dke ijHkh yxs gSaA ckfj'k yxkrkj cjl jgh gSA fcuk :ds]fcuk Fkesa] gok Hkh vius dke esa yxh gSA isM+&ikS/ks Hkh/khjs&/khjs fgy dj vius ftank gksus dk ,glkl fnykjgs gSa] ij ;gha vkl&ikl dqN Fkek lk Hkh gSA fo'kkycM+s&cM+s iÙkksa ij Fkeh ckfj'k dh cw¡nsA 'kk;n vjch dsiÙks gSaA irk ugha fdrus 'kkyhu gSa ;s iÙks] cw¡nsabu ij cks> cudj cSBh gS ij ;s ÅQ rdugha djrsA ij ;s cw¡nsa Hkh rks de le>nkjughaA----- cks> ysdj mu ij cSBh rks gS ij mUgsaxhyk ugha djrh] fleVh gqbZ cSBh gSa eksfr;ksa dhrjg------- pednkj eksrh---fdruk lqUnj gS ;s lcAtc rd iÙkksa ij gSa rc rd fdruh yqHkkouhyx jgha gSa ;saA ysfdu iÙkksa dh xksn lsfudydj tSls gh ;s tehu dh rjQ tkrh gSabudk vfLrRo dgha [kks lk tkrk gSa----- esjh ;svk¡[ksa pkg dj Hkh mu cw¡nksa dks [kkst ugha ikjghaAckdh ds isM+ mu cw¡nksa ds fy, brus nku'khy ughafn[kkbZ iM+rs----- ij oks cw¡nsa Hkh rks ugha-----------fuZyTtcw¡nsa mUgsa xhyk dj jgha gS vkSj ;s isM+ Hkh mUgsauhps /kdsy jgs gSaA ;s cw¡nsa {k.k Hkj ds fy,Hkh vfLrRo esa vk tk;as rks dkQh---balku ds thoudh igsyh fdruh vklkuh ls lqy> xbZAfdruh I;kjh gS oks------ ogh ckfj'k dh cw¡n tks blNksVs ls iÙks dh xksn esa lksbZ gSA csfQdz] csijokg------eksrhuqek ckfj'k dh cw¡n----- dk'k eSa mls Nw ikrhA ysfdu dqN phtsa dsoy vuqHko ds }kjk NqbZtkrh gSa] gkFkks ls ughaAcl cgqr gqvk vc vkSj ugha---------ckfj'k /khjs&/khjsFke jgh gS vkSj ftUnxh dk ;s I;kjk vuqHkoHkh vc fleVjgk gSA ij oks cw¡n vHkh Hkh ogha gSa -------ogha -------fu'Ny -------fueZy -------vuNqbZ -------ikou vkSj 'osr -------tc rd iÙkksaij gSa rc rdfdruh yqHkkouhyx jgha gSa ;saAysfdu iÙkksa dhxksn ls fudydjtSls gh ;stehu dh rjQtkrh gSa budkvfLrRo dgha [kkslk tkrk gSa-----51

MY CONFIdENCESeema, B. Tech. Third Year, Mechanical Engg.Laying back on the charred bedIts velvety old sheet singing the untold storiesMy one mistake it flashes through my eyesThe present ruins and the past gloriesPiercing through the shattered windowIts silken curtains chanting the melancholy callAnd the tyrant meandering the zenithWithout fathoming the height of fall52Like gentle breeze she came in my lifeGorgeous charming gracious was sheLuck echoed the different heart of mineAnd the fallacious mistake made by meRinging the doorbell opportunities hauledLess confident reluctant dubious my psychBeholding my hands she dote like a childA confidence and courage sored its hypeRay of hope revamped in its spectrum of successHeap of hackney with opulence pourMoney flourishing along sterling and goldAnd the moron transformed to gluttonous soulPiercing through the shattered windowIts silken curtains chanting the melancholy callAnd the tyrant meandering the zenithWithout fathoming the height of fallThe saturnine day marched with no signBusiness crashed opportunities sealed aggressive was iDressed in pink attire unaware she smiledUncluttered provocation declared my mindShimmered pleasant countenance to huge cryGrizzly and scared she uttered am I responsibleYes castigated the bloody heartHer chiffon scarf roaring in cacophonyWith note she strangled to a partI did to erase your mistakeDear never lose confidence and flyBesought my choice as mistake she vanishedWhy monstrous bestowed to apprentice wondering IRemorseful regret repentant I stoodSearched my confident here and howeverUnless a vale of tears willed uponIt had drowned my confidence foreverSuns and universe ceasedAnd my life extinguished. .

TRIANGLE OF HUMANITY, MANKIND & RELIGIONVishwadeep Mishra, B. Tech. Third Year, Electrical Engg. (Winner, ‘Malaviyan Thinker’ English Section)53One person sees a minaret (Religion)But not the bird (humanity) perched thereA second person sees the birdBut not the hair (teaching) it carries a thirdsees the minaret bird and the hairAnd thou shall be true humaneRumi- year 1230The city along the river Saryu waits for the final verdict onRam temple- Babri mosque issue with its society damagedand cowed due to prolonged dirty and sordid politics offundamentalist but Ayodhya still maintains a more inclusiveidea of god and tolerance to allow men of different faithand religion to find peace here.In 1992 Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) the hindutva political armorchestrated the demolition of Babri mosque in Ayodhyarallying people by claiming that the mosque had been builtover a temple to birth place of god Rama. The campaigntouched a popular note and helped the party win 1998presidential election over the years more violence betweenMuslims and Hindus followed the worst occurred whenover 2000 Muslims and Hindus were killed in riots inGodhra(Ahmedabad) and Ayodhya. In the aftermath ofsuch communal violence many previously mixedneighbourhood were divided into sectarian enclaves.In the triangle of Humanity, Mankind and Religion,humanity is the sole virtue sufficing for tranquillity peaceand love among ourselves.The mankind comes next just in order to in the preachhumanity, Religion is a powerful tool invented by mankindhimself for making human life better, to make them to livepeacefully and continue together on the path ofenlightenment and progress. Religion was never meant tobe something fought over and prove superior, in thepresent scenario everyone especially the cliques havemodified and twisted the meaning of religion in order tosuit their personal goals rather than gratification and selfamelioration.Religion and culture pluralism are essential parts of ourculture heritage they are not basis of creating irreconcilabledifferences among us. The same cultural pluralism hasbecome an act of resistance for sectarian and disturbingthe communal harmony and peace.No matter how deep are the scars running down the heartsof Hindu- Muslim community but this verdict is giving us anever before chance to show that in our respectivereligions there is no place for malice, bloodshed andhostility towards each other .The religious system might have been misused in Ayodhyabut that does not mean that religion should be avoidedinstead true, religion of humanity love and peace should beadopted, since our religions have not been properlyexecuted by the so called Pundits and Ulemas, our religionshould not be blamed. Both Hindus and Muslims havefaced enough adversaries and have enough in their heartsto bear over this issue but we certainly do not want afuture to suffer pangs of intense hatred and bloodbath.In the triangle ofHumanity, Mankindand Religion,humanity is the solevirtue sufficing fortranquillity peace andlove among ourselves.

In the heart of Ayodhya one could still sense a way ofspirituality and man’s relationship to divine that was notlimited by sectarian categories wearing saffron or greenblindfold over their eyes. Ram Mandir- Babri mosque issueis the cataract of eyes and it has to be treated before ourwhole nation becomes blind and disoriented forpossession of mere two and a half acres of land.The basic thread of religion is humanity it lies in the coreof all our religious scriptures. There is no place in both ofour religions to crusade over such small and insignificantmatters. In these tough times it is required that both thecommunities show great courage and moral fibre to settlethis matter forever and this verdict regardless of in whosefavour it goes gives us a chance to reconcile all ourreligious differences and live in harmony.tquwu tokuksa dklanhi dqekj iztkifr ch-Vsd izFke o"kZ tuinh; vfHk;a=.kvkvks ns'k ds tokuksa vkt ge dqN dj fn[kk;sayxk nsa uhj esa vkx] lehj dks ge jksd djAiRFkj dks Hkh ikuh cuk;sa] gkFkksa ls vius Bksad djAioZr tks vk;s lkeus] eSnku ge mldks cuk;saAvkvks ns'k ds tokuksa vkt ge dqN dj fn[kk;saApkan rkjksa dks idM+ ys] gkFkksa ls gkFk tksM+djAlwjt dks Hkh viuk cuk ysa] vEcj ls ukrk tksM+djAfctyh tks vdM+s xxu esa] mldh papyrk feVk;asAvkvks ns'k ds tokuksa vkt ge dqN dj fn[kk;saAjksd nsa lkxj dh ygjs a] [kwuksa dh viuh ygj lsAe#LFky dks Hkh lkxj cuk nsa] gkFkksa dh viuh dgj lsApyks pydj leqæ esa Hkh] viuk ge ?kj cuk;saAvkvks ns'k ds tokuksa vkt ge dqN dj fn[kk;asA54

