Rules booklet - Victory Point Games

Rules booklet - Victory Point Games

Rules booklet - Victory Point Games

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Napoleonic 20 Standard Game <strong>Rules</strong> v3.0 11at a single hex, you must make aseparate die roll for each of them![9.8.5] Friendly Units: If no other routeis available, a Retreating unit may movethrough friendly occupied hexes. If itsRetreat would end in a friendly-occupiedhex, it Retreats one additional hex at atime until it is no longer stacked with afriendly unit. This means additional dierolls if these hexes are also hazardous![9.8.6] Retreat Direction Priority:While always yielding to Rule 9.8.2,whenever and wherever possible, youmust Retreat your units in such a waythat, with each hex they Retreat, theymove closer to a friendly Line ofCommunications (LOC) hex (see theExclusive <strong>Rules</strong>) than the hex Retreatedfrom.You have the choice of which LOC hexto Retreat each unit toward if more thanone is available (regardless of proximityto the Retreating unit).[9.8.7] Going the Distance: A Retreatpath can zig-zag only to avoid selfdestruction,but it must strive tomaintain Rule 9.8.6. The length of theRetreat path must be the full indicatednumber of hexes. If the unit reaches theLOC before reaching the full requireddistance, it Breaks in the LOC hex (i.e.,it is Retreated ‘off the map’).Advancing After CombatVictorious attacking or defending units canusually Advance After Combat.[9.9] Advance After Combat Cases:Units must adhere to the following Caseswhen conducting Advance After Combat:[9.9.1] The Retreat Path: When anenemy unit Retreats as a result of combat,it will leave a specific path of vacanthexes behind it called the ‘RetreatPath.’ If this path went through a hexcontaining another unit friendly to theRetreating unit (9.8.5), the Retreat Pathends at the unit Retreated through.If a unit Breaks, then the hex it occupiedat the instant of Breaking is thetermination point for its Retreat Path.[9.9.2] Who is Eligible to Advance?Any or all surviving victorious non-Artillery, non-Routed units (and see16.8.3, “Spent”) that participated in theBattle can Advance After Combat bytheir owner along the enemy RetreatPath (only). Units cannot stray from theRetreat Path while Advancing.[9.9.3] Which Units Must and CannotAdvance: Normally, Advancing is madeat the discretion of the victorious player,but if there are one or more victoriousCavalry units involved in that Battle,the victorious player must roll a die onthe Controlled Advance Table (subtractingone if any are ‘Heavy’ Cavalryunits of 2 or more Combat Strength). If control of the Advance is kept,there is no effect and those unitsAdvance normally as their owner seesfit. If control of the Advance is lost by theCavalry, then at least one victoriousCavalry unit must Advance.After any mandatory Cavalry unitAdvance After Combat is conducted, ifthe defeated unit’s hex is still vacant,then one other attacking unit involved inthat Battle may (at the owning player’sdiscretion) Advance After Combat intothat hex (only), if otherwise allowed.[9.9.4] Enemy ZOCs: Advancing unitsalways ignore enemy Zones of Control.[9.9.5] Advance Limit: Artillery andRouted units can never Advance AfterCombat, Infantry unitscannot Advancebeyond the hexoccupied by thedefender at the start ofthat Battle, and aCavalry unit cannotAdvance a number of© 1999 Joe Miranda and © 2013 <strong>Victory</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>Games</strong>

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