What kind of a People do they think we are? - Winston Churchill

What kind of a People do they think we are? - Winston Churchill

What kind of a People do they think we are? - Winston Churchill

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IMMORTAL WORDSnew barbarians. Unlike Christianityand Judaism, Islam has never experiencedreform. Thirteen centuries afterChristianity's founding, its fanatics<strong>we</strong>re burning infidels in the name <strong>of</strong>God. Thirteen centuries after Islam'sfounding is now. Its fanatics will neverseparate church and state. Wherever<strong>they</strong> rule, women <strong>are</strong> chattel and nonbelievers<strong>are</strong> persecuted: AfricanChristians, Afghan Hindus, In<strong>do</strong>nesianBuddhists, Jews everywhere. Why<strong>are</strong> <strong>we</strong> hated? Because here, women<strong>are</strong> empo<strong>we</strong>red. Here, Christians, Jewsand Muslims live peacefully together."Tell the truth to the British people!"<strong>Churchill</strong> once thundered in frustration.There is the truth.<strong>Churchill</strong> habitually appe<strong>are</strong>d after heavy raids. In Bristol, April 1941, <strong>are</strong> (foreground left to right): bodyguardWalter H. Thompson, Clementine <strong>Churchill</strong>, American Ambassa<strong>do</strong>r Gilbert Winant, WSC.every quarter." 3 Well, <strong>they</strong> have no<strong>we</strong>xported their jihad, their seventh centurymentality, their unending strifeand hatreds to our country. And thatmakes it personal.7 i n succeeding generationsa lot <strong>of</strong> talk about thepacific virtues <strong>we</strong> displayed; how <strong>we</strong> exhaustedevery expedient; how <strong>we</strong> flaunteda magnificent patience; how <strong>we</strong> never lostour heads or <strong>we</strong>re carried away by fear orexcitement; how <strong>we</strong> turned the secondcheek to the smiter seven times or more.Some historians will urge that admirationshould be given to a Government <strong>of</strong>honourable high-minded men who boreprovocation with exemplary forbearanceand piled up to their credit all the Christianvirtues, especially those which commandelectioneering popularity...."I hope it will also be written howhard all this was upon the ordinarycommon folk who fill the casualty lists.Under-represented in Government andParliamentary institutions, <strong>they</strong> confidetheir safety to the Ministers and thePrime Minister <strong>of</strong> the day. They havejust cause <strong>of</strong> complaint if their guides orrulers so mismanage their affairs that inthe end <strong>they</strong> <strong>are</strong> thrust into the worst <strong>of</strong>wars with the worst <strong>of</strong> chances." 4So <strong>we</strong> <strong>are</strong> at war—never mindwhat slick "operation" <strong>we</strong> call it: witharmed forces 40% <strong>of</strong> their size adecade ago, and intelligence demonstrablyin need <strong>of</strong> overhaul. Will <strong>we</strong>get it right this time, or resume thefollies that may someday cost us ourlives? Our inertia in defending ourliberty <strong>do</strong>gs our history. How <strong>of</strong>ten,<strong>Churchill</strong> wondered, must <strong>we</strong> learnthe old truths anew, to slide slowly<strong>do</strong>wn from invincibility, only to bereminded by sudden calamity that <strong>we</strong>have neglected the primary mission <strong>of</strong>government: to provide for the commondefense?^O till, if you will not fight for thebright when you can easily winwithout bloodshed; if you will not fightwhen your victory will be sure and nottoo costly; you may come to the momentwhen you will have to fight with all theodds against you and only a precariouschance <strong>of</strong> survival. There may even be aworse case. You may have to fight whenthere is no hope <strong>of</strong> victory, because it isbetter to perish than live as slaves." 5Moral relativists once told usNazis just wanted a place in the sun;today <strong>they</strong> tell us the same about thes^aM have no truce or parleywith you, or the grisly gangwho work your wicked will. You <strong>do</strong> yourworst—and <strong>we</strong> will <strong>do</strong> our best.... We<strong>do</strong> not expect to hit without being hitback, and <strong>we</strong> intend with every <strong>we</strong>ekthat passes to hit harder. Prep<strong>are</strong> yourselvesthen, my friends and comrades, forthis renewal <strong>of</strong> your exertions. We shallnever turn from our purpose, ho<strong>we</strong>versombre the road, ho<strong>we</strong>ver grievous thecost, because <strong>we</strong> know that out <strong>of</strong> thistime <strong>of</strong> trial and tribulation will beborn a new free<strong>do</strong>m and glory for allman<strong>kind</strong>." 6<strong>Churchill</strong> warned that the task athand would not be easy. Not for himthe 1914 formulation, "it will all beover by Christmas." On the contrary,he said (and President Bush has almostsaid): "We must prep<strong>are</strong> ourselvesfor hard and heavy tidings."After Pearl Harbor <strong>Churchill</strong>brought this message to America. Theenemy may be "dazzled and dizzy withtheir own schemes <strong>of</strong> aggression andthe prospect <strong>of</strong> early victories." Theyhave misjudged us. It is "difficult toreconcile [their] action with prudenceor even with sanity. <strong>What</strong> <strong>kind</strong> <strong>of</strong> apeople <strong>do</strong> <strong>they</strong> <strong>think</strong> <strong>we</strong> <strong>are</strong>? Is it possible<strong>they</strong> <strong>do</strong> not realize that <strong>we</strong> shallnever cease to persevere against >»FINEST HOUR 112/9

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