consolidated statement of financial condition - Barclays Capital

consolidated statement of financial condition - Barclays Capital

consolidated statement of financial condition - Barclays Capital

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The valuation techniques and significant inputs used indetermining the fair values <strong>of</strong> cash instruments andderivative contracts classified within level 1 and level 2<strong>of</strong> the fair value hierarchy are as follows:• Cash instrumentsThe Company’s cash instruments are generallyclassified within level 1 or level 2 <strong>of</strong> the fair valuehierarchy because they are valued using quotedmarket prices, broker or dealer quotations, oralternative pricing sources with reasonable levels <strong>of</strong>price transparency. The types <strong>of</strong> instruments valuedbased on quoted market prices in active marketsinclude certain U.S. government obligations, othersovereign government obligations, actively tradedlisted equities and certain money market securities.Such instruments are generally classified within level 1<strong>of</strong> the fair value hierarchy. The Company does notadjust the quoted price for such instruments, even insituations where the Company holds a large positionand a sale could reasonably impact the quoted price.The types <strong>of</strong> instruments that trade in markets thatare not considered to be active, but are valued basedon quoted market prices, broker or dealer quotations,or alternative pricing sources with reasonable levels <strong>of</strong>price transparency include most government agencyobligations, investment-grade corporate bonds, certainmortgage products, less liquid publicly listed equities,and state, municipal and provincial obligations. Suchinstruments are generally classified within level 2 <strong>of</strong>the fair value hierarchy, and may be adjusted to reflectilliquidity and/or non-transferability, which aregenerally based on available market evidence, and mayincorporate management’s best estimate based onavailable market evidence.• Derivative ContractsDerivative contracts can be exchange-traded or overthe-counter(“OTC”). Exchange-traded derivatives,including equity options, typically fall within level 1 orlevel 2 <strong>of</strong> the fair value hierarchy, depending onwhether they are deemed to be actively traded or not.The Company generally values exchange-tradedderivatives using models which are calibrated tomarket clearing levels and eliminate timing differencesbetween the closing price <strong>of</strong> the exchange-tradedderivatives and their underlying <strong>financial</strong> instruments.11

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