lkEçnkf;drk dk ,d fodV :i% v;ks/;klfPpnkuUn frokjh];kfU=d vfHk;a=.k ]f}rh; o"kZ^^/keksZ fo'oL; txr% izfr"BkAyksd /eZf"B iztk milZifUrA/kesZ.k ikoe~ viuqnfUr]/keZ loZe~ izfrf"Bre~ArLekn /keZe~ ije~ onfUr**dgus dk vk'k; gS fd ^^lEiw.kZ txr dh izfr"Bk /keZ ls gS] bllalkj esa iztk lnSo gh /eZfu"B euq"; dks fugkjk djrh gS] /keZls iki dk {k; gksrk gS rFkk /keZ ls gh gj O;oLFkkizfrf"Br gksrh gS] blfy, /keZ loksZifj gSA**fdUrq dHkh&dHkh vkilh oSeuL; rFkk vUrdZyg ds dkj.k ;gh/keZ egku fouk'k&yhykvksa dk dkj.k cu tkrk gS tks vR;Urnq%[kn gksrk gSA ekuoh; ckSfn~Ëkdrk dh ijkdk"Bk ds bl ;qx esaekuok ds ;s ladh.kZ fopkj vlguh; gSA vkt dk ekuo gj {ks=esa >.Ms xkM+ jgk gSA izR;sd {ks= esa ekuo ds O;kid n`f"Vdks.k,oa ckSfn~Ëkd {kerk gksus ds dkj.k gh euq"; dks bl tho&txr~ds loZJs"B izk.kh dh laKk nh x;h gSA rc /keZ dks ysdj brukmUekn D;ksa \ /keZ] tkfr vFkok izkUr ds >xM+s ekuo ds fdl{ks= ds fodkl ds |ksrd gSA orZeku le; esa /kkfeZd Bsdsnkjksads fud`"V fopkjksa dh mit gS ^^Hkxoku jke dh ifo=tUeHkwfe v;ksè;k dk fookn**A vke vkneh gh ugha oju~cM+s&cM+s inksa ij vklhu Hkkjrh; ukxfjd Hkh bl fookndks gok nsus esa yxs gSaAtc Hkxoku jke us Lo;a dgk gS fd ^^ee fç; lcee mitk,** vFkkZr eSaus gh lHkh ekuo dks iSnk fd;kgS] blfy, eq>s lc fiz; gSaA muds jkejkT; ds ckjsesa Li"V :i ls mfYyf[kr gS fd&^^lc uj djfg ijLij izhrhA pyfga Lo/eZ lqufg JqruhrhAA**vFkkZr~ ftrus Hkh ekuo gSa] os ijLij izse djrs gSa]viuh ijEijkvks ds vuqlkj /keksZ a dk fuoZgu djrs gSaAfdUrq vkt dqN jktusrkvksa ,ao rFkkdfFkr /keZxq:vksa ds }kjkturk ds ikxyiu dk mi;ksx jktuSfrd Qk;nksa ds fy,fd;k tk jgk gSA v;ksè;k fookn ij gkbZdksVZ ds QSlys dsckn bUgs yxrk gS fd bl eghus mudh jktSufrdnqdku fQj py fudysxhA ,d cM+s jktuSfrd ny dk rks;g ekuuk gS fd fpr Hkh esjh vkSj iV Hkh esjh A ;fnvnkyrh QSlyk eafnj ds gd esa gS rks Hkh vkUnksyudjs axsa] vkSj ;fn efLtn ds i{k esa rc Hkh vkUnksyugksxkA bu yksxksa dks u jke ls eryc gS u jghelsA ;s pkgrs gSa fd ,d ckj fQj ls ns'k esaVdjko 'kq: gksa vkSj ,d ckj fiQj ls funksZ"kyksxksads [kwu cgsaA vkt ;g leL;k dsoy Hkkjro"kZ dh ghugha oju~ iwjs fo'o dh gSA pkgs og v;ksè;k fookn gks ;k2001 esa xks/kjk dk.M dk* [kwuh rk.Mo] pkgs og vjc dkf'k;k&lqUuh fookn gks ;k fiQj QyLrhfu;ksa o btjkf;fy;ksads eè; gksrk ekSr dk uaxk ukpA ç'u mBrk gS fdbu lc ifjfLFkfr;ksa dk ftEesnkj dkSu gS\ blds mÙkjesa yksx fdlh nwljs dks ;k fdlh 'kh"kZ jktusrk dks;k&rFkkdfFkr /keZ&xq#vksa dks bldk ftEesnkj crkdjblls iYyk >kM+ ysrs gSaAbu yksxksa dks ujke ls erycgS u jghelsA ;s pkgrs gSafd ,d ckjfQj ls ns'k esaVdjko 'kq: gksavkSj ,d ckjfiQj ls funksZ"kyksxksa ds [kwucgsaA55

vfHkyk"kk&lfPpnkuUn frokjh ;kfU=d vfHk;a=.k f}rh; o"kZbl lkEçnkf;drk dks jksdus ds fy, vkt ge lcdks lkFkfeydj pyuk gksxkA [kkldj ;qok oxZ dks vkxs vkukiM+sxkA vkt Hkkjr dh 54% vkcknh ;qok gS] tks fdviuh vlhfer ÅtkZ ls ns'k esa ØkfUr yk ldrh gSAvkt t:jr gS ns'k ds lHkh ukxfjdksa dks f'kf{kr djus dh],d ,slh f'k{kk t¨ thfodk ds lkFk&lkFk thou nsaA vkt ,doSKkfud] MkWDVj vkSj bathfu;j] ;s Hkh 'kSf{kd :i ls rksfodflr gksrs tk jgs gSa ijUrq ekufld ,oa ekuoh; :i lsbudk dksbZ fodkl ugha gks ik jgk gSA os dsoy pkykdO;olk;h cudj jg tk jgsa gSaA vkSj foKku dh f'k{kk dkmuds n`f"Vdks.k ij dksbZ vlj ugha iM+ jgk gS] ;sfoKku dks Hkh mlh rjg iqd tkus nksAdHkh efUnj ls Hkh mBus nks vtku dh vkoktsa]dHkh efLtn dh ?kf.V;ksa dks Hkh ct tkus nksA**fopj.k djrs uHk e.My esa][kx&oÙnks dh mUeqDr mM+kuAy?kq dksey&papy ia[kksa ls]ekiu djrs lkjk tgkuAvlhfer lalkj gS budketgc dh nhokj ugh gSAtkfr&ik¡fr uk Hksn&Hkko gS]dyqf"kr }s"k&fcdkj ugh gSAvius nkuksa ls eryc gS]vEcj ds bu nhokuksa dksAl`tu djrs frudks&iRrksa ls]vius uhM+&?kjkuksa dksAgS foosd vkSj Kku euqt esa]ij ,slk lalkj ugha gSAgS dksbZ Hkh ekuo dh cLrh\tgk¡ dksbZ Hkh nhokj ugh gSaAuHk&pj ds lqUnj lewg es]eS Hkh cl bd i{kh gksrkAØhM+k djrs uHk e.My es]oV 'kk[kk dk oklh gksrkA56

ETHICS OF INDIAN MEdIASumit Mishra, B. Tech. Third Year, Electrical Engg.I did not watch even a single ball of the recentlyconcluded ICC World Cup 2011. Reason? Was each and everymatch of Hockey World Cup telecasted on DD National? Waseven a single match of kabbadi World Cup telecasted on DDNational, a game in which India relishes the fact of being threetimes consecutive champions in both men’s and women’scategory. What about India lifting the Volleyball World Cup?Was it not worth to be telecasted on DD National? Why is itthat each and every ball of cricket was analysed on DDNational? Because audience want that? NO. What audience isinterested in, is the way game of cricket is glamorized andpresented before them. About audience too they are slightlysick, they want to see only those games in which their country iswinning, capturing glory. They are not bold enough to face theshameful performance in Olympics and Asian games. Ipersonally find the media responsible in the way of presenting awin and a loss. It glamorizes the win and omits the loss.This encounter with Indian media starts with the mostnotable and turbulent incident of 2010, that was Wikileakscourtesy Julian Assange. Many countries like America felt likestanding before the mirror of naked truth. What next, therecame into light a number of cases against Julian Assange butnone of the cases were concerning the alleged Wikileaks.Reason! The west went wild when it found hard to cope up withthe freedom of expression they boasted to offer. But, if itbecomes so hard to deal with the freedom provided to mediathen why freedom to such an extent?Does such a situation call for ethical norms on media andfreedom of expression?What relevance does this have with the Indian media?Okay! I shall quote only one example; check the case of BarkhaDutt and Vir Sanghvi and their association with lobbyist NeeraRadia, key personality in 2G scam. Even after that RajdeepSardesai, Editor in chief in CNN-IBN, defended the act, an act ofencroachment of media in politics and power. Media is topresent the exact scene and not to be manipulative to create thescene.Furthermore, digital media completely breached everyboundary to telecast the 26/11 encounter. I don’t say that it wascompletely a TRP game, but yes, it was not the act media issupposed to do. The way media presented the encounter waslike a Hollywood action movie, none of them seemed actuallyconcerned with the critical situation the country and the hostilesfaced. It was the media glamour that attracted Ram Gopal Vermaand and Ritesh Deshmukh to visit the site along with Vilas RoaDeshmukh, the then Chief Minister of Maharashtra.You would remember the violent streak that causedblood-shed in the valley on the issue of Amarnath Shrine boardland allocation. At that point of time, one morning in the time ofviolence in Kashmir, when separatist like Mehbooba Mufti wereplaying hatred game of politics and spreading signals ofcommunalism in nervous system of Hindu and Muslim Brethrenin Kashmir, I was shocked with the headline of Hindi Daily DainikJagran that read “5 kashmiri pandits Killed”, probably that wasnot an end indeed as similar headlines continued till the matterearned interest and turned money from leaders. Why the“Kashmiri Pandits” adjective was introduced in that headline.Was it not an act to sell the newspaper on the ground ofemotions?I personally findthe mediaresponsible in theway of presenting awin and a loss. Itglamorizes the winand omits the loss.57

