professional negotiations agreement - State Employment Relations ...

professional negotiations agreement - State Employment Relations ...

professional negotiations agreement - State Employment Relations ...


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cost. Payment must be made to the Treasurer or his/her designee thirty (30) days inadvance of the month for which the benefits are purchased. During the term of thiscontract, if the life insurance benefits become available for persons on leave, they will beadded.J. FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE: A bargaining unit member shall have the right to apply forand be granted family and medical leave in accordance with 29 U.S.C. §2601 et. seq.ARTICLE XIII- REDUCTION IN FORCE (hereinafter RIF)A. REASONS FOR REDUCTION IN FORCE: If the Board determines that it is necessary toreduce the number of bargaining unit positions under reasons outlined in ORC 3319.17, ordue to a reduction in state funding (line 23 of the Ohio Department of Education - Divisionof School Finance form SF-12 as determined by the January actual calculation) over theprevious year, or a reduction in the local real estate tax, personal tangible property taxand the state property tax allocation (Rollback/Homestead Exemption) combined over theprevious year as certified by the Department of Tax Equalization by March 1, or theclosing of a school (Bascom Elementary), then it shall do so by suspending the contracts ofbargaining unit members using the following procedures:B. NOTIFICATION TO LTA PRESIDENT: The Board shall notify the LTA President that areduction is necessary for the next school year thirty (30) days prior to its occurrence. Thatnotice shall identify the number of positions to be affected by the RIF.C. ATTRITION: The Board shall attempt to keep such reduction to a minimum by means ofattrition; i.e., not replacing employees who resign or retire, or not replacing teachers whoare non-renewed under O.R.C. 3319.11.D. SENIORITY LISTS: All members of the bargaining unit will be placed on a seniority list foreach teaching field for which they are properly certificated. Teachers serving undercontinuing contracts will be placed at the top of the list, in descending order of seniority.Teachers serving under limited contracts will be placed on the list under continuing contractteachers, also in descending order of seniority. Teachers with continuing contracts shall begiven preference over limited contract teachers. The LTA shall also be provided a copy of allseniority lists by February 1 st .E. SENIORITY DEFINED: Seniority will be defined for this and all other parts of the contract asthe length of continuous service as a certificated employee under regular contract in thisdistrict. <strong>Employment</strong> under contract as a certificated employee for 120 days or more in anyschool year shall constitute one year of continuous service.21

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