The Tax Tamer ® I - First Investors

The Tax Tamer ® I - First Investors

The Tax Tamer ® I - First Investors

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OTHER INFORMATIONVOTING RIGHTSBecause the Life Series Funds is not requiredto have annual shareholder meetings,Contractowners generally will not have anoccasion to vote on matters that pertain tothe Life Series Funds. In certaincircumstances, one or more of the Fundsmay be required to hold a shareholdersmeeting or may choose to hold onevoluntarily. For example, a Fund may notchange fundamental investment policieswithout the approval of a majority vote ofthat Fund’s shareholders in accordance withthe 1940 Act.If a Fund holds a meeting at whichshareholders are entitled to vote,Contractowners would have an opportunityto provide voting instructions for shares ofthe Fund held by a Subaccount in which theirContract invests. We would vote the shares ofany Fund held in a correspondingSubaccount or directly, at any Fundshareholders meeting as follows:• shares attributable to Contractownersfor which We received instructions, would bevoted in accordance with the instructions;• shares attributable to Contractownersfor which We did not receive instructions,would be voted in the same proportion thatWe voted shares held in the Subaccount forwhich We received instructions; and• shares not attributable toContractowners, would be voted in the sameproportion that We voted shares held in theSubaccount attributable to Contractownersfor which We received instructions.We will vote Fund shares that We holddirectly in the same proportion that We voteshares held in any correspondingSubaccounts that are attributable toContractowners and for which We receiveinstructions. However, We will vote Our ownshares as We deem appropriate where thereare no shares held in any Subaccount. Wewill present all the shares of any Fund that23We held through a Subaccount or directly atany Fund shareholders meeting for purposesof determining a quorum.We will determine the number of Fundshares held in a corresponding Subaccountthat is attributable to each Contractowner asfollows:• before the Annuity CommencementDate, We divide the Subaccount’sAccumulated Value by the net asset value ofone Fund share, and• after the Annuity Commencement Date,We divide the reserve held in the Subaccountfor the variable annuity payment under theContract by the net asset value of one Fundshare. As this reserve fluctuates, the numberof votes fluctuates.We will determine the number of votes that aContractowner has the right to cast as of therecord date established by the Life SeriesFunds. We will solicit instructions by writtencommunication before the date of themeeting at which votes will be cast. We willsend meeting information and othermaterials relating to the Fund to eachContractowner having a voting interest in aSubaccount.<strong>The</strong> voting rights that We describe in thisprospectus are created under applicablelaws. If the laws eliminate the necessity tosubmit such matters for approval by personshaving voting rights in separate accounts ofinsurance companies or restrict such votingrights, We reserve the right to proceed inaccordance with any such changed laws orregulations. Specifically, We reserve the rightto vote shares of any Fund in Our own right,to the extent the law permits.PROCESSING TRANSACTIONSGenerally, Your transaction requests will beprocessed as of the Business Day on whichWe receive them, if We receive them in GoodOrder before the closing of business on theBusiness Day (generally 4:00 P.M. EasternTime). Otherwise, they will be processed as

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