58One more, once (I don’t remember the exact date)Hindustan Times printed about IIPM. The news summed up theactual scene behind this much hyped and advertisedmanagement institution, their non-recognition from UGC toplacement scenario. The very next day Hindustan Times waslooking like a pamphlet of IIPM advertising for IIPM throughoutthe newspaper. Going one step forward the news of IIPM notbeing recognized was removed from online sources as well. Dothey think Indian readers have very short term memory? Was itnot an act of paid news?One more episode is to be cited here to convey myview, the case of Shashi Tharur tweet “Travelling in economyclass is like travelling in cattle class”. The complete scene frommedia hype to opposition parties’ attack leading to hisresignation can be simply stated as “Media Targeting”. What hemeant to say was that the condition and the services in theeconomy class should be improved. Is austerity mandatory evenif one travels at his own expense in the business class? Mediadid every bit to mould that and presented it with MDH Masala.The most hurting trend in Indian media is towards“Sports and Games”. Most of the Hindi and English Dailies givemost of the coverage to IPL a private league and completely agame of “Money”, for which many players left their country’steam, (eg. Lasith Malinga announced retirement from tests justwhen his country call him to leave IPL for preparing for theupcoming test match series), while at the same time archeryWorld Cup, Singapore open, golf championship and Azlan ShahHockey Cup tournament were running in which our playerswere representing the country. Now, the questions are,whether there should be norms and regulations on freedom ofexpression and media?, or media presents what we want to?Something spicier, more interesting- Reporting Aishwarya RaiBachchan’s new wardrobe to Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s new petdog.nqfo/kk eu dhusgk lkgw ch-Vsd- çFke o"kZ dEI;wVj lkbl ,.M batfu;fjxdHkh&dHkh lksprh gw¡]eu dh ckrksa dks dye dkslkSaiuk lh[k fy;k gS eSaus[kqn ij dqN fo'okl txkuklh[k fy;k gS eSausD;w¡ ugha bl mUeqDr xxu esamM+ ldrh gw¡ eSa\pkg ds Hkh viuh bPNk Hkwy jgh gw¡ eSaAtkurh gw¡ eu dh jkg gh lPpk ekxZ crkrh gSApkgsa tgk¡&tgk¡ HkVdsa] ij eaft+y mlh&ls vkrh gSAnq[k rks ;s gS fd vius fny dhgh le> ugha ikrh gw¡ eSaekxZ rks oks [kqnk crkrk gS]ij fiQj Hkh py ugha ikrh gw¡ eSaA'kk;n] 'kk;n esjh eaft+y dgha vkSj gSAftls tku ds Hkh vatkuk dj tkrh gw¡ eSaAtkus&vatkus gh 'kk;n [kqn dks Hkwy tkrh gw¡ eSaA'kk;n [kqn ij fo'okl txkukvc Hkh dqN&dqN ckdh gSAuk tkus esjs eu dks][kq+n ls D;k ukjkth+ gSAvc ugha mBkbZ vkokt+ eSaus]rks foyac gks tk,xkAesjs cpiu dk oks liuk]liuk gh jg tk;sxkA

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Malvika’10- a critical reviewShivani Rai, B. Tech. First Year, Mechanical Engg.Winner, Critical Review of Malvika60The annual college magazine of the <strong>Madan</strong> <strong>Mohan</strong> Malaviya<strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>College</strong> is the MALVIKA, the publishing of whichis supervised by The Editorial Board of the college. Thecollege magazine is distributed within the college itself,among its various students and faculty members.Malvika ’10 is a combined effort of the members of theEditorial Board. This 125 page magazine begins with thewords of the Principal, Professor J.P. Saini and from the ChiefEditor’s pen, Dr. Arjun Dubey. Further, the magazine isdivided into various sections, comprising creative works bythe students and some information about the events of thecollege. The major sections include Pearls of Wisdom,Antastal, Kalrav, Aurora, Kadambini, Kuch Baatein KuchYaadein, Kanika and Touchstones of Reverie (creative writingsections), Nishabd (sketches), <strong>College</strong> Diary and PhotoGallery.The cover page of Malvika is not very attractive and does notcatch the interest of the reader. It essentially fails torepresent an engineering college magazine cover and isexpected to be more technically innovative.In the creative writing sections, the Editorial Board has truly“beckoned creativity”. Contributions in these sections fromstudents of both undergraduate and postgraduate levelshave been published in languages Hindi and English both.The articles are good in content and most of themimmediately grasp the attention of the readers, but some ofthe writings are not that appealing.An amazing thing is that in general, the articles, etc. inHindi are better than the ones in English, despite the factthat the mode of education in our college is English.Butthe one major drawback of this section is the editing. Thewritings are replete with printing errors, including spellingmistakes and even grammatical errors. The irregular fontvariations and misprints mar the entire effect of theparticular article.The <strong>College</strong> Diary section lists the college events andcarries information about the PSU placements of thestudents. This section is very small and carries incompleteinformation about the events. Mega events such asAbhivyakti and Infotania have not been mentioned at all.The placement information lacks details and the academicachievements of our college students, both outside and inthe college, have been missed out. A list of contact ID ofthe final year students has been included which shall provevery beneficial for the junior readers.Hand drawn sketches have been included in the ‘Nishabd’section. The sketch work is good and very creative. Buthere again, names and other details of the artists have notbeen mentioned.Malvika ’10 lacks colour. The title page ofeach section has creative font styles and apt lines orquotes but the dullness of it all fails to give the rightimpact. Moreover, the Photo Gallery is too small and inthe group photograph section, a picture of the final yearcivil engineering department is missing.

Most importantly, the annual magazine ofM.M.M.E.C. is void of technical writings. The college isreputed to be having memberships of some majorinternational engineering societies- SAE and IEEE, sosome articles of new developments in the fields ofautomotive engineering, etc. are expected. Moreover,small interviews of students who have undergonetraining in good firms or have sat placement examsand interviews, that characterise other standardengineering college magazines, are missing in Malvika’10. Inclusion of such articles could greatly benefitjunior students.Malvika ’10 is thus an appreciable effort by TheEditorial Board of M.M.M.E.C. The magazineshowcases the talents of the various versatilestudents of the college. It is replete with good articles,sketches and literary compositions of the students.But, a reflection of their technical abilities andknowledge needs to be included. The magazine is notvery informative about the college and the poorediting, font irregularities and lack of colour make itdull in parts.Back to The StaRt“THE OLD MAN PART 1”Shakti Chaturvedi, B. Tech. Second Year, Mechanical Engg.Winner, Story Writing, EnglishFrom the broken glass panes of an antediluvian mahoganywindow frame, few rays of golden light make their way intothe otherwise sombre room; with tiny aureate specks ofdust dancing proudly in their warmth. In midst of thissilence , an elderly gentleman sits on a dilapidated sofacounting his last days .A furrowed face , having an aquilinenose , trying hard to support his bifocals , which seem toplummet down at the slightest quake like the present stockmarket. On the other part of the sofa lies a beautifullyengraved old wooden box, which has lost its former lustreowing to age. In the hands of the elderly gentleman restsan ordinary scarlet envelope which he knew was the wrongthing at the wrong place. So many years of experience yet,it seemed that it might be his own comeuppance. All thosescars and black marks which he used to call his experience“tattoos!” and yet here he was opening an envelope whichmight as he said “waste” him. Yet he lifted open theenvelope. With his right hand which had only 3 full fingersplus the thumb on it, he lost them in a firefight years ago.He sighed that he was alive the door crashed opened and afew moments later the old man was begging for his life and2 minutes laterSo manyyears ofexperienceyet, it seemedthat it mightbe his owncomeuppance.The assassin said coldly “No Regrets!” and pulled thetrigger; saw the digital clock on the wall 12 th December 5:30am.61

As he rugbytackled the crowdof well-wishers hereached hisdestination ahealthy old manon the bedsurrounded byparaphernaliawhich made himlook like acyborg62“SALESMAN”“God dammit! Screw Kevin O’Brien” shouted Saaed thesalesman. For a guy as meek and frail as him being thetop gun salesman usually involved keeping a Remingtonunder his crotch at all times, the race to the top wasn’teasy as it gave him a face only a mother could love. Heloved betting but hadn’t bet on Kevin O’Brien scaling theEnglish. He was on phone talking to his contact andsupplier by the name of Riyaz, Riyaz informed him of theattempt on the local don boss “Daanvir Karna” he was a“Daani” violent psychopath. ”So like these F.N.G’S breakhim and empty two clips from 2 Glocks on full auto yetthese bunch of jerks manage only 4 shots”. Saaedinquired how critical he was, to which he got an “I don’tknow”. All the conversation was interrupted by a newcustomer. A tall man in a tuxedo in a deep voice asked “Ihave a purchase to make help me out would you kindly?“His face lit up he replied in the positive. ”I want a Colt0.45 ACP with two clips ASAP”. Saaed gladly obliged andnoted details on the bill.QTY DESCRIPTION PRICEDATE OF PURCHASE1 COLT 0.45 90,000 11 TH December“THE BUS STAND”Raghu Rajendran was a busy man these days .The“entrepreneur” was about to get a new job and he wasexcited. He read the newspaper “Old Assassin KukrailSingh dead!” He read on- “Kukrail Singh age 73 diedyesterday after he was murdered mysteriously, Policeconfirmed the weapon as a Colt 0.45 also they*screeeeeech* Raghu was disturbed by the Bus screechand he cursed the inexperienced driver. But then it washis ride he hopped on it. It was the 13 th of Dec.“THE LONG DRIVE DOWN”Anand the mechanic had spent numerous hours on thevehicle, and finally got it ready it was a FIAT Grande Punto.Asthe owner drove away the vehicle, he had only one thing onhis mind “Got to reach on time!!!!” he drove as fast as hecould really fast through Marine Drive and other locations toMumbai Hospital. As he rugby tackled the crowd of wellwishershe reached his destination a healthy old man on thebed surrounded by paraphernalia which made him look like acyborg. ”Raju beta” struggled the old man “you know whatto do!” Raju cried but by now rage and vengeance ranthrough his eyes “I know dad, I just know!!” He had justbrought his dad his favorite Smirnoff, but with bullets in hisstomach and liver he knew it was impossible for his old manto booze. The nurse noted the details “10 th December 6 p.m.,situation critical, patient Dhirendra Kumar”“THE PURCHASE AND THE MEETING”“Will that be all sir?” enquired Saaed. The customer nodded.And he drove off to meet a man only know as “Gideon” whoprovided him a silencer.He drove off to buy himself a newwatch and he set the time11 th December 4p.m.“RAGHU AND THE OFFICE”It was lunch time at his new day of work, he continuedreading the newspaper “The don died in a residential localityand no one reported anything untoward ,the police suspectuse of a silenced weapon and also that the assailant hadprobably…..”.”Hey Raghu, you’ve got a SMS” Raghu rushedto read the message which read “Clean sweep, Delivered13 th December 4 p.m.”. It made his day.

