professional negotiations agreement - State Employment Relations ...

professional negotiations agreement - State Employment Relations ...

professional negotiations agreement - State Employment Relations ...


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C. Once both parties have ratified the contract, the contract shall be printed in final form, andsufficient copies distributed to the LTA, administration, and Board with costs shared on apro-rata basis between the LTA and the Board.ARTICLE XXV- CONTRARY TO LAW PROVISIONIf any provision of this <strong>agreement</strong>, or the application of any provision, shall be rendered ordeclared invalid, unlawful, or not enforceable by any court action or by reason of any existing orsubsequently enacted legislation, then such provision shall not be applicable, performed, orenforced, but all remaining parts of this <strong>agreement</strong> shall remain in full force and effect for theterm of this Agreement.ARTICLE XXVI- NO STRIKESDuring the term of the Agreement, neither the Association nor any employee shall engage inany strike, sit down, sit in, work stoppage, “slow down,” job action or any other concertedinterference with the operation of the schools as scheduled by the employer and prohibited byORC 4117. Any violation of this section will be automatic and sufficient grounds for immediatedisciplinary action by the Board against the participating employee(s).ARTICLE XXVII- DURATION OF AGREEMENTA. The Master Contract between the LaBrae Teachers’ Association and the LaBrae Board ofEducation shall be from August 29, 2012, to August 28, 2014.B. The Board and the Association acknowledge that during <strong>negotiations</strong> which precededthis Agreement, each has the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands andproposals with respect to any subject or matter within the scope of collectivebargaining/<strong>negotiations</strong> and that all the understandings and <strong>agreement</strong>s arrived at bythe parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in the writtenprovisions of this Agreement. All other previously negotiated Agreements notincorporated herein are null and void and of no further force or effect.ARTICLE XXVIII- SUBCONTRACTING OF WORKA. It will be the policy and intent of the Board to utilize its qualified employees for work inits schools and to subcontract work normally performed by its employees only whenthat course is dictated by circumstances beyond the control of the Board.B. Before proceeding with such subcontracting, the Board, except where it is of anemergency or casual nature (short duration), will notify the LTA explaining the reasonsfor such subcontracting. The parties shall meet at times requested to negotiate anysubcontracting matters.33

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