Financial Investors - DocuSign

Financial Investors - DocuSign

Financial Investors - DocuSign

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The Global Standard for eSignature<strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Investors</strong>Sigma PartnersSigma Partners was founded in 1984 on the principle that people are the essential element of success. That is whySigma focuses on identifying exceptional entrepreneurs with creative ideas and supporting them in building greatcompanies.Unlike some firms that hire venture capitalists based upon their business school degrees and finance backgrounds,we think it's much more important to have partners with experience in the trenches starting and runningentrepreneurial companies. This first-hand experience allows us to give early-stage companies both tactical andstrategic guidance and access to a powerful business network. We work on behalf of our portfolio companies. Weknow business doesn't always go as planned, but because we've invested in the best and brightest entrepreneurs,together we adapt and create success.Our investment track record is proof. For more than two decades Sigma Partners has invested in more than ahundred early stage companies, and our portfolio has consistently outperformed. In 2005, we raised $400 millionfor Sigma Partners 7, bringing our total capital under management to more than $1.5 billion. We continue to investtoday in the same way we have since our inception, by identifying great entrepreneurs and collaborating with themto build strong businesses.Scale Venture PartnersScale Venture Partners (ScaleVP) invests in high-growth technology companies with a focus on SaaS, Cloud, Mobileand Internet sectors. With a proven track record and market-specific expertise, ScaleVP is a strategic partner inhelping entrepreneurs and management teams scale their business and grow into long-term companies thatmatter. The firm has a consistent, top quartile track record of returns with over $1 billion under management and iscurrently investing Scale Venture Partners III. Representative investments include Box, BrightRoll, <strong>DocuSign</strong>,Everyday Health, ExactTarget, Glu Mobile, HubSpot, NComputing, Omniture, and RingCentral.ScaleVP is located in Foster City, California. For more information, visit www.scalevp.com or find us on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/scalevp.Ignition PartnersIgnition Partners, headquartered in Bellevue, Wash., is a premier venture capital firm dedicated to helping the bestentrepreneurs seize opportunity - from turning their early stage idea into a business, to hiring the right team,providing the right industry and functional insight and connections and growing their business strategically, globallyand financially to realize the best ultimate outcome. Ignition invests in emerging and future leaders incommunications, Internet, software and services across business and consumer targets. Ignition brings together anunparalleled combination of domain focus, technical expertise and global operational experience.Ignition's partners are proven business leaders who have built some of the world's most successful businesses ofthe last two decades, including Microsoft Windows and Office, McCaw Cellular Communica¬tions, AT&T Wirelessand Starbucks. Ignition's total funds under management are more than $1 billion.

The Global Standard for eSignatureFrazier Technology VenturesAt Frazier Technology Ventures, we target entrepreneurs interested in building category-defining companies in thewireless, web services, software and communications sectors. We apply our experiences from more than a dozenoperating companies like Edmark, LSI Logic, Microsoft, RealNetworks and Visio to develop the partnerships, teamsand business strategies that fuel success.Our collective operating expertise has been developed at both the top industry technology companies and withinthe challenging environments of some of the Northwest's most successful startups. We pride ourselves on bringingthe full weight of the partnership's background to bear on each company in our portfolio.Frazier Technology Ventures completed fundraising for its second institutional fund in 2003. This brought capitalunder management to $150 million. Frazier Technology Ventures has an operating relationship with FrazierHealthcare Ventures, (who has more than $1.2 billion under management) and together the two fund groupscomprise the Pacific Northwest's largest venture franchise.Second Century VenturesSecond Century Ventures (SCV) is a venture capital fund focused on promoting innovation in the real estateindustry and helping to enable the entrepreneurial spirit of real estate thrive. SCV has been fully capitalized by theNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (NAR). With more than 1 million members, NAR is the largest tradeassociation in the country. NAR can provide immediate strategic value to Second Century Ventures' portfoliocompanies by allowing them access to the vast resources of a 300-person organization with expertise, influence andpower that comes only by being ingrained in an industry for more than 100 years.The Principals at Second Century Ventures are seasoned entrepreneurs and investment professionals with deepexperience in technology and real estate industries. Along with the resources of NAR, the Investment Team offersexpertise, thought leadership and a strong relationship network to help its portfolio companies attain their goals.WestRiver Capital, LLCWestRiver Capital, LLC. is an opportunistic investment fund focused primarily on private market transactions.

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