“THE HOSPITAL PART 2”“Nurse, Can I give him his asthmatic puff?” asked Raju.The nurse nodded in affirmative, he administered thepuff and the old man had tears in his eyes, so had his sonit was hard to see his old man sob and to see him likethis made him sadder. He bid his goodbye and drove ofaway at 6 p.m. in the evening and told him that hewould not be able to come tomorrow as he had “affairsto take care of”“RAGHU AND THE TAILOR”For the new job from tomorrow Raghu told his wifeAnanya he was going to get his formal skin and treat acouple of friends. He went to the tailor who gave him apacket labelled “9813” and then attended a party whichgot over at 9:30 pm, Raghu started driving with only onethought in his mind “This is it, this IS IT!”“THE OLD MAN PART 2”The door crashed open, the old man who had just sigheda few moments before was overjoyed, it was Raju. ”Betathis box contains 2 of your dad’s most preciouspossessions your photo as a child and your late mother’sashes, take them please!” Raju got emotional, the oldman turned *click*.The old man was surprised to find agun pointing at him “No mercy, I haven’t forgiven you!”“RAGHU’S OFFICE PART 2”It made his day, plus there was another message soon“P.S. Myocardial Infarction, got the other, your one clean#$%^%^, sent from “Gideon”. He knew Gideon it wasAnand and now it was closing time.“RAJU’S DRIVE TO THE HOUSE”Raju knew he only had early morning to do it, it wasbig, it was the ultimate equalizer an eye for an eye andhe had two of them. He opened his trunk, all the whileremembering how his parents were done in, he pulledout the package labelled “9813” and with pride saw hisID card “Raghu Rajendran, special officer under cover”he had lead a life of so many duplicities that he forgotwho he was, but he remembered the night his parentswere shot in cold blood, he knew he had waited 12long years for this.Although His godfather was Dhirendra Kumar he wasalso “Daanvir Karna”, who butchered his family, andhis accomplice Kukrail Singh. From slipping DK adelayed cyanide to buying a special Tuxedo for a neatkill he knew this was it. As he neared the house withbroken glass panes and the antediluvian mahoganywindow which allowed golden rays of light through itto lighten up and make dust dance. He knew inside satKukrail Singh worried for his life fearing it might endany second. ”Poor Butcher, he lives as long as I let him14 seconds”. Raghu then crashed the door open.The doorcrashed open,the old manwho had justsighed a fewmomentsbefore wasoverjoyed, itwas Raju.63

A Little PainShubhendra Shekhar, B. Tech. Third year Computer Sc. & Engg.(Winner, Poetry Section- English)Laying back on the charred bed,Its velvety old sheet singing the untold stories,My one mistake; it flashes through my eyes,The present ruins and the past glories.Mistakes are thought as a part of life,But that of mine whacked a family.That evening, when I left for home I saw,A car was running on boulevard vagrantly.In innocent hurry to cross the way,Out of the blue, a chap appeared.Stricken hard by the devilish vagabond,He was thrown and blood smeared.The victim was wheezing, and may be saved,But no one was there, to whom he could pray.The car ran faster, and the boy turned pale,I too abashed humanity and continued my way.It does not matter to me, so why should I?Why for someone unknown, I spoiled siesta of my night?Leaving behind my duties, flying very swift,I reached my home and pretended all right.Silently and stealthily, smothered by my fear,To mop my recent past, I entered my bed.Rest was lost and restlessness creeps up,Heart was trembling and all seems red.In this same conquest, the night was spent,The sun was ahead, screeches floating in air.With lifeless steps I hurried to the door,Sobbing can be heard in house of my neighbour.I asked the reason from someone standing there,“Last night snatched the only kid of the house!”Being a neighbour I entered there silently,My heart moved when I heard the squeal of the spouse.I saw a corpse in the centre of the hall,Family was crying and cursing their fate,I saw the dead; I was shocked and ashamed,The boy was same, last night whom I met.Too late to correct my fault,My soul gone impatient and I was wet in tears.Immortal is now apart from the mortal,But it left on tap pain for the dears.Am I really human? Absolutely not,Because I only concerned about myself, and my gain,My friend, my neighbour, had not lost his loved one,If that night, I would have taken a little pain.64

365 th Day on MarsNikhil Kr. Chaurasia, B. Tech. First year Elec.&Comm. Engg.(Winner, Science Fiction- English)“Wake up, my boy! We have to attend the Disaster Dayproceedings today at Martiona Zep, remember! And if you get itlate this time, I am going to punish you”.Niksam opened his eyes and rushed towards the steam basin andto his window to see the happenings outside. Above in the skytoday’s date was hovering in bold bluish light which was beingprojected from miles away: 43 rd of Decemmars 01. People weremoving very fast indeed, not on the ground but similarly aboutten meter above the ground wearing Feet jets that worked byconverting air into fuel, producing propulsion. He looked at hisWrist-talk and was shocked to hear that it was half past five inthe evening and the event was about to start in just seven hours.He took his Laserbath and put on his Electro-advance suit thatprovided essential vitamins (similar to sun) and was also installedwith sensors that warned against potential threats. With a jerk ofhis hand a virtual screen (some twenty inches wide) appeared inair. Pointing his middle finger at it he made a sign of ‘ʆ’ in air andthe news reporter said, “Good evening, it is a matter of greatpleasure to announce that today we have completed our oneEarth year on Mars and to pay homage to our Earthling relativeswho could not be saved from the catastrophe that occurred on12 th December 2135, marked as Disaster Day, all of you arerequired to attend the function at Martiona Zep which kicks offat 2430 hrs”. He then shut down the TV by doing the same again.“MOM, DAD I AM LEAVING FOR ZEP WITH ANKITONSTRAIGHTAWAY”“DON’T FORGET TO TAKE YOUR MEAL, REMEMBER TODAYSCODE?”He had already rushed out of his house and entered the nearestQueue, a cabin that was the passageway for Ankiton’s home. Helooked in the Eye and spoke, “48 House, Carrrim Column, Voma”,and within a second he was falling inside the tunnel lit withlamps, twisting & turning but smoothly and appeared insideanother similar cabin and opened the door confronting hisfriend’s house.He had just reached a meter away when the door openedautomatically and he stepped inside. “Hey Ank, come on lets go.And what are those?” He pointed towards a silvery ring whoseboundary was being encircled by a white light. “Hello Nik. Ah!That’s Wringlee, dad brought yesterday, it tells location ofanyone by using special infrared waves linked to suits of peopledon’tworry it won’t do it until you sanction it. Let’s go”.They arrived at one of the Freshmeals and entered their codes inthe robot’s keypad; some 4-feet tall. It served them theirscheduled snacks and they moved towards another Queue.“I think The Prez must have arrived from Strofunvojar. They werevery eager to know more about the fate of our former home,Earth and that’s why have come today from 204 light years away.After all it was their spaceships that also contributed in carryingus all lucky ones here from Earth.” said Ank. “And today theywould visit the Earth through the only time-machine developedtill now, thanks to Einstein, Feller and Curench.”With a jerk ofhis hand avirtual screen(some twentyinches wide)appeared inair.65

People were flying above them and the crystal floor began toglow. It was eight in evening. “You know how to drive that?”asked Nik. “I had tried twice on my father’s but I would need topractice more, you know, that’s a bit tricky as it can only becontrolled by your mind”, replied Ank.It was a duo-full moon day (for both Phobos and Deimos). Theytook a two-seater Autocab that arrived where they werestanding as soon as they clicked their button on their belts.They sat on the magneto-vehicle and entered the address onthe keyboard provided therein. It zoomed into the air. The airtraffic was quite heavy that day...While on their journey they saw the sky that was lit with acombination of green and red coming from the Red House thatwas flashing the names and photos of those people who couldnot be saved. Nik’s eyes became a bit wet when he saw thedetails of his younger brother Rushu Thompson in the sky. Hewore his Album-Spectacles and saw the pictures of themoments that he had enjoyed with his brother while on Earth.“I know it’s hard to live without someone who was so close tous. I lost my grandparents and cousins.” said Ank. “Today we allare a family, though we could manage only 0.004% of peopleon the planet but now we have to look forward”. They arrivedat Martiona Zep in 45 minutes and stepped down.They could see the huge triangular spaceship parked on theirleft, from where The Prez were coming out. Niksam had neverseen them so closely but was not amazed to see their darkhexagonal faces with yellow lit foreheads and both the eyesmuch wider than his and mouth so small to see. They all wereabout six-seven foot tall and 38 in numbers. All the ‘lucky ones’had arrived there and were also watching the sky.President from the Red House arrived and stood on thepedestal. He began, “I welcome you all on this occasion of theinfamous Disaster Day that destroyed our home planetcompletely that was ours for last 4423 years. We humans areexisting today only because our scientists who knew about theimpending disaster since 2054 and who took proper initiativesto make the plight of Mars habitable.” He touched arectangular cyan area over a virtual touch screen in front ofhim. A virtual screen appeared at his back and picturesappeared as he continued. “The human activities had affectedearth more than the natural calamities. The picture is of a fewdays before the catastrophe, though we had controlled globalwarming to a large extent but could not protect our land fromfloods & frequent earthquakes and the number of deaths wererising day by day. Our so developed technology could donothing big. Thanks to The Prez who accepted to help us andwe could save 3,263,943 people in all and the earth was left forever with more than 8 billion lives that went with the C-23-AR2meteorite rain. Solar flares combined with internaldisturbances blasted off the planet into two.”“But destiny has again brought us to the planet from where lifein our solar system had begun: Mars. The water is beingsupplied by converting air and from the rocks deep in the crust.Oxygen as you all know is as usually being releasedcontinuously by 50 Oxpros installed.” He then gesturedLeadprez to speak. The Engconvertes was kept over his head.Whatever he spoke it converted it into English."Za-tsun goorgie vewnit maola-moola...”.All the people were keenly listening, “We are very happy tohelp save Homo sapiens and am extremely delighted to talk toyou.66

