The Tax Tamer ® I - First Investors

The Tax Tamer ® I - First Investors

The Tax Tamer ® I - First Investors

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passes income-tax free to the Beneficiary; anannuity death benefit does not.• <strong>The</strong> assets of the General Accountsupport Our insurance obligations and aresubject to general liabilities from Ourbusiness operations and to claims by Ourgeneral creditors. Any guarantees underYour Contract that exceed Your AccumulatedValue (such as those that may be associatedwith the death benefit), are paid from theGeneral Account. Any such amounts that Weare obligated to pay in excess of YourAccumulated Value are subject to Ourfinancial strength and claims-paying ability.WHO WE ARE AND HOW TO CONTACTUS<strong>First</strong> <strong>Investors</strong> Life<strong>First</strong> <strong>Investors</strong> Life Insurance Company, withits home office at 40 Wall Street, New York,New York 10005, is a stock life insurancecompany incorporated under the laws of theState of New York in 1962. We write lifeinsurance and annuities.<strong>First</strong> <strong>Investors</strong> Life is part of <strong>First</strong> <strong>Investors</strong>Consolidated Corporation ("FICC"), aholding company, which owns all of thevoting common stock of <strong>First</strong> <strong>Investors</strong> Life.Other affiliates of <strong>First</strong> <strong>Investors</strong> Life include:<strong>First</strong> <strong>Investors</strong> Corporation ("FIC"), thedistributor of the Contracts; <strong>First</strong> <strong>Investors</strong>Management Company, Inc. (“FIMCO”), theinvestment adviser of the Life Series Funds;and Administrative Data Management Corp.,the transfer agent for the Life Series Funds.For information or service concerning aContract, You can contact Us in writing atOur Administrative Office located at RaritanPlaza 1, Edison, New Jersey 08837. You canalso call Us at 1-800-832-7783 between thehours of 9:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M., EasternTime, or fax Us at 732-855-5935. You canalso contact Us through Our Website atwww.firstinvestors.com.You should send any Purchase Payments,notices, elections, or requests that Youmake, as well as any other documentationthat We require for any purpose in7connection with Your Policy, to OurAdministrative Office. No such payment,notice, election, request or documentationwill be treated as having been “received” byUs until We have received it, as well as anyrelated items that We require, all in completeand Good Order (i.e., in form and substanceacceptable to Us) at Our AdministrativeOffice.To meet Our requirements for processingtransactions, We may require that You useOur forms. We will notify You and provideYou with an address if We designate anotheroffice for receipt of information, paymentsand documents.Separate Account C<strong>First</strong> <strong>Investors</strong> Life Variable Annuity Fund C("Separate Account C") was established onDecember 21, 1989 under New YorkInsurance Law. Separate Account C (the“Separate Account”) is registered with theSecurities and Exchange Commission(“SEC”) as a unit investment trust under theInvestment Company Act of 1940, asamended (“1940 Act”).We segregate the assets of the SeparateAccount from Our other assets in OurGeneral Account. <strong>The</strong>se assets fall into twocategories: (1) assets equal to Our reservesand other liabilities under the Contract and(2) additional assets derived from expensesthat We charge to the Separate Account. <strong>The</strong>assets equal to Our reserves and liabilitiessupport the Contract. We cannot use theseassets to satisfy any of Our other obligations.<strong>The</strong> assets We derive from Contract chargesdo not support the Contract, and We cantransfer these assets in cash to Our GeneralAccount. Before making a transfer, We willconsider any possible adverse impact thatthe transfer may have on a Separate Account.We credit to, or charge against, theSubaccounts of each Separate Accountrealized and unrealized income, gains andlosses without regard to Our other income,gains and losses. <strong>The</strong> obligations under theContract are Our obligations. Any guaranteesunder Your Policy that exceed Your

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