I would just like to say that you all have seen such adisastrous phenomenon that would remain indelible in yourminds but we all have to look forward towards universalbrotherhood. We have also talked to Pikanchi andAnamikhiju about it. And they too agree with me.”He went back to his seat, his eyes on the sky. Presidentcontinued, “I and The Prez will be leaving for Bhoothtravel,looking and learning from the mistakes that we made. Iwould like to announce here that we are about to come upwith ‘time machine two’ that would be able to take us backup to Christian Era. Scientific works over bringing dead backto life is also in progress”. He continued, “Now we willobserve 123 seconds holy Relph commemorating ourbeloved ones”. Everybody closed their eyes to continue witha light music that was followed by a chorus.“I promise you all that the technological developments donehere so far will in no way do any harm to Mars. By the end of0002 we would be in a state to develop flora and fauna tothrive here too”. Everybody applauded. “If you have anysuggestions please send it to me via your SmartGPS-1001that will directly reach me, after all we have to build a goodplace for our future generations. Thank you”, concludedpresident.They saw the dignitaries leave towards ‘time machine one’.All the people stayed there for a while remembering the lostones. But they all knew that it was a beginning of entirelynew era. A new history will be written and new records willbe made. Niksam and Ankiton went back home.After taking his dinner, Nik sat on his Screenbook. “I knowyou are sad Niksam but don’t lose hope, a lot has to bedone”, said the computer. He slept with a positive note thatday.dk'k& dqedqe xaxokj ch-Vsd++& r`rh; o"kZdk'k rqe gksrslp dk lwjtvkSj eSa dk;ukrrqEgkjh fdj.kksa lstxex&txex dj tkrhdk'k rqe vkdk'k gksrsvkSj eSa [kkeks'k /jrhrqe izse dh ckfj'k djrseSa rÌr&rÌr* gks tkrhdk'k rqe gksrsclUr dk nwrvkSj eSa pesyh dh dyhrqe tc&tc vkrseSa iQwy&iQwy f[ky tkrhdk'k rqe gksrsfdlku dk gkFkvkSj eSa vukt ds chtrqe eq>dks fc[kjkrseSa cuds iQly ygjkrhdk'k rqe gksrsHkksj dk rkjkvkSj eSa vuNqbZ lqcggj jkst fliQZrqEgkjs gh gkFk vkrhA67

SHOULD SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES BE BANNED INCOLLEGE PREMISES?Sheeba Roberts, B. Tech. FirstYear, Mechanical Engg.(Winner, Essay Writing, Udgaar- English)68“We have arranged a civilization in which most crucial elementsprofoundly depend on science and technology.” -Carl SaganSocial networking sites, a creation of technology, as we know, arewebsites that provide virtual community in which people with sharedfeelings and interest may communicate. Initially, what started off as aripple is today emerging as a giant wave bringing about a virtual socioeconomicchange.This change has resulted due to the many faced advantages of thesesites. Their potential to provide a direct communication with eachother, what other emailing sites failed to do, had boosted its use toover millions of their users today. They have prowled their roots morein youth as they use it more , to cop up with the shortage of time andstill be connected to the friends and relatives. The major affected partof these sites, are hence, youth at the colleges.Inspite of many advantages, when more and more people are gettinghooked to cyber space social networking site, being disconnected in atotally connected world are like being left out of a carvan. For most, itis like a drug-one that calls for a daily fix. “if I’m not online, I’ll probablywither away and die”, says a journalist. “It’s becoming like breathing”.All these results come up after the use of social networking anddownloading sites. As Andrew Brown said-“The internet is so big, so powerful and so pointless, that for somepeople it is a complete substitute for life”.As these virtual flood gates have been opened and socialnetworking is rushing in from the personal lives of the students andinto the colleges, they are bringing a host of concern along with them.Out of this concern, colleges are banning these networks from thecampus, worried that the students will be distracted from theirgoals and will not concentrate well on their studies. But that mightnot be the best approach, according to Ann Cavoukian, Ontario’sPrivacy Commissioner,“A ban will just drive people to find underground ways to use thesesites”, she warns, “I think a prescribed story on their use is moreappropriate”. Try setting time restrictions on when students canaccess their social profiles, she recommends. Alternatively, thestudents must be told to take care of the limited use of these sitesand not to get ‘Addicted’.These sites possess various plus points too. Example – Facebook hasfound its use at an Ad-hoc level within organizations. The groupfeature used by the students is to organize social and technicalevents.Also for Linked-In, Dimitri Sirota, Vice-President of marketing atVancouver based .XML security vendor layer 7-technologies says,“networking is more of a quality game than it is a number game; thepeople help you secure a job, find a great client, give yourecommendation for a potential employee”.With so many positive outlooks, banning will just force students tofind proxy-ways to use these sites. Moreover, life is like a pianowhat we get out of it depends upon how we play it. The same iswith social networking sites. Hence, students in colleges must usetheir sense to make best out of these gifts of technology withoutfalling a prey to the addiction.

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BELIEF- THE GOLDEN SPARKSuman Sharma, B. Tech. Third Year, Mechanical Engg.Infidelity, belying is all I get,So harsh are when real faces unfurled.An alias of expressions over a dark soul,My inner deep is baffled.To get what, double –faceted peopleWho simply boast andSwipe dagger at the back.Seasons and years flew inWas it aeons ago, when people were trueWith no artificiality inculcated?Hide and seek they play with me,I am lost in the labyrinth.Search of hope and happiness,Still my eyes are not quenched,Squaring in, they yearn.My ears still long to hear a voice,I moan, I weep, I cry aloudBut nobody is here to pay heed.What for had I stepped out of utopia,To envisage this, their cruel mockery?My only wish was toSail ahead of uncouth andBarbarian couture and demeanour.I only wanted to sail ashore.I left my sublime abodeOne who would love me and caress,One who’s tender touch can vanquish all my fearAnd one who precariously lays my head on thy shoulder.This belief resides in a corner of my heart,Rekindles the fire in me with a golden sparkAnd I again raise my head to the sky azureBecause only a lotus can bloom in riff-raff.76

My First 50 Days in MalaviyaPulkit Sud, B. Tech. First Year, Mechanical Engg.(Winner, <strong>Malviya</strong>n Thinker, English Section)“Wake up Pulkit it’s getting late”, my mom screamed at me.”Mom its 8’o clock please let me sleep a bit”, I said. You have to packyour bag dear, I have already packed 2 bags dear and see you needanything else or not, and see you have miss calls of your friends alsogo and meet them.” beta this won’t work . You are now going to livein a hostel; you must change your habits. You know………” “It’s okmom” I interrupted “I am not sleeping now. I am going to check mybags, are you coming with me?” I asked.It was a hot day in Kanpur, branch is and that very day I was leavingfor Gorakhpur. I was very much excited but at the same time a bit sadalso as I knew that I’ll be returning as a guest only. But I knew that Iam going to start a new future and my parents are sending me awayfrom them to carve out a man out of a boy. Oops I forgot to tell who Iam. So acc. to the format (which I’ll be telling you afterwards)“Respected readers my name is Pulkit Sud and I m from Kanpur. MyUPTU-SEE rank is 1730 and my branch is Mechanical <strong>Engineering</strong>”.There are some more things to be mentioned in an intro but I don’tfind its need right now.Train arrived at 10, and luckily I found Manish who was also going tothe same college and was sitting in front of me. We chattered all thetime to Gorakhpur and reached there at 3 in the morning. We stayedin the station and left for college at 8. I met two more students of mybranch akshat and arihant. I didn’t know that they would become sonice friends of mine in future. At the end four engineering embryosentered the college with big dreams in our eyes. Campus was big and Imet my di there. She was the daughter of my mother’s friend. A finalyear student, very polite, truly helping and really nice.She told me to call her anytime for help. Soon she left. Who knewthat what a hectic day was waiting for her. I was unlucky theMechanical started from M and M was the 13 th letter which madeour registration at the end because of the alphabeticalarrangement. According schedule the registration was to befinished at 3:00pm but this is India, our branch’s registrationstarted at 4:00pm in M.P.H. and at that time students of otherbranches were also sitting as they were too not registered. I got afile which contained many forms to be filled. And I rushed with theforms. When the forms were filled and documents were arranged Iwith rest three of my friends rushed for verification of documentsand what we saw was miserable.There were approximately 50 students standing in front of us. I wasreally feeling very bad not because 50 were standing in front of mebut because no one else was standing at back except my three newfriends (human psychology). It was 7 o’clock when I finally saw 10students in front of me and at 8 I kept my file for verification. ThenI was sent to other counter where hostel was to be allotted.Finally at midnight we went to our hostel to see our rooms.Pathetic, our hostel was literally pathetic. Handle of door wasbroken, fan as if Shah Jahan himself gifted to our hostel so theydon’t want to change it. One almirah to adjust and there was nobulb. Suddenly my room-mate Santosh entered. We introducedourselves. He is a really nice guy, very understanding, polite and abit shy too. Two day later my parents left for Kanpur. The day whenI entered the hostel was very exciting but this excitement kept ondecreasing day by day.7785

Next day was our first day in the college. New shirt, new deo, newshoes, new hairstyle etc. were common features of students that dayas if they are going to any matrimonial agency. And I have no shamein telling that I was also one of them. When I entered the class I sawour computer professor waiting for us. He was very nice with us andtold us his plan. First day was our intro day as we introducedourselves to all the professors.In hostel I met other guys also example Himanshu, Paras, Rahul,Harsh, Surya and Abhishek and many others. Our major time went ingossiping with each other. Hostel was jail for us. We were not allowedto go out. For the books at last I called my room father and theconversation started, “Good evening sir”, I said. “Who are you? And itis not evening, its only 3 o’clock” My room father replied. “oh sorrysir, good afternoon”. “ok so, what happened?” then I came to mypoint and asked for books. My room father was different from thoseof others. He treated me politely. Next day I got some books, whichwere sent by him. But other seniors were different from myroomfather. We were advised to wish them every time when we seethem. We were told to remain third button in front of them and beingabused was common for us whenever we were briefed we were toldto come in formals. Our days ended with talks of ….girls. Soon many ofthe boys were teased by the name of girls. There were many factorsto tease a guy, I was teased because of my height and I was calledchotu, Surya’s name changed to CR, Abhishek as aadu, one friend asphosphorous who is keen to react with nitrogen, arihant asGhatotkach and Manish as Bheem.Each day with same schedule, wake up, search for a toilet, standoutside to secure my turn, and abuse the one who is inside and tolisten also when you are inside. Struggling to find a bathroom tobath, getting ready for college to study and making plans to getinteracted with girls. the routine continued and we friends or youcan say brothers are enjoying our new life with a feeling of love,brotherhood and affection for others.I am really proud to be a student of MMM <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>College</strong>under the guidance of highly qualified professors who are alwaysthere to help their students and are trying their level best to form agood engineer out of us.78Studies were really tough. We all struggled hard with all the subjects.More you read more you forget. The pity students were between thetechfest and sessionals. Everyday one topic was finished in anysubject and we use to think that today we will take out our swordsand will murder the course but in hostel we thought there are daysahead. But still we studied to become an engineer. 50 days finishedlike a minute.

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Triangle of Humanity, Mankind & Religion80“A spark is enough to set ablaze the woods under the scorchingsun’’Salute to the spirit and unity of freedom fighters of India whofought against the British to make our country independent. Theyare unleaded out of sight but never out of mind. Indians unitedtogether to create a nation in which everyone was identified as an‘INDIAN’ but still they were divided on the basis of caste andreligions.Every day, a Hindu lady cleans the small temple situated inside herhouse, chants some prayers and pours water on Shivling withflowers. A Muslim lady remembers her GOD and reads Namaz atmosque; a Christian lady goes to church. It looks beautiful whenthese ladies go for performing worships. People love to performrituals and customs of their thin religion. They visit places insearch of GOD. Really it’s interesting but the moment becomeembarrassing when people start to generate a feeling ofdiscrimination on the basis of religion.The rain clouds have taken the edge off the afternoon heat onAyodhya. Recently, the matter of Babri masjid has produced aspark which will surely lead to the ignition of national integration.“As you advance in yours, you leave behind a lot of things. ‘’ Herewe unity which made us independent. People have eradicated thespirit and feeling regarding their unity from their heart. Theconcept of religion is on the verge of dividing our country. Hindusand Muslims are standing against each other in the battle field.They are ready for the dispute, riots and violence at the instance,the court announces its decision. When a child is born, it can’t beidentified on the basis of religion. All religions have same kind ofbabies. GOD treats each and everyone equally.Saurabh Mishra, B. Tech. Second Year, Mechanical Engg.(Consolation Prize, <strong>Malviya</strong>n Thinker, English Section)Religions are created by humans. Our freedom fighters wouldhave never expected that people whom they are makingindependent will start fighting among themselves leading to thenucleation of hatred, jealousy and disintegration. The cast ofAyodhya is just a fight for nothing, except promoting sensation ofriots.But the brain of society had been eaten by bugs. People have goneinsane behind the status of their religion. This case shows thecheap mentality of people. They are not concerned about thebright future of our country. The case affects the mental thinkingof youth as well as children who are the tomorrow of India. TheBabri Masjid case will surely rage into fire the whole developmentof our country.The whole environment is becoming full of destructive plans,destructive ideas and strategies. INDIA is still a developingcountry. It is undergoing a process of development but the grab ofreligion will surely affect the process badly. India has lot to boast,once its unity is diversity. But now it seems that religion has ruinedthe future of our country. All these small issues just hinder theprocess of nation and catalyse the disintegration.The best ever way to cope up with the Problems of upcomingdisputes and riots will be postponement of court ‘s decision onwhich its to be announced. Because this issue may spread likepoison in the veins of our motherland. The youth should be madeaware of the dreadful results of these issues. They must beeducated for the ill effects of religion or any discrimination. Theymust be taught about importance of integration. Youth constituteabout 57% of India’s population. So makinging youth aware Indiawill aware.

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Kuch Baatein...Kuch Yaadein...

tc ge muds nhokus Fks----deysUæ izrki flag lax.kd ,oa vfHk;af=dh foHkkx vafre o"kZ84oks Hkh D;k fnu Fks tc]ge muds nhokus Fks---lcdh tqcakW is ppsZ gekjs]vkSj gekjs gh vQlkus FksAos Hkh D;k fnu Fks tc]ge muds nhokus Fks-----tc Hkh jgk egfQy esa]fd;k muds vkus dk bartkjAmuds vkus ls yxrk Fkk ;w¡yxh Qwy cjlkus cgkjAmudh vkgV ls f[kyrh Fkha dfy;k¡]egdrs gq, oks xqtjs tekus Fks-----okss Hkh D;k fnu Fks tc&ge muds nhokus FksAtc rd ugha lqurs mudh vkokt]jgrs Fks ge Hkh [kkeks'kAmuds pan vYQkt+ ghthoar dj nsrs Fks vjeku&,&csgks'kAmuds gj yÝt esa u'kk Fkk bruk]'kekZ tkrs Nydrs iSekus FksAoks Hkh D;k fnu Fks tc&ge muds nhokus Fks&fiQj u tkus D;k gqvk]esjk ;kj gh eq>ls :B x;kA,slh pksV yxh bl fny dks]uknku dk¡p ds ekfQd QwV x;kgeusa mUgs lc dqN ekuk'kk;n ge gh muds fy, vutkus Fksoks Hkh D;k fnu Fks tc ge muds nhokus FksAge rks ne rksM+ gh pqdslkal ysrh gekjh rugkbZ gSAjksrh gS ckfj'k Hkh gekjs lkFkgokvksa rd Hkh mnklh Nk;h gSmuds lkFk dh df'k'k Fkh ,slhebZ&twu ds fnu Hkh yxrs lqgkus Fksoks Hkh D;k fnu Fks tcge muds nhokus Fksvc uk ;s fny cpkvkSj u gh bldh nhokuxhuklwj cu x;h ;s ftUnxhD;w¡ geus dh muls fnYyxhlksprk gw¡ vxj ikxy gh gksuk Fkk rks]bl nqfu;k esa igys Hkh ikxy[kkus Fksoks Hkh D;k fnu Fks tcge muds nhokus Fkslcdh tqack is ppsZ gekjsvkSj gekjs gh Qlkus FksA

Welcome to <strong>College</strong> Life…-Hemant Kumar, Final Year, Electronics & Comm. Engg.There is a Chinese proverb “a single day of sub-zerotemperature is not enough to create three feet of ice”....Irealised it was four memorable years.It was the first day of the college, being more specifica new phase of life was going to start with the registrationfor my first semester. I hired an auto from the station andreached the college gate. There I met two guys. Yes! Theywere seniors. I asked them the way to the Multi-PurposeHall. They told me to go straight and turn left from the nextcrossroad, it will lead me to Multi-Purpose Hall.I picked up my luggage and started walking and reached theplace as told. I met a guard outside the building. I asked himto open the gate and let me in. He looked at me withsurprize, smiled and said, “yeh girls hostel hai !!”.It was then that I realised that I was in front of SaraswatiBhawan and this was a prank of the seniors. I said to myself,“Welcome to college life!!”, and with the guidance of guard Ireached MPH and finally reached there.;knsa----gjh'k PkUn ;kaf=d vfHk;a=.k foHkkx vafre o"kZvkt fQj ls ;kn vk x;h oks iqjkuh jkrsa],XT+kke ls ,d jkr igys Hkh rqels djuk ckrsa]viuh lCtsDV~l ds lkFk lkFk FkksM+k rqegkjs lCtsDV~lHkh i< ysrk Fkk]vkSj vUnj gh vUnj cSd yxus ls Hkh FkksM+k Mj ysrk FkkArqe ges'kk dgrh Fkh fd i< yks ojuk cSd yx tk;sxh]vkSj eSa dgrk Fkk fd fcuk i

FINAL YEAR IDsCivil <strong>Engineering</strong>86S. No. NAME E MAIL ID CONTACT NO.1 ABHAY KUMAR abhi.atonce@gmail.com 99191279192 AMIT KISHOR sunnyamitsunny@gmail.com 94514616113 AMIT KUMAR PATEL amit.patel280@gmail.com 99367732044 ANUJ KUMAR DUBEY dwivedianuj29@gmail.com 94556882745 ANUJ SINGH anujsingharjun@gmail.com 94512071596 ATUL KUMAR PANDEY atul.civilengineer@gmail.com 99849885777 DILEEP KUMAR VERMA dileep07-11@gmail.com 94514392388 FAIZAN NOOR faizannoor706@gmail.com 97959838039 GHANGHOR SINGH ghanghor08@gmail.com 961613580610 JAI ASTHANA jaiasthana1587@gmail.com 766821298311 MANTU KUMAR GUPTA mantukumargupta0@gmail.com 885314535212 NEELAM RANI neelu2310@gmail.com 988806003013 PREETA YADAV preeta.yadav07@gmail.com 812791349314 PRIYANKA SACHAN prnk.sachan@gmail.com 930796980915 RAJEEV KUMAR TIWARI r.tiwarimmmec@gmail.com 964813066416 RAVI PRATAP SINGH pratap3153@yahoo.com 945206285617 SANDEEP CHAND GUPTA sandeepchand07019@gmail.com 900564441518 SAYAM MISHRA sanyammishra0706@gmail.com 945076294519 SHREEYA ALOK shreeyalok@gmail.com 945137553320 SNEHA GUPTA sneha.gupta554@gmail.com 930517283021 SOBRAN SINGH sobransingh07@gmail.com 880811891422 SUKANSHA SARAN sukanksha.saran@gmail.com 945098417723 VIJAY SINGH kumarsagar92@gmail.com 959841595124 VIKAS KUMAR VERMA vikas1988wert@gmail.com 947399580525 VINAY KASHYAP vin.experia@gmail.com 961609211926 VIVEK KUMAR GUPTA vivekgupta664@gmail.com 800915410927 VIVEK KUMAR TRIPATHI vvktrpth@gmail.com 800447834128 ABHISHEK DIXIT dixit.abhishek9@gmail.com 958046935829 MANOJ KUMAR NAYAK mnayak08@gmail.com 947392120330 SHASHI KANT GOND onlymeshashi@gmail.com 9919957150

Computer Science & <strong>Engineering</strong>S.No. Name Email id Contact Number1 ABHISHEK PRATAP DUBEY apd0289@gmail.com 92086316552 AJIT SINGH ajit.0308@gmail.com 94502350983 ALOK PANDEY alokmmmecgkp@gmail.com 90051995194 ALOK VAJPAYEE eralok.vajpayee@gmail.com 94511207875 AMIT KUMAR SINGH aksamt@gmail.om 93057182306 ANAND KUMAR SINGH monty12124@gmail.com 94519724337 ANIL KUMAR anilk9911@gmail.com 94507068508 ANIL KUMAR anildiwakar0107@gmail.com 99354005149 ANJANA DUBEY anjanadubey77@gmail.com 995652967810 ANKIT KUMAR ankit1mz@gmail.com 945609677211 ANKIT KUMAR tyagi.ankit59@gmail.com 896045161912 ANKIT SINGH ankit.singh77@gmail.com 995612658313 ANKITA ROY roy_ankinov27@yahoo.com 941529181814 ANUP KUMAR JAYSWAL anup.1st@gmail.com 995646287315 ANURAG SINGH anurag374@gmail.com 945113807516 APOORVA KUSHWAHA apoorva.kushwaha22@gmail.com 933615011317 ASHISH KUMAR RAI ashishcs.mmmec07@gmail.com 969622954018 ASHISH KUMAR SHUKLA ald.shukla@gmail.com 737621260419 AVANTIKA GUPTA avantika.gupta18@gmail.com 945733388820 BHUMIKA UMAR VAISH bhumi.umar@gmail.com 945398658321 BRIJESH NAYAK brijesque@gmail.com 993636240522 CHAYANIKA RANA rana.bawa_06@yahoo.in 945701255523 DEVAJI JAISWAL deva.jaiswal@gmail.com 945312168324 FARHANA YASMEEN farhana.mmmec@gmail.com 945328511625 GARIMA AGRAWAL garima.agrawal234@gmail.com 945476775326 GAURAV SAHU gauravsahu.mmmec@gmail.com 998449482027 GOPAL RASTOGI gopalrastogi.shine@gmail.com 995673908328 HARSHIT TIWARI harshit.mmmec@gmail.com 889663837829 HIMANSHU KUMAR GUPTA guptahiman123@gmail.com 930554086230 JATIN KUMAR LAL jatinlal10@gmail.com 993532200931 KAMLENDRA PRATAP SINGH 22kamlendra@gmail.com 988925422487

8832 KAPIL VERMA kv73480@gmail.com 959865856133 KISHORE KUMAR kishore.k63@gmail.com 945052946734 KUMAR ANUBHAV anubhav_verm@yahoo.com 945087107835 KUMARI DIVYA maliyadivya@gmail.com 995670472036 MANINDAR KUMAR YADAV manindarmmmec@gmail.com 945120326437 MANJU SAHU sahu.manju6@gmail.com 945552835838 MANOJ KUMAR manojk.softengineer@gmail.com 988921875939 MAYANK RAI mmayankrai91@gmail.com 945111355840 MEGHNA SINGH nehaluvslife@gmail.com 962103963241 MUKESH KUMAR CHAUDHARY chaudharymukesh6@gmail.com 979310258642 NEHA SINGH nnehasingh@gmail.com 979545056343 OMKAR MAURYA omkar0312@gmail.com 959865859244 PANKAJ HASIJA pankajhasija89@gmail.com 945781565445 PANKAJ KUMAR DUBEY pankajdubeymmm@gmail.com 945340810246 PRADEEP KUMAR BAITHA pradeep.baitha@gmail.com 945386334247 PRATIK SIROHI sirohiprateek@gmail.com 945000968448 PRAVIN KUMAR pk.mmmec@gmail.com 945628882449 PUSHPENDRA KUMAR pushpendra1kumar@gmail.com 967014985250 RABIN KUMAR SINGH krishna.robin1@gmail.com 941597705951 RAGHVENDRA KUMAR raghvendra3@gmail.com 988996579252 RAHUL MISHRA rahulmishra2708@gmail.com 800501815153 RAJEEV KUMAR rajeev3321@gmail.com 979302370954 RASHMI CHAUDHARY rashmi.chaudhary9003@gmail.com 945625579655 RAVI NANDAN r.nandan86@gmail.com 959831339356 RICHA GUPTA richa6232@gmail.com 945087593657 RITIKA KAHRBUDON bhattritika@gmail.com 945307436758 ROHIT KAMAL SAXENA rohit_kamal2003@yahoo.com 945100289959 ROHIT KUMAR rohitmmmec2@gmail.com 962861884160 SANDEEP SRIVASTAVA sforsandeep_mmmec@yahoo.com 979510224261 SATYENDRA KUMAR satyendra.mmmec07@gmail.com 972177278062 SAURABH KUMAR AGNIHOTRI saurabhagnihotri7@gmail.com 959832521363 SHASHANK JAIN shashank.neocfc@gmail.com 933609606464 SHISHIR DWIVEDI shishir.dwivedi88@gmail.com 945267908565 SHIVAM NAYAK shivamnayak66@gmail.com 9598445709

66 SIDDHARTH KUMAR siddharthkumar1989@gmail.com 969677784367 SUMIT PRATAP PRADHAN sumit137751@gmail.com 945113775168 TARUN VERMA ertarun06@gmail.com 933695460669 TRAPTI VISHNOI traptimmmec60@gmail.com 920847711370 VAIBHAV CHOUDHARY vaibhav.moz@gmail.com 945648573471 VARUN YADAV varunmmm@gmail.com 95804501072 VIVEK KUMAR vivekdubey.iit1989@gmail.com 945396298773 VIVEK MISHRA vivekmishra89@gmail.com 980738489674 ABHISHEK SINGH abhishekmarch1987@gmail.com 945040987375 AJAY PRATAP ajayprataparya@gmail.com 800511982276 KANCHAN OJHA kanchan.ojha08@gmail.com 979484443277 PRIYANKA AHUJA ahujap007@gmail.com 808173108878 VINAY KUMAR NIGAM vinay.nigam88@gmail.com 99569771879 VISHAL PATHAK superman.pathak339@gmail.com 885314535780 SUMIT KUMAR sumitmmmec@gmail.com 808181900181 ASHUTOSH KUMAR SINGH ashusinghg4@gmail.com 9839243688Electrical <strong>Engineering</strong>S. No. NAME EMAIL ID CONTACT NO.1 ABHISHEK PATEL abhifire007@yahoo.com 94528337682 ABHISHEK SAHU suzal001@gmail.com 99360717723 ADITYA BHUSHAN BHARATI adibhushan101@gmail.com 80091598574 AMIT KUMAR VERMA amit175390@gmail.com 88531453585 ANGUVIKA YEPTHOMI anguvika@yahoo.com 88080245746 ANIL KUMAR akmmmec@gmail.com 95599008787 ANURAG KUMAR SINGH azad309@gmail.com 80044783438 AVINASH SONKAR avinson19@gmail.com 94154256789 BRIJESH KUMAR VERMA brijeshvermammmec@gmail.com 800501808310 C.TRONGDISE SANGTAM trongdise@yahoo.in 988903983111 CHANDRA BHUSHAN SINGH chandrabhushansingh.singh@gmail.com 0979527357512 DEEPIKA PANDEY dipikapandey.mmmec@gmail.com 964888131013 DEEPTI PAL deepti.mmmec@gmail.com 979537432814 DIVYA BUDIYAL divya.budiyal.mmmec@gmail.com 945603129315 SANTOSH KUMARI santosh.kajal2910@gmail.com 963464428289

9016 KRISHNA KUMAR MISHRA krishna101yahoo.com@gmail.com 950642939917 LOKESH KUMAR lokeshkumar.mmm@gmail.com 889653005418 MHADEN N MURRY murri.villa@gmail.com 950671655019 NEERAJ KUMAR PANDEY neerajpandey_mmm@yahoo.com 902645983120 NEHA CHOUDHARY nehachoudhary.mmmec@gmail.com 945627166321 NEHKHOMANG HANGSING cool_hangs@gmail.com 950642980522 NIKESH VERMA nikmmmec@gmail.com 961619096223 NIKHIL KATIYAR nikhilkatiyar@ymail.com 988924557524 NIRAJ JAISWAL ricky1512@gmail.com 980771099125 NISHANT DIWEDI nishant609@gmail.com 945126005826 NITIN KUMAR SINGH nitinsingh9335@gmail.com 959882938427 PUSHPENDRA SINGH NIRANJAN pushpendrasingh2k10@gmail.com 979516336528 RAHUL BARNWAL rahulmmmec88@gmail.com 993618509729 RAHUL SINGH rahul.25445@gmail.com 945408785730 RAJANEESH UPADHYAY rajneesh.gca.mmmec@gmail.com 739811480731 RAJEEV RANJAN SINGH rajeevranjanmmmec@gmail.com 800447843832 RASHMI GUPTA rashmi.gupta244@gmail.com 962829444833 RAVI KUMAR erengineerravi@gmail.com 961623284834 SANDEEP KUMAR sandeep.mmmec2@gmail.com 0945102584935 SANDEEP KUMAR sadeepprakashpatel@gmail.com 0945395106836 SHASHANK SHEKHER PANDAY shashank.mmmec@gmail.com 945261445937 SHEVEZO T.VADEO shevezo.mmmec@gmail.com 988927152838 SHRADHA KUMARI shradhakumari.mmmec@gmail.com 979305842739 SHRAVAN KUMAR VERMA shravanverma.mmmec@gmail.com 959832492140 SHREELEKHA SINGH singhshreelekha@gmail.com 945282344141 SMRITI smriti.mmmec@gmail.com 979557496942 SUDHIR KUMAR BHARTI singhsudhir123@gmail.com 988981464443 SUJIT KUMAR GUPTA dimpal_sujit@yahoo.com 938954903144 SUKHDEV PANWAR sukhdev3676@gmail.com 945309964545 VIKAS KUMAR SAHU vikassahu01@gmail.com 972119220746 VINAY KUMAR patel.vinay89@gmail.com 979524719147 VINEET PRAKASH MISHRA vineetee.mmmec@gmail.com 945194600648 VISHAL KUMAR VERMA v2.vishal.verma@gmail.com 988910615449 YIBENTHUNG ODYUO yiben.odyuo@gmail.com 760769412350 GAURAV AWASTHI gaurav_123456789@rediffmail.com 920834379851 MUKESH KUMAR mukeshky108@gmail.com 902697144152 PRABHAT SINGH SHEORAN trojen.rahul@gmail.com 8005018213

Electronics & Communication <strong>Engineering</strong>S. No. NAME EMAIL ID COTACT NO.1 VINEET KUMAR JAISWAL vineetimevv@gmail.com 97930880462 ABHISHEK KUMAR PANDEY abhi5_mmmec@yahoo.co.in 95981654433 ABHISHEK SISODIA abhi1_mmmec@yahoo.co.in 95982729674 AJAY KUMAR PASWAN ajaykhg1@gmail.com 88080287195 AKSHAY KUMAR akshay.mmmec@gmail.com 94514413946 AMIT KUMAR VERMA veramitkr@gmail.com 81278310327 Ankur Kishore skype100@gmail.com 94108358088 ANSHUL VARSHNEY anshuljbb@gmail.com 95986585659 Anurag Kumar Dwivedi Anuhappy2007@gmail.com 980758881710 Apurv Srivasatava apurvpassion@gmail.com 979351480011 ARCHANA TRIPATHI archanatripathi432@gmail.com 945347162712 ASHUTOSH KUMAR MISHRA a_mishra001@rediffmail.com 945125998913 ASHUTOSH KUMAR SINGH ashudeepak2@gmail.com 945326902314 ASHWANI KUMAR SINGH ashwai1616@gmail.com 945268910015 ATUL KUMAR GUPTA atulk2695@gmail.com 965148898316 Awadhesh Kumar Singh awadheshsingh1@gmail.com 969630207017 BALRAM JEE SHAHI balramjeeshahi@gmail.com 988979745618 DEEP CHANDRA GUPTA deepsp55@gmail.com 880854369619 DURGESH KUNWAR deepakcoolboy9999@gmail.com 961620773720 GAJENDRA KUMAR ADARSH gkadarsh22@gmail.com 933665008821 GAURAV SRIVASTAVA gauravsrivastava@gmail.com 902694855622 HARSH PANDEY harshpandey7@gmail.com 945377978223 HEMANT KUMAR hemant.kumar88@gmail.com 988979797324 JITENDRA SINGH er.jitendra.ec@gmail.com 885366425525 Kapil Kesharvani kapil.kesharvani8888@gmail.com 945022310926 KIRTI SINGH kirtisingh2708@gmail.com 800496077827 KRIPASHANKAR JAISAWAL kripammm@gmail.com 995686222928 LOVENA BALANI lovenabalani.mmmec@yahoo.com 945201790729 Mahesh Kumar Mall mahesh.mall@ieee.org 945154499730 MAMTA PAL mamta1205mmmec@gmail.com 988959506691

9231 MANOJ KUMAR manojmmmec24@gmail.com 945131152632 MEENU MEENA meenu271989@gmail.com 945623138333 MOHAMMAD HAKEEM sam9182@gmail.com 945012897334 NEERAJ SINGH grtneeraj@gmail.com 945011985735 NIRBHAY KUMAR SINGH nirbhay.singh@ieee.org 961697373636 NITIN BANARASI im.banarasi.mmmec@gmail.com 945109296737 PALLAVI DULLOO pallavi.dulloo@gmail.com 945309942738 PANKAJ MOURYA pankaj.mourya147@gmail.com 979538851939 PARNIKA TRIPATHI parnika.tripathi@gmail.com 945245414240 PARVIND KUMAR Parvinkumar.gautam6@gmail.com 945112710941 PRADEEP KUMAR GUPTA pradeepkumargupta121@gmail.com 959865782942 PRADEEP YADAV pradeepyadavmmmec.yadav754@gmail.com 983867247743 PRASHANT KUMAR prashantmm07@gmail.com 945429844644 PRIYANKA SHARMA45 PRIYANKA SINGH singhpriyanka.ec@gmail.com 945151343346 PUNEET SHARMA puneet.sharma1306@gmail.com 955954690847 RAM PRAKASHA prakasha.ram@gmail.com 959865781948 RATNESH KUMAR guptaratnesh77@gmail.com 895357239549 RINA KUMARI rina6650@gmail.com 979302023050 ROHIT ANAND arohit1989@gmail.com 945703063751 SAKSHI VERMA sakshi.mmmec@gmail.com 885398605552 SANDEEP KUMAR skumar_ec@hotmail.com 945497770053 SARITA GAUTAM sarita_mmmec@rediffmail.com 921977265654 SARVAGYA KUMAR SRIVASTAVA sarvagya2006@yahoo.co.in 980755409555 SATYENDRA KUMAR GUPTA satyendraguptam.mmmec@gmail.com 979559162756 SATYENDRA KUMAR MOURYA satyendrainfo@gmail.com 980737592957 SAURABH DWIVEDI saurav412@indiatimes.com 983936585558 SAURABH KUMAR PANDEY s1kpandey@gmail.com 979570064259 SHANTANU SHARMA shantanutill2012@gmail.com 980712025360 SHASHI BHUSHAN RAI shashibhushan.mmmec@gmail.com 9838366123

61 SHIV CHARAN shiva_rsom@yahoo.co.in 945453212062 SHIVAM KATIYAR shivam.ktr@gmail.com 983911233263 SHWETA VERMA shweta.verma.mmmec@gmail.com 945278825064 SUJEET KUMAR SINGH sujeet.malviyan@gmail.com 959865826665 SUNNY KUMAR sunnymmmec07@gmail.com 766821356566 SUNNY RAJPOOT sunny9410602595@gmail.com 941060259567 SWECCHA SINGH sweccha69@gmail.com 737624237968 TRIPTI MISHRA tripti.mmmec@gmail.com 920872313569 TRUPTI PALIWAL paliwal.trupti@gmail.com 945628641570 VIKAS GUPTA vikasecmmmec@gmail.com 945607892971 VIPIN KUMAR ARYA vipinarya81@gmail.com 965175174572 VISHAL SHARMA vishalsharma923@gmail.com 979583403573 NAKUL PRABHAT nakulprabhat@gmail.com 964840514574 ASHISH UPADHYAY ashish.upad3@gmail.com 945112864675 SHYAM VEER SINGH shyam7mmmec@gmail.com 9628382849Mechanical <strong>Engineering</strong>S. No. NAME EMAIL ID CONTACT NO.1 PRITI KATIYAR pkatiyar9@gmail.com 95989535412 AARTI SINGH aarti.mmmec07@gmail.com 94552153993 ABHISHEK MISHRA abhishekmishra.mech@gmail.com 94512475524 AJAY KUMAR YADAV ajay.yadavmmmec@gmail.com 94526142465 ALOK VERMA alokverma.mmmec@gmail.com 94513697366 AMAL KUMAR SINGH amalsingh.mmmec@gmail.com 97930728597 AMIT KUMAR SHUKLA amits14feb@gmail.com 98393362468 ANANT KUMAR 07anant.me@gmail.com 95986584889 ANKIT OBERAI oberoiankit88@gmail.com 953277886410 ANUP KUMAR SINGH anup.4in@gmail.com 930793894711 ASHOK KUMAR SINGH singh01ashok@gmail.com 8004477843212 BHARAT BHUSHAN SHARMA bharat.sharma08@gmail.com 902624325513 DEEPESH SINGH deepmmmec@yahoo.com 941552711414 DINESH KUMAR dineshmmm@gmail.com 945636004415 GANGA SAGAR SINGH gangasagars5@gmail.com 991991622393

9416 HARISH CHAND harish5263@gmail.com 936977405117 HITESH KUMAR kumarhitesh79@gmail.com 988908466818 JITENDRA TYAGI jitendratyagi.44@gmail.com 988980143119 KANCHAN GARIMA kanchan.garima06@gmail.com 930595748920 LALIT VERMA lalit.mmmec@yahoomail.com 947369987621 MEENAKSHI SINGH meenakshi07mmmec@gmail.com 959869622722 NARENDRA KUMAR kumar8784@gmail.com 945237996823 PANKAJ LALWANI lalwani.pankaj@rediff.com 889663837424 PRADIP KUMAR pradip4in@gmail.com 972139532725 PRANJAL TRIPATHI pranjalforyou@gmail.com 950665011026 PRANJALIKA MISHRA pranjali2k3@gmail.com 979596425027 PRIYANKA priyanka_mmmec2007@yahoo.co.in 727542726928 PULKIT MITTAL hipulkit@gmail.com 945229820729 ROHIT rohit.iar@gmail.com 945464240430 RUPAM KESHERWANI rupam.kesherwani@gmail.com 993503099331 SANDEEP KUMAR sandeepme.mmmec@yahoo.com 945280810032 SHAILESH KUMAR GUPTA shailesh.gpt1@gmail.com 945056875433 SHAILIN SHARMA shailin.sharma@gmail.com 752016850034 SHAMMY KUMAR SAH shammy.mitra@gmail.com 958044245235 SHIVANSHU SHARMA shivanshu.mmmec@gmail.com 945567126736 SHRAVAN KUMAR PANDEY shravan.mmmec01@gmail.com 983953373437 STUTI PAL stuti.innovative@gmail.com 902649990838 SUDHA PANDEY sudha.mmmec.01@gmail.com 945567057939 SUNIL KUMAR skg.mmmec07@gmail.com 945123086240 SUSHIL KUMAR sushil.mmmec011@gmail.com 998494045341 VIJAY SINGH vijaysingh.mmmec@gmail.com 945567126842 VINAY KUMAR vin2310@gmail.com 945125915343 VIPUL AGARWAL agarwal.vipul18@gmail.com 945430012544 ARVIND JOSHI arvind_joshi86@yahoo.co.in 954870890345 PANKAJ KUMAR MISHRA pankajmishra02@gmail.com 885314534346 PRIYANKA GUPTA priyanka08mmm@gmail.com 9453261494

Shivam Singh B. Tech II year, Computer Sc. % Engg